
This game-changing cleaning method will remove mould from your wall for good

In this #BHG article, Livia Gamble shares my tips for cleaning mould off surfaces as well as some excellent tips to prevent mould – which is a moisture issue.

You can read it here.

Why you should never use old paint sitting in your shed

Lead is not often top of mind when renovating, especially if you’re just doing a quick repaint. But it should be. In this article at #BetterHomesAndGardens, Livia Gamble explores some important pointers re lead. I share with her my thoughts on when you can skip testing, and when it’s essential.

You can read it here.

The biggest myth about dangerous black mould

Have you heard of “toxic black mould” (aka Stachybotrys chartarum)? Livia Gamble explores some myths and facts about it here in her article for #BetterHomesAnd Gardens.

Please also check out my Mould: Dos and Don’ts” post here.

And if you’d like to dive deeper into dealing with mould, then my course “Dealing With Mould” may be of interest to you.

3 ways to use clove oil as a mould remover

#BetterHomesAndGardens focuses on how to clean mould, particularly with the aid of essential oils. Livia Gamble explores the more commonly used cleaning agents such as clove oil and vinegar… These aren’t on the top of my list, so I was happy to see the inclusion of my recipe and a link to methods that I advocate (because they work!). You can read the article here.

Please also check out my Mould: Dos and Don’ts” post here.

Can Mouldy Carpet be Saved? Here’s What You Need to Know

In this #BetterHomesAndGardens article, journalist Livia Gamble explores mouldy carpets. I wasn’t a major source for this one – only stating that carpets are not easy to clean, and [in general cleaning, not regarding carpets] bleach is to be avoided. The article can be found here.

Please also check out my Mould: Dos and Don’ts” post here.

Mould Removal: The Most Common Mistake People Make When Removing Mould

Livia Gamble, in her #BetterHomesAndGardens article dispels the myth of vinegar being the go to for removing mould. She shares my tips for effectively removing mould. You can read her article here.

Please also check out my Mould: Dos and Don’ts” post here.

Ceiling Mould: Easy Step-by-Step Instructions for Removing Black Spots

I am so chuffed to be the source for this article by @Livia Gamble in #BetterHomesAndGardens. We discussed mould and how to address it, and I shared some of my top tips on dealing with mould. You can read it here.

By the way, there is a comment from another source suggesting that paint with “mildewcide” is helpful – I strongly disagree with this because it’s been shown that the use of fungicides (the correct term for that paint additive) can result in the mould-equivalent of superbugs, like what we see with antibiotics.

Please also check out my Mould: Dos and Don’ts” post here.

The best ways to get rid of mould in your home

Marina Roussel interviewed me about mould and how to get rid of it for her article in #Domain. We talked about many aspects of mould. You can read it here.

If you want to know more about addressing mould, then you can check out my course “Dealing With Mould.”

60 Cleaning And Organisation Tips to Prepare Your Home for Sale (By Cleaning Experts)

I was one of many experts featured in this article sharing tips in preparing your home for sale – and of course, shared an indoor environmental health perspective. You can read it here.

Is your home making you sick? How to stop the spread of germs this winter

I was interviewed for this piece published in Domain. Read more here.

While there are great tips – please note that the article is a “brought to you by” and therefore promotes a brand and item that I hadn’t mentioned/recommended. I was also unaware this would be the case when I spoke to the reporter. So, please contact me to discuss a dehumidifier that is suitable for your climate.

The Safest Way to Remove Toxic Mould from Homes

I had the opportunity to speak to “Starts at 60” about mould. You can read the article here.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Find out more about carbon monoxide poisoning and how to prevent it:

The Importance of Testing Your Smoke and CO Alarms,

Read the article here.

7 Ways to Relieve Allergies Naturally

Julia Hammond has compiled a great post on allergies, she draws on my input for point #5 “addressing the underlying cause.” Read it here.

Ally Feiam compiled this, and features my input:

10 Natural Ways You Can Get More Sleep

Read it here.

Jennifer McBride compiled this:

51 Feng Shui Experts Share Their Bedroom Decorating Secrets

I am featured about two-thirds of the way down.

Read it here.

Josh Jennings did a write up on my work as a building biologist. 21/1/17

Building Biologist a Breath of Fresh Air for Clients

Read it here.

Here is the presentation which I did in 2016 for Hawthorn University

Holistic Detoxification: How to Create a Healthy Home Which Supports Healing

Watch it here.

Here is part 2 of the interview conducted by Nicole Groch.

Measuring EMF Levels Correctly and do EMF Shielding Stickers Work?

Read it here.

Nicole Groch from did a written interview with me about building biology.

Building Biologists, Understanding What They Do

Read it here.

Watch an interview I did with Karen Palmer on Living on Purpose TV.

A focus for this show is overcoming an obstacle in life…

So this is upbeat and inspiring. Watch it here.

SparkIt Network hosted an article that I wrote:

What Is Making Me Sick?

Discover what to look out for, what to do and how to prevent environmental sensitivities. Read it here.

Working Indoors in Energy-Efficient Office Blocks Can be Bad for Your Health

DANIELA ONGARO ~ THE DAILY TELEGRAPH JULY 27, 2014 I was the source for Daniela’s article – which is jam-packed full of useful information. Read it here.

3 Winning Strategies To Taking Your Virtual Book Tour To New Heights

An article I wrote for D’vorah Lansky’s Book Marketing Challenge.

You can read it here.

Interview by Robert Sharpe

Author, Host and Founder of Bringing Inspiration To Earth Radio, Robert Sharpe interviewed me about Environmental Sensitivities.

Do you have them? Find out what to look for, how to prevent them and steps you can take to make your home safer.

Listen in here.

Interview by Beth Bond

Curator of Southeast Green, Beth Bond interviewed me about steps you can take to make your kitchen safer – from a Building Biologists perspective.

Listen in here.

The following were part of my cyber/virtual book tour.

Interview by D’vorah Lansky

Marketing Wizard, D’vorah Lansky, interviewed me about my books and different marketing strategies that I created. Listen in here.

Interview by Carol Dodsley

World G+ Expert Carol Dodsley interviewed me about ways to “recharge your batteries” and more! You can watch this interview here.

Interview by Paul Lawrence Vann

Host of The Wealthy Speaker Radio Show interviewed me about my work, my books and my thoughts. You can listen to it here.

3 Steps to Creating Changes

As a part of my virtual book tour, I wrote an article for What Can I Eat? You can read it here (page 25)

Creating Order From Disorder

As a part of my virtual book tour, I wrote an article for Moreen Torpy. You can read it here.

Interview by Kelly Wagner

Kelly sat in the host seat on my radio show, and interviewed me about life, work and why I work with Environmental Sensitivities. Listen to the interview here.

Wearing Your Heart On Your Sleeve: Is It Ever Really Safe

As part of my virtual (cyber) book tour, I wrote an article for Liesel Teversham. You can read it here.

Interview on Kate Loving Shenk and The Collective Wisdom

Kate Loving Shenk interviewed me. Listen to the recording here.

(written) Interview

Renee Wiggins interviewed me – you can read it here.

Challenge Contains Change

As part of my virtual/cyber book tour, I wrote an article for Dr Gail Siler. You can read it here.

Life As A Student: 5 Steps to Maintaining a Healthy Balance

University of Nevada Reno has shared my article that is hosted on Gina Akao’s site. View the article here.

Enjoying Seasonal Fresh Foods

What Can I Eat? has published Lucinda’s article about seasonal foods. View emag here and pop over to page 25.

Spring Cleaning: 10 Tips to Cleaning Without Chemicals

What Can I Eat? has published Lucinda’s article about chemical-free cleaning. View the emag here -and go to page 17.

What My Mum Got Right

Yummy Bubby has published Lucinda’s article about parenting.

* Yummy Bubby sadly is no longer.

Parents are human. Parents became parents without training, without manuals, without rule books. They had to work it out as they went. None are perfect. The absolute majority did what they thought was best at the time…

Yummy Bubby published Lucinda’s series about the role of Chinese medicine in pregnancy. * Yummy Bubby sadly is no longer.

“From GO to “WHOAA!!!” – How Chinese Medicine Can Assist With Pregnancy”

Part 1:

Deciding to have a child is a mammoth and exciting step in your life. Children bring so much joy, and they are phenomenal teachers for us as their parents. Being the best parent you can be starts from this point…

Part 2:
Preconception – continued

In Chinese medicine, there is not one treatment for every case with a similar problem. This is because we are looking at the person as a whole – what is going on internally for them (qi, blood, emotions, diet) as well as externally (their homes, workplaces and environments…

Part 3:

Conception is not going to happen easily if one or both of you are really stressed and anxious about conceiving, work, study, life, that annoying neighbour over the back, or whatever else. Your mental wellbeing is also important. Being relaxed about it all makes a big difference…

Part 4:
The Early Stages of Pregnancy

Being happy is important. Try to free yourself from worries and troubling thoughts and activities. Focus on your wellbeing and that of your bub. A quaint Chinese tradition is for pregnant women to be surrounded by beauty…

Part 5:

Approximately ten lunar months after the last period is when childbirth occurs. Acupuncture is useful to bring on contractions and induce childbirth…