Condensation Causes Mould: Understanding the Impact on Metal Roofs

Condensation Causes Mould

In this post, we’ll be exploring how condensation causes mould.

Condensation is a common phenomenon that occurs when moist air comes into contact with a cold surface, leading to the formation of water droplets. 

While condensation can affect various surfaces, metal roofs, particularly those with a low angle, present unique challenges. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of condensation on metal roofs, focusing on its potential to cause mould growth and its implications for health. 

By understanding this relationship, homeowners and builders can take proactive measures to mitigate the risks associated with condensation.

The Nature of Metal Roofs

Metal roofs have gained popularity due to their durability, longevity, and aesthetic appeal – they’re also relatively low cost, and are quicker and easier to install than more traditional roofing materials, such as tiles. 

However, they also possess certain characteristics that make them susceptible to condensation-related issues – namely that metal is a good thermal conductor – meaning it can cool and heat up relatively quickly. What happens then, is that metal roofs are often close to the outdoor temperature and thus can be very different to the temperature within a roof space or attic.

Metal roofs are typically installed with an angle of less than 22 degrees, which poses challenges when it comes to managing water runoff (Australian Building Codes Board, 2021), we’ll come back to this.

Condensation Drips and the Risk of Mould Growth

In traditional roofing systems with steeper angles, rainwater efficiently runs off the surface, minimising the chances of water accumulation and subsequent condensation-related problems. 

However, when the angle of a metal roof is less than 22 degrees, condensation cannot run off it, which results in it dripping.

As I always say, mould is a moisture issue.

Mould spores are everywhere and are waiting for the right level of moisture to become active. Metal roofs with condensation issues can provide an ideal environment for mould. 

The growth of mould on a roof’s underside not only compromises its structural integrity but also poses serious health risks to occupants (National Construction Code, 2021).

I want to illustrate this for you with some photos I took of the underside of a metal roof that covered a deck.

Condensation Causes Mould examples - Eco Health Solutions

These photos were taken mid morning after a cold night. You can see the condensation lined up along the valleys of the metal roof (left). As well, you can see the moisture on the table beneath (right).

Health Implications of Mould Growth

Mould growth can have significant implications for human health. Exposure to mould spores, particularly indoors, can cause a range of health problems, including allergies, respiratory issues, and even infections. Individuals with existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma, are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of mould exposure (Wang et al, 2023; ABCB, 2019).

There is a growing body of research that highlights the detrimental effects of mould on respiratory health, emphasising the importance of preventing mould growth in buildings to safeguard occupants’ wellbeing.

Mould, including the strains commonly found in damp and poorly ventilated areas, thrives in the presence of moisture. Metal roofs are condensation risks, and without enough slope, this can drip onto insulation or the plasterboards of the ceiling, and result in “hidden mould”, and thus can be playing a role in health issues, even when there is no visible mould.

Understanding the Causes of Condensation

To effectively address condensation-related issues on metal roofs, it is crucial to understand the underlying causes. 

While the slope of the roof is an incredibly important factor, there are other important considerations. These are high humidity levels within the building, inadequate ventilation, and temperature differentials between the interior and exterior environments. Identifying these causes allows homeowners and builders to implement appropriate measures to control condensation and mitigate its impact (ABCB, 2019).

Mitigating Condensation Issues on Metal Roofs

To combat condensation problems and prevent mould growth on metal roofs, several strategies can be employed:

Improving Ventilation 

Adequate ventilation is essential to expel excess moisture and maintain a balanced humidity level. Proper airflow helps in reducing the likelihood of condensation formation (Australian Building Codes Board, 2021; New Zealand Building Performance, n.d.). Some simple steps include venting extractor fans to the exterior of the building (not into the roof space), installing whirlybirds, depending on the climate, opening the roof space up to allow air circulation (e.g. having metal mesh soffits).

Insulating the Roof

Insulation acts as a thermal barrier, minimising temperature differentials between the interior and exterior surfaces of the roof. This helps reduce the occurrence of condensation by preventing warm, moist air from coming into contact with the cold metal surface (Australian Building Codes Board, 2021; New Zealand Building Performance, n.d.). Care also needs to be taken to ensure that the insulation does not block the condensation runoff, and also that it isn’t directly beneath the metal roof.

Installing Vapour Barriers

Vapour barriers are effective in preventing moisture from permeating into the roof structure. By creating a barrier, they minimise the chances of condensation formation (Australian Building Codes Board, 2021; New Zealand Building Performance, n.d.). What they do is allow water vapour to escape from within the building envelope.

Compliance with Building Codes and Standards

To ensure the safety and quality of construction, it is crucial to adhere to relevant building codes and standards. In the case of metal roofs and condensation management, the Australian Building Codes Board and National Construction Code provide guidelines and regulations to mitigate the risks associated with condensation and mould growth (Australian Building Codes Board, 2021; National Construction Code, 2021).

In New Zealand, where “leaky buildings” have been a significant issue, the New Zealand Building Performance provides valuable resources and information on weathertightness and managing condensation to address these concerns (New Zealand Building Performance, n.d.).

While Condensation Causes Mould it Can Be Mitigated

Condensation on metal roofs, especially those with angles less than 22 degrees, can lead to the formation of condensation drips, increasing the risk of mould growth. This can have detrimental effects on both the structural integrity of the roof and the health of the occupants. Mould exposure can result in allergies, respiratory issues, and infections, particularly for individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions.

Understanding the causes of condensation, such as high humidity levels and inadequate ventilation, is crucial in developing effective strategies for mitigating condensation-related problems. Improving ventilation, insulating the roof, and installing vapour barriers are practical measures to control condensation and prevent mould growth.

Compliance with building codes and standards ensures that construction practices align with recommended guidelines for condensation management. By implementing these strategies and following regulatory requirements, homeowners and builders can create healthier living environments and prolong the lifespan of metal roofs.

Taking proactive steps to address condensation issues on metal roofs is essential for safeguarding the integrity of the structure and the well-being of those who reside within. By prioritising proper ventilation, insulation, and moisture control, homeowners and builders can minimise the risks associated with condensation and create a safer, mould-free living environment.



Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). (2019). Condensation in Buildings. Building Science Series. Retrieved from 

Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). (2021). National Construction Code – Volume One. Retrieved from

BRANZ. (2021). Build Magazine: Moisture Management. 

National Construction Code. (2021). Building Code of Australia. Retrieved from 

New Zealand Building Performance. (n.d.). Weathertightness. Retrieved from 

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. (2021). Building Code Compliance Document H1 Energy Efficiency. Retrieved from 

Wang, J. et al (2023). Effects of mold, water damage and window pane condensation on adult rhinitis and asthma partly mediated by different odors. Building and Environment, 2023. Retrieved from 

Summer Healthy Home Threats

Summer Healthy Home Threats… in Every Home

Summer – the earth is warm, the flowers are in bloom, there are trips to the beach, celebrations, longer school holidays… 

If the songs are anything to go by, summer is the time when the sweetest memories are created.

And yet, like with every other season, there are summer healthy home threats.

What is a “healthy home threat”?

I like to define a healthy home threat as anything that interferes with, or poses a risk to, the good work we’re doing to create and maintain a healthy home. 

It could be pollen, an allergen, a rise in relative humidity, a leak, new paint, new taps, a new technology – there are so many possibilities.

What are the Unique Challenges Which Summer Brings?

The days are long and hot, with the sun rising early and setting late (often close to 8.30pm here in Melbourne). 

There are a great many celebrations – religious, end of year, solstice, and more.

In Sumer, we often:

  • Spend much of our days outdoors
  • Open our windows in the cool of the morning or as the change comes through
  • In more tropical environments, it’s hot, humid and wet
  • Crank the air conditioning
  • Eat lots of summer fruits (stone fruits and berries)
  • Gather for various parties and celebrations

Let’s now explore how these changes in our behaviour are linked to Summer Healthy Home Threats.


Increased Use of Fragrances

The increase in temperature, with or without high levels of humidity, tends to result in most of us perspiring (sweating) more than in the cooler seasons.

As a result, a lot of people put on more antiperspirant or use even more fragrances than usual in an attempt to mask any body odours.


  1. Wash more often – consider carrying a wet washer in a press-seal bag that you can wipe sweat off with
  2. Activated charcoal soap & deodorants
  3. Consider natural deodorants – some of my clients have used bicarbonate of soda, other swear by cider vinegar, personally, I prefer to mix up essential oils in a bottle of rose water and spray that on every few hours (essential oils evaporate quickly)

Reduced Indoor Air Quality

Closing the windows to keep the heat out and the cool in can cause indoor air pollutants to build up, which is never ideal.

This is made worse when bringing new items into the home – which are often still off-gassing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and potentially also formaldehyde.

Adding another layer to this is the increased temperatures speeding up the release of VOCs, which can readily form by-products in the air.

The great thing about this problem is that the solutions are simple!


  1. Ventilate your home. Open doors and windows at least 3 times a day (the ideal would be every hour) to exchange the air in your home.
  2. When you’ve got the windows closed, ensure your air purifier is going.
  3. Avoid using “air fresheners” and other scented products.

Moisture in the Interstitial Spaces

Condensation forms where there are variations in temperatures. What we see with the use of air conditioning, is condensation forming on the other side of plasterboards, outside of windows and also on the other side of the ceiling.

These areas are referred to as “interstitial spaces” and can be the site of many cases of “hidden mould.”

In 2018, I was in far north Queensland to present training on mould and was amazed to see the windows literally streaming with condensation – to the point that it looked like it was raining heavily.

This is a complex problem, but ultimately it rests heavily on the use of air conditioning – as this is what causes massive temperature variations.


  1. Explore alternative ways to cool – installing plants along the paths and in front of your windows to naturally cool the air, hanging a wet sheet across the open window or door, wetting your hair, clothes or skin.
  2. Aim to keep the inside temperature closer to the outside temperature – don’t set the cooling for 15oC, instead, set it for 25-30oC.
  3. If you can, keep the windows open a little to help even out the temperature a bit.


Higher levels of relative humidity in tropical and subtropical regions is the number one problem here.

It’s important to remember that there are mould spores everywhere, waiting for the right conditions. 

Often all they are waiting for is enough moisture. 

And high levels of relative humidity can provide this.

(This is why “mould is a moisture issue” – as I’m sure you’ve heard me say time and again).


  1. Keep an eye on the levels of relative humidity with a hygrometer, remembering the ideal range is 40-60% RH, with 50% RH being the magic number.
  2. If the relative humidity levels go above this, use a dehumidifier to bring them down to below 60% RH.
  3. Pull furniture from against the walls, so that air can circulate around it, as well as giving you the opportunity to check the walls for mould.
  4. Clean with microfibre cloths.
  5. Add essential oils, such as thyme and oregano to your cleaning water.

Mosquitoes & Other Pests

The combination of higher temperatures and higher levels of rainfall (as we’ve been seeing in Australia) results in more active breeding of mosquitoes, termites, cockroaches and rodents.

Each of them bring their own risks to either human health and/or the health of our homes.

While we consider them pests, we need to be considered in how we deal with them.

My preference is always to deter them, rather than kill them. 

If you prefer to kill them, then take great care with poisons – especially rodenticides (poison for rodents – rats and mice). Poison can be slow acting, and other animals further up the food chain can also be killed as a result. I’ll be putting a post together on this soon. In the meantime please read more here – as they also include a post about safer poisons.


  1. Install fly screens over doors and windows; and repair any old ones that are damaged.
  2. Use essential oils to deter them, such as my Bug Repellent.
  3. Read these posts for ways to deter cockroaches, termites and spiders.
  4. Keep your food in sealed containers – I love glass jars for this.
  5. Take your rubbish out daily, and ensure that your bin is closed.
  6. Clear wood out of your garden.
  7. Ensure that your property drains well and that there are no pools of water around.
  8. Keep your garden free food – collect fallen fruit, seal your compost, 
  9. Use a feeder for your chooks to prevent their food attracting rodents.
  10. Encourage native birds that prey on rodents.
  11. Encourage spiders that eat smaller insects.

Summer Healthy Home Threats… Sorted!

And, I wanted to share some final tips.

  • Make the most of the cleansing power of the sun – dry your laundry outside; wash bedding (and pillows if recommended by the manufacturer); and take your mattress outside to air. 
  • Take your rugs outside, and put them over a rail or airing rack and turn them over so both sides get the sun shining on them.
  • Spring cleaning is great, but summer cleaning is even better as the sun can really boost your efforts.

If you’d like any help with this – then you can book a call with me. I’d be more than happy to help solve your healthy home issues.

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I’ve put together this Healthy Homes 101: Checklist for people just like you.

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Spring Healthy Home Threats

Spring Healthy Home Threats… in Every Home

Although it’s my favourite season, Spring healthy home threats can be found in every home.

I love the palpable buzz of new life and energy. When we’re surrounded by colour as flowers burst open, and there are fledgling birds all around.

Here in Melbourne, it is considered the most variable of the seasons – I’m sure this is the season that inspired Crowded House’s “Four Seasons in One Day.”

And, like for every season, there are healthy home threats that are closely matched with this one.

What is a “healthy home threat”?

A healthy home threat is anything that interferes with the good work we’re doing to create a healthy home. It could be an allergen, a rise in relative humidity, a leak, new paint, a new technology – there are so many possibilities.

Which Challenges Does Spring Bring?

Spring brings with it longer days (with the sun rising earlier and setting later) as well as warmer days. In many areas, the winds pick up. And when I lived in the Blue Mountains, I braced for “thunderstorm season,” as I called it.

It’s important to understand how the season causes us to change our behaviour, as this can give us clues about what may pose a risk to our great efforts in creating a healthy home.

As Spring gains momentum, we tend to:

  • Get outside more
  • Open the windows to let the warmth in
  • Continue to use heating (as the days are still cool, and vary a lot)
  • Bring flowers inside
  • Get out into the garden
  • Plant vegetables, herbs and flowers
  • Some of us partake in the traditional “Spring Clean”

Let’s now explore how these changes can become Spring healthy home threats.

spring healthy home threats - eco health solutions

Mould Spores

Variations in temperature throughout the day, and also from room to room can create opportunities for mould to grow.

Another change is the increased ventilation as we open up to welcome in the warmth and beautiful Spring air.

Spring Cleaning results in us pulling furniture out, cleaning, sorting through items that may have been untouched for some time.

It’s important to remember that mould releases spores when there are any changes to its environment.

Releasing spores is how mould manages to spread and survive “attacks,” and we need to keep this in mind. 


  1. Aim to keep temperatures throughout your home as consistent as possible – opening ALL windows and doors can be part of this strategy.
  2. Use air purifiers, particularly when Spring Cleaning. (This one is the bee’s knees in terms of powerfully cleaning the air.)
  3. Wear a mask when Spring Cleaning.
  4. Use microfibre cloths when cleaning surfaces.
  5. If you find mould, check this post out for my dos and don’ts.
        spring healthy home threats - eco health solutions 4

        Dew Point

        Building materials having different temperatures can create the possibility of dew point being reached within the building. I know that sounds technical, but bear with me as I translate this.

        When dew point is reached, moisture in the air can condense on a cool surface – this could be on a wall or ceiling, or within the structure of the building itself. 

        Obviously then, this creates moisture. And, as I always say, mould is a moisture issue.

        In my years of assessing homes, I’ve seen some dramatic differences in the temperature of building materials, and have frequently found “hidden mould” in brand new builds.


        1. When heating your home, heat your entire home, and keep indoor doors open to help the temperature stay even throughout.
        2. Keep furniture at least 10cm away from exterior walls so that the walls maintain a consistent temperature.
        3. Ensure that your building is insulated properly – that the entire wall, ceiling or floor is insulated, and it has not been installed in a patchy way.
        4. Keep an eye out for condensation – and dry it off as soon as you see it with a microfibre cloth. If it’s on the ceiling or high window, you can use a flat mop, rather than climbing on a ladder.
        5. Watch the relative humidity – the more moisture in the air, the greater potential for condensation to form. Hygrometers are ideal for this.
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            Pollen and Microbes

            Spending time outside can see an increase in exposure to pollen as dormant plants spring into life – which is a huge problem for people with seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and also asthmatics.

            And of course, the increased winds can cause pollen to travel…

            And because gardening involves stirring up the soil, we can inadvertently be exposed to various microbes in the soil.


            1. Be aware of allergenic pollen in your area, check out this pollen calendar.
            2. If you have allergies (known or suspected) to pollen, then keep the windows closed, stay indoors, and keep your air purifier nearby.
            3. Check pollen alerts (you can get local apps for these).
            4. Keep an eye out for thunderstorm asthma alerts, too (I think mould is part of this picture, not just pollen, but that is yet to be proven).
            5. When you are out and about (including gardening), wear a mask, and consider protective eyewear.
            bed healthy home - eco health solutions

            House Dust Mites

            With the changing temperatures, we’re often caught out at night – either being too hot or too cold… 

            This can cause us to perspire (or sweat) a lot overnight – which is just what house dust mites want.

            House dust mites soak up moisture through their skin, and, a bit like mould, can thrive in moisture environments.


            1. Check the predicted overnight temperature before going to bed, and adjust your bedding accordingly.
            2. Pull the covers back to air your bed through the day – there’s no need to make it!
            3. When changing the sheets, vacuum your mattress while it’s still warm.
            4. Wash your bedding often and dry them out in the sun.
            5. Read this post for extra information on house dust mites.
            rainbow lorikeets spring - eco health solutions (2)

            Spring Healthy Home Threats… now under control!

            There you have it, healthy home threats that are unique to Spring… and most importantly, steps that you can take to protect your health.

            If you’d like any help with this – then you can book a call with me, I’d be more than happy to help solve your healthy home issues.

            Spring is the BEST time to create new routines…

            I’ve created a course that is for people just like you – keen to understand healthy homes at a deeper level… and to take more action.

            Having a home assessment is one thing (a good place to start) –

            Actually having a plan to move forward and maintain your home so that it supports your health is essential.

            And that what this course is – your step-by-step, easy to implement healthy home action plan. 

            Maintaining a Healthy Home

            I’ve reduced the price to just $97 AUD to support and empower you on your healthy home journey.
