Summer Healthy Home Threats

Summer Healthy Home Threats… in Every Home

Summer – the earth is warm, the flowers are in bloom, there are trips to the beach, celebrations, longer school holidays… 

If the songs are anything to go by, summer is the time when the sweetest memories are created.

And yet, like with every other season, there are summer healthy home threats.

What is a “healthy home threat”?

I like to define a healthy home threat as anything that interferes with, or poses a risk to, the good work we’re doing to create and maintain a healthy home. 

It could be pollen, an allergen, a rise in relative humidity, a leak, new paint, new taps, a new technology – there are so many possibilities.

What are the Unique Challenges Which Summer Brings?

The days are long and hot, with the sun rising early and setting late (often close to 8.30pm here in Melbourne). 

There are a great many celebrations – religious, end of year, solstice, and more.

In Sumer, we often:

  • Spend much of our days outdoors
  • Open our windows in the cool of the morning or as the change comes through
  • In more tropical environments, it’s hot, humid and wet
  • Crank the air conditioning
  • Eat lots of summer fruits (stone fruits and berries)
  • Gather for various parties and celebrations

Let’s now explore how these changes in our behaviour are linked to Summer Healthy Home Threats.


Increased Use of Fragrances

The increase in temperature, with or without high levels of humidity, tends to result in most of us perspiring (sweating) more than in the cooler seasons.

As a result, a lot of people put on more antiperspirant or use even more fragrances than usual in an attempt to mask any body odours.


  1. Wash more often – consider carrying a wet washer in a press-seal bag that you can wipe sweat off with
  2. Activated charcoal soap & deodorants
  3. Consider natural deodorants – some of my clients have used bicarbonate of soda, other swear by cider vinegar, personally, I prefer to mix up essential oils in a bottle of rose water and spray that on every few hours (essential oils evaporate quickly)

Reduced Indoor Air Quality

Closing the windows to keep the heat out and the cool in can cause indoor air pollutants to build up, which is never ideal.

This is made worse when bringing new items into the home – which are often still off-gassing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and potentially also formaldehyde.

Adding another layer to this is the increased temperatures speeding up the release of VOCs, which can readily form by-products in the air.

The great thing about this problem is that the solutions are simple!


  1. Ventilate your home. Open doors and windows at least 3 times a day (the ideal would be every hour) to exchange the air in your home.
  2. When you’ve got the windows closed, ensure your air purifier is going.
  3. Avoid using “air fresheners” and other scented products.

Moisture in the Interstitial Spaces

Condensation forms where there are variations in temperatures. What we see with the use of air conditioning, is condensation forming on the other side of plasterboards, outside of windows and also on the other side of the ceiling.

These areas are referred to as “interstitial spaces” and can be the site of many cases of “hidden mould.”

In 2018, I was in far north Queensland to present training on mould and was amazed to see the windows literally streaming with condensation – to the point that it looked like it was raining heavily.

This is a complex problem, but ultimately it rests heavily on the use of air conditioning – as this is what causes massive temperature variations.


  1. Explore alternative ways to cool – installing plants along the paths and in front of your windows to naturally cool the air, hanging a wet sheet across the open window or door, wetting your hair, clothes or skin.
  2. Aim to keep the inside temperature closer to the outside temperature – don’t set the cooling for 15oC, instead, set it for 25-30oC.
  3. If you can, keep the windows open a little to help even out the temperature a bit.


Higher levels of relative humidity in tropical and subtropical regions is the number one problem here.

It’s important to remember that there are mould spores everywhere, waiting for the right conditions. 

Often all they are waiting for is enough moisture. 

And high levels of relative humidity can provide this.

(This is why “mould is a moisture issue” – as I’m sure you’ve heard me say time and again).


  1. Keep an eye on the levels of relative humidity with a hygrometer, remembering the ideal range is 40-60% RH, with 50% RH being the magic number.
  2. If the relative humidity levels go above this, use a dehumidifier to bring them down to below 60% RH.
  3. Pull furniture from against the walls, so that air can circulate around it, as well as giving you the opportunity to check the walls for mould.
  4. Clean with microfibre cloths.
  5. Add essential oils, such as thyme and oregano to your cleaning water.

Mosquitoes & Other Pests

The combination of higher temperatures and higher levels of rainfall (as we’ve been seeing in Australia) results in more active breeding of mosquitoes, termites, cockroaches and rodents.

Each of them bring their own risks to either human health and/or the health of our homes.

While we consider them pests, we need to be considered in how we deal with them.

My preference is always to deter them, rather than kill them. 

If you prefer to kill them, then take great care with poisons – especially rodenticides (poison for rodents – rats and mice). Poison can be slow acting, and other animals further up the food chain can also be killed as a result. I’ll be putting a post together on this soon. In the meantime please read more here – as they also include a post about safer poisons.


  1. Install fly screens over doors and windows; and repair any old ones that are damaged.
  2. Use essential oils to deter them, such as my Bug Repellent.
  3. Read these posts for ways to deter cockroaches, termites and spiders.
  4. Keep your food in sealed containers – I love glass jars for this.
  5. Take your rubbish out daily, and ensure that your bin is closed.
  6. Clear wood out of your garden.
  7. Ensure that your property drains well and that there are no pools of water around.
  8. Keep your garden free food – collect fallen fruit, seal your compost, 
  9. Use a feeder for your chooks to prevent their food attracting rodents.
  10. Encourage native birds that prey on rodents.
  11. Encourage spiders that eat smaller insects.

Summer Healthy Home Threats… Sorted!

And, I wanted to share some final tips.

  • Make the most of the cleansing power of the sun – dry your laundry outside; wash bedding (and pillows if recommended by the manufacturer); and take your mattress outside to air. 
  • Take your rugs outside, and put them over a rail or airing rack and turn them over so both sides get the sun shining on them.
  • Spring cleaning is great, but summer cleaning is even better as the sun can really boost your efforts.

If you’d like any help with this – then you can book a call with me. I’d be more than happy to help solve your healthy home issues.

Healthy Homes 101 Checklist © Eco Health Solutions

Just starting your Healthy Home journey?


I’ve put together this Healthy Homes 101: Checklist for people just like you.

No more confusion, overwhelm or hype…

Just useful information to get you started.

Download your FREE copy here.

Plastic-Free July (and every month)

Why Avoid Plastic?

Avoiding plastic has always been something high on my agenda.

When I was a teen and a twenty-something, it was about protecting the environment –

  • not creating waste,
  • minimising the creating of single-use items, and
  • protecting our beautiful planet (in a very general sense)

As I have gotten older, and understood more about the environment and health, it has become even more important.

Here are three really big reasons to avoid plastics.


1. Pollutants from Plastics

Plastic bottles and containers can leach phthalates, xenooestrogens and other pollutant into the food, personal care or cleaning product with them.

This can play havoc with our health, as they interfere with our hormones (“endocrine-disrupting chemicals”).

What is more, they can also effect other animals that are exposed to them.


2. Plastic Polluting

Most of us already know about the piles of plastics in the oceans that form islands…

Our PET bottles, condoms, bags, and so on, all sweep the oceans and accumulate in certain areas.

As well, very small particles can break off plastic items (including synthetic clothing) to form microplastics.

These tiny pieces are a massice problem in the environment.


3. Killing Wildlife

One example is seabirds.

I saw a documentary where seabirds needed humans to help them survive.


Parents were feeding their young plastic that they had “caught” in the oceans…

Of course, the young were not able to digest it…

So it accumulated in their stomachs.

There were three big consequences of this.

a) The presence of the plastics in stomachs of the youing birds could leach endocrine-disrupting chemicals… which might have devastating effects on the species.

b) The birds were not being nourished properly – as plastic isn’t food!

c) The baby birds were heavy with all the plastic in their stomachs – which meant that as they headed out to sea, they would not be able to fly, and would then drown.

The scientists would catch the youngsters as they headed to the water…

And get them to vomit out all the plastic.

There was a surprisingly (and alarmingly) large amount of it!

By removing the plastic from their stomachs, they were being given the best chance to survive.


It was truly heartbreaking to see this.

So, what can you do about it?

Join the Challenge –

In my free Facebook group, we are doing a Plastic-Free Challenge.

Consider alternatives to plastic –


Choose Your Tactic has compiled this great resource – download it here – then review it and choose which ones that you can action.

P.S. This is a great one to involve the kids with 😉

Environmental Stressors Can Cause Blindness??

Environmental Stressors Can Cause Blindness??

Say what? Environmental stressors can cause blindness????


Let me illustrate this with a story about Billie.

Billie (not her real name) is a young Mum who is super keen to ensure her bubba is safe. She’d heard about 5G and noticed some of the attention it was getting. So she asked Dr Google, she joined FB groups, she sought out information from everywhere.

Out came Protective Mamma Bear.

5G became an obsession. It consumed every available moment between changing nappies, feeding, washing, playing with bubba and sleep…. Well, to be honest, it even started to creep in there too – as she dreamed about #5G.

Billie was so obsessed with 5G that she thought nothing of using her tablet while bubba slept, while it connected to the wi-fi.

The humidifier in bubba’s room that was causing mould to grow on the ceiling didn’t even enter her mind.

The perfume she spritzed on her body and clothes didn’t get a mention.

She was so caught up in the one issue, that she saw nothing else.

Not surprisingly, she was blinded by her obsession with one environmental stressor.

Billie is not alone. Environmental Stressors are Hugely Important

Billie’s story is not unique. I see this time and time again – be it around #SmartMeters, #fragrances, #lead, #mould… any #EnvironmentalStressor. 

Whilst it is valid to be informed and proactive, there are quite a lot of issues with this kind of blinkered focus on one thing. 

In a nutshell, the issues are:

🤷🏽‍♂️ There is a lot of mis-information, hype and well-marketed nonsense. As a result, you can end up spending a lot of time and money on unnecessary things

🔎 With all the mis-information, you might end up doing something that could make things worse

🔍 Usually, when my team and I assess homes of people like Billie, we find all sorts of other problems that are much larger issues than the one they are stressing about… the blinkers need to come off to be able to address the bigger picture

And yet, there is much more to this…

It is one small word that has massive ramifications.

🔎 It is #stress 🔎 

Stress can cause a whole gamut of problems. It can:

😡 Reduce your ability to #detoxify 

😞 Negatively impact your #sleep (and as a result, your mood)

😕 Cause a release of all sorts of chemicals in the body that ultimately reduce your #resilience 

AND, this next one is the worst of all, in my opinion.

😔 Stress can cause you to freeze up, become #overwhelmed and take NO action

I believe strongly in taking #empowered action.

There is always something you can do to make a difference.

Even if it feels small, it is enormous! 

So, I urge you to keep perspective, to open your heart to the wonderful things in life, and draw inspiration to take empowered action.

One of my favourite recommendations is to put flowering plants in your garden (or balcony). This will help the birds, bees, insects and your loved ones. 

Take a moment to imagine how the world would benefit if every single person did this? 


Is My House Making Me Sick? Pt2

Is My House Making Me Sick?


>> Is My House Making Me Sick? Part 1 is here <<

3. Sleep… in peace!

There is a lot of emerging research that shows device use interferes with our sleep, and that blue light can damage our eyes.

The mental stimulation when Googling things, interacting on social media, and even video calls can make it hard to sleep.

Our tablets, smart phones and smart watches contain LED lights.

The evening use of such devices which has been associated with:

  • Poor quality sleep,
  • Reduced concentration the next day,
  • Poor mood, and
  • Reduced accuracy…

… According to recent research.

As well, there is a reduction in melatonin – a hormone that has antioxidant actions.

Antioxidants play an important role in detoxification and keeping us healthy.

When we began this conversation, I shared with you about the importance of sleep in the healing. Anything that interrupts sleep, for whatever reason, needs to be reduced.

Did You Know?

Did you know that apps used to measure sleep have uncovered an insomnia epidemic?

BUT did you also know that the wireless technology required for these apps to function has been linked to sleep disturbances?

“What Can I Do?”

At the very least, don’t sleep with your phone!

4. Smell… naturally lovely!

I want to tackle the topic of “fragrances” here. Fragrances are in everything from perfumes, air fresheners and deodorisers. They are in our laundry products, sanitary protection, and even in our cosmetics. Nappies, doggy-do bags, and toilet paper also are scented… and that is just the tip of the iceberg!

If you ever see this word on a label, it means “a cocktail of many ingredients.” Fragrance, parfum and perfume all mean the same thing, when reading labels.

The ingredients used in perfumery are primarily chemicals, most of which haven’t been tested for safe use by humans, some that have been tested really aren’t good for us (causing cancer, irritating our skin and lungs, messing with our hormones…).

Our exposure to fragrances is enormous and our bodies need to deal with this. For some people, this constant exposure is physically exhausting.

Did You Know?

Did you know essential oils are a better option that synthetic fragrances? But please bear on mind that they are very potent – so use sparingly and avoid using them 24/7. For people who are environmentally sensitive, even these can be problematic. Please use them with care (and NEVER eat/drink them).

“What Can I Do?”

Don’t buy anything that contains fragrance, parfum or perfume.

5. Stay… mould-free!

Have you noticed there has been a lot of media stories about mould and how it is making people sick? It has definitely attracted a lot of attention, and was the subject of a 2018 Parliamentary Inquiry, instigated by Senator Lucy Wicks. Mould comes in many different colours, and it doesn’t have to be black to cause health problems.

Mould spores are everywhere and play an important role on our planet. Only 25% of the spores can grow, the other 75% are “dead” (that said, it doesn’t make them less problematic for someone who is sensitive).

However, we don’t want mould growing in our homes.

When you think about it, all mould is waiting for is the right conditions to grow. This centres on the right amount of moisture. Moisture can come from leaks, burst pipes, spills, condensation and many other places.

Did You Know?

Did you know that flexible braided hoses (the bendy pipes on your taps and toilets) account for over 20% of water damage claims in Australian homes? They only last for around 5-7 years and erode faster in the presence of chemicals. (What is under your sink?)

“What Can I Do?”

Deal with water quickly – mop up spills, fix leaks, dry out anything that has become wet within 24-hours.

I trust this has given you a lot to go on with…

If you have any concerns, or want to get in touch, please book a call.

Handy Essential Oils

Handy Essential Oils to Use Around the Home

I wanted to share with you some handy essential oils that you can use with ease. 

essential oils pests

I don’t like conventional pesticides they are neurotoxins, many of which were developed for use in warfare!

Instead, I like to think about “pests” as a critter in the wrong place. Thus my approach is aversion. I would rather they chose not to be there, than be killed.

What works for cockroaches?

Cockroaches absolutely dislike pennyroyal essential oil.

I am not sure why, I love its minty aroma.

All you need to do to keep them out of cupboards is to put a few drops on a cotton ball and place this in your cupboard.

essential oils smells

Essential Oils and Smells

Smells around the home can be unpleasant – but less so than “air fresheners” that add to the particulate matter in the air, and coat everything with a synthetic fragrance.

Whilst my favourite strategies are to:

  1. Remove the source of the odour, and
  2. Open doors and windows and exchange the air.

But sometimes there is a need to help “manage” the smells.


In this instance, I am referring to the bathroom/powder room/toilet. You know what I am getting at… 😉

And for Bathroom Smells?

An essential oil that works wonders for this is tea tree essential oil.

You can make up a small spray bottle with water and a few drops of tea tree and use this as needed.

Obviously, opening doors and windows is always a good option. 🙂

essential oils and sleep

Essential Oils and Sleep

Many people recommend lavender essential oil to assist with sleep.

I don’t.


I have heard from many people over the decades which I have used essential oils find that lavender “hypes them up.”


To help get a good nights’ sleep, a good routine is important.

Here’s what I suggest:

  • No later than 7pm each evening, turn off wi-fi and all devices (including phones and tablets)
  • After your evening meal, go for a short stroll. In Chinese medicine, it is often recommended to walk 100 steps after dinner
  • Avoid phone calls and conversations
  • If you have a lot on your mind, “dump” it onto paper to clear it from your mind
  • Journal or make your days’ gratitude list
  • Meditate or pray

What to Use for Sleep?

I think we need to keep our bedrooms as free from anything that the body needs to deal with – and for many of us, we have already had enormous toxicant-exposures through the day.

For this reason, I think it best not to use essential oils.

However, if you are keen to do so, I recommend sweet marjoram and sweet orange.

Chamomile may also be helpful.

Let me know your thoughts.

#essentialoils #handyessentialoils #naturalpesticide #smells #sleep





Do You Ventilate Your Home?

Do You Ventilate Your Home?

What did I notice when I first started assessing homes? I discovered something that surprised me – and still does. A vast number of people don’t ventilate their homes.

This means, that in many cases they rarely (or never) open windows and doors to air the place out.

Why is this a problem?

Put simply, it means that everything builds up. Statistics have shown that the indoor air can be anywhere from 5-10 times MORE polluted that the outdoor air!

The indoor air is not diluted, which can result in dangerous levels of indoor air contaminants, including the deadly carbon monoxide.

If you use pesticides, including plug-ins, the levels of neurotoxins will build up.

It means that levels of volatile organic compounds build up – this is obviously made worse with the use of “air fresheners,” scented reeds and the like.

It means that moisture builds up – from bathing and cooking, but also breathing and perspiring. This can create the right environment for mould to flourish.

*Every day* open your windows and doors to exchange the air.

#ventilate #openwindows #diluteIndoorAir