Winter Healthy Home Threats

Winter Healthy Home Threats Occur in Every Home

Winter with its cold and often wetter weather presents unique healthy home threats that differ from other seasons throughout the year.

What is a healthy home threat?

A healthy home threat is something that challenges our efforts in creating a healthy home. It might be something that undermines what we’ve done, or perhaps something that needs to be considered to prevent issues.

Which Challenges Does Winter Bring?

I like to start with looking at the way that our behaviours change with the seasons, as well as the climatic conditions. 

The drop in temperatures, the increase in rain in many parts of the country, the advent of snow in the ranges, and the shorter daylight hours tend to see us:

  • Be indoors more of the time
  • Use heating
  • Perhaps light the fire, especially for date night 
  • Close windows and doors to keep the cold out and heat in
  • Draw curtains and blinds for more hours due to the earlier sunset
  • We wear more layers of clothing
  • Our clothes are thicker 
  • We may need to dry our clothes inside due to inclement weather
  • We often eat soups, stews and roasts – making the most of our ovens
  • Some people bathe more often or take longer and hotter showers to warm up

 You may be surprised to discover that all of these behaviours can create healthy home threats.

 Let’s take a look at the threats and what can be done to reduce any issues.

frost on green leaves - winter healthy home threats

Reduced Indoor Air Quality

When we “close up” our homes (closing windows and keeping doors shut) to keep the heat in, we’re reducing the number of times that the air is exchanged. This means that the air doesn’t get diluted often, if at all, which can result in reduced indoor air quality.

What happens is that VOCs, gases and other contaminants build up in the air. Oxygen levels often are reduced and carbon dioxide can increase – leading to feelings of sleepiness.

Ventilation is key.


  1. The simplest thing to do is to leave windows open just a tiny bit, as long as it is safe to do so, can dilute the air well.
  2. Regularly opening windows and doors several times throughout the day will exchange the air, and I recommend that this is done at least 3 times a day, and preferably every hour or two.
  3. If it isn’t possible to do this 2-3 times a day, then an air purifier would also assist.

Carbon Monoxide Build-Up

There’s a big difference between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. 

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the gases that we exhale. 

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly gas that comes from combustion – gas appliances are one of the biggest contributors to CO levels within our homes. Cars are another big source, which is why I don’t like people idling their cars in their garages or driveways.

Since we’re using gas appliances more during winter – heating, cooking, hot showers – there’s an increased risk.


  1. Have your gas appliances checked by a licensed gas fitter every autumn so that they are ready for use in winter.
  2. Ventilate your home often – as discussed above.
  3. Avoid idling your car in the garage or driveway.

Poor Outdoor Air

The levels of outdoor air pollution can become very high in areas where people rely on wood fires for heating.

The smoke produced by wood fires can contain formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, chemicals (some of which are known carcinogens) and fine particulate matter. 

According to the Environment & Human Health Inc. (n.d.) wood smoke “interferes with normal lung development in infants and children… can depress the immune system… [and, according to the WHO] can cause coughs, headaches, eye and throat irritation in otherwise healthy people.” 

Whilst enclosed wood fires, such as Coonaras, don’t release the pollutants indoors, they are still released outdoors, and can readily affect your neighbours, particularly who are sensitive and/or have asthma or other respiratory complaints.


  1. Avoid using wood fires.
  2. Rug up and/or be physically active – this is a great time of year to get big gardening jobs done.
  3. Invest in an air purifier to help clean your indoor air.

Increased Moisture Levels

Did you know that “occupant activity” is one a big factor in indoor moisture levels?

The obvious ones are bathing, drying clothes, and stovetop cooking. However, occupant activities that increase moisture also include using gas appliances, breathing and sweating (or perspiring).

Given we tend to not only wear more layers in winter, but also the layers are thicker, they take longer to dry. As a result, many people dry them inside near a source of heat, or pop them in the clothes dryer.

Combine our tendency to be indoors in winter with these activities, then add to it the closed windows and doors, you can see how quickly moisture levels can increase.


  1. Monitor the levels of relative humidity with a hygrometer – we’re aiming for 45-55% RH; 50% RH is ideal.
  2. Use extractor fans when cooking, bathing or laundering. 
  3. If your extractor fans don’t vent to the outside, or you don’t have efficient ones, then a dehumidifier can be useful.
    clothes dryer and shelves - winter healthy home threats

    Mould on Windows & Curtains

    In the cooler months, many people report condensation on windows and glass doors especially in the mornings.

    This happens because glass changes temperature quickly, and moisture in the air condenses out of it, forming condensation on this, and other, cold surfaces.

    It is due to the presence of this moisture that mould can readily form on blinds or curtains that touch the glass, and even on the glass itself.


    1. Dry your windows daily with a dry bamboo microfibre cloth.
    2. Dry glass that is high up using a flat mop.
    3. Leave your windows open a little to equalise the temperature.

    Increased Exposure to EMF/EME

    Spending more time indoors can also increase your exposure to EMF/EME if you have wi-fi or use wireless devices.

    Wireless technology is used in smart meters, Bluetooth equipment, smartphones and tablets, 3G, 4G & 5G, phone towers, home stereo systems, and more.


    1. Head outdoors to “discharge” and “ground.”
    2. Do without wi-fi and other wireless devices.
    3. Turn the wi-fi and wireless devices on only when you need them, ensuring they are off while you sleep.


    home office - winter healthy home threats

    As you can see, 

    Winter Healthy Home Threats Occur in Every Home – to Varying Degrees

    I trust that you are feeling empowered to take the relevant action in your home.


    If you’d like to get some advice on this, then please book a call.

    Shielded Canopies Considerations

    Shielding and Shielded Canopies are something that I am often asked about – and why I list only a few shielding products for the building on my website.

    The reason for this is that shielding needs to be done with great care – and is unique to each site.

    For me, providing shielding of any sort is a duty of care, which is why assessment and consultation is necessary.

    Shielded Canopies – What Are They?

    Shielded Canopies are canopies that are generally hung over and around beds to address electromagnetic fields/energy (EMF/EME) from various sources. They can be used over desks, couches, and anywhere else that you spend time.

    They can be a fabulous option to reduce levels of different types of EMF/EME when planned and installed correctly.

    I wanted to share three of the biggest considerations when thinking about getting a Shielded Canopy.

    Shielded Canopy Considerations

    1) Natural Radiation and Faraday Cages

    The very first consideration is the important of exposure to natural radiation from the earth and from space. These natural sources of radiation are extremely important for health.

    Many people decide that they need to be in a Faraday Cage – this is not something I recommend. This is because being in a Faraday cage, means to be cut off all forms of electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic fields.

    Studies have been done that demonstrate that rats and mice when placed into a Faraday cage – and cut off from all radiation, including natural – lived extremely short lives.

    To reiterate, being exposed to natural radiation is good for us.

    That said, there are some instances where shielding is a really great option. However, as mentioned, it needs to be done very carefully. If you do go with a canopy, you will need to spend time outside maintain some level of exposure to natural levels of radiation.

    2) Sources of EMF/EMR/EME

    Now the second thing is to consider the sources of electromagnetic fields or electromagnetic energy (EMF or EME).

    Shielding tends to address two types of EMF/EME.

    a) Wireless technology (RF) – such as phone towers, wi-fi routers, wi-fi from neighbouring buildings, smart phones, and similar.

    b) AC ELF Electric Fields (EF) – which comes from wiring, cables, appliances, powerlines, transformers, and so on.

    It’s essential to determine where the sources are.

    This is crucial, because when we refer to the first consideration – the need to be exposed to natural radiation, it becomes clear that it’s preferable to only block the sources, and not create a Faraday Cage.

    Once the sources have been identified, the planning and placement of shielding needs to be done with great care so that it doesn’t increase your exposure.

    If placed in the wrong position, your shielding canopy could result in other sources bouncing off it and at you.

    It is important to realise that shielding fabrics work on both sides.

    Therefore, it is essential to consider and understand where the sources are so that you can get it right.

    This is where getting expert help is advised – and I can help you with that.

    3) Choosing the Right Fabric

    Finally, the third consideration is equally important – and that is getting the type of shielding fabric right.

    There are a multitude of different fabrics designed to shield EMF/EME.

    Some will work at low levels with the source being close and others may work at high level.

    And in some cases, layering is important as this may increase its effectiveness.

    Another part of this is to be clear on which type of EMF/EME the fabric addresses.

    Does it shield electric fields as well?

    In which case, grounding the fabric is not negotiable. That said, I do recommend the grounding all shielding fabrics that are near you.

    I’ve been to several places where somebody installed a shielding canopy over their bed and although it did deflect the radio frequencies very well, it was attracting the electric fields to it. The result was that the levels of electric fields on the bed were about 30 or 40 times higher than what they were when you were away from the canopy.

    As you can see, it’s important to understand the type of fabric and how it works. 

    Shielding is a complex area – a science and an art form.

    If you would like advice on Shielding Canopies, let’s talk.

    Time Indoors – Is it Affecting Your Health?

    Spending more time indoors, you may discover that your place is not supporting your health.

    Did you know that on average Australians generally spending 90+% of their time indoors?

    This can include home, work, in vehicles and places of worship.

    Whether it be a change in employment, circumstances or, due to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, all of a sudden, you might find yourself at home a lot more than previously.

    Like André.

    His contract finished, and instead of being on the road all the time for work, he was at home until he arranged new employment.

    All of a sudden, his voice got raspy, he felt sick, but not sick enough to spend the day in bed, his energy was low. He didn’t feel great, so found that he spent even more time indoors.

    Quickly, he realised that something was wrong.

    He got in touch with me, and we uncovered some hidden hazards, otherwise known as environmental stressors.

    Once these were addressed properly, he was 100% a-okay in his home.

    He was sweet, he called me every week to say, “I’m still okay!”

    That is exactly why I do what I do!

    Being able to help someone take back the reins of their life, to return to full health and be able to do whatever they choose… that is what is all about.

    All too often, when something goes wrong health-wise, people immediately think there is something wrong with them.

    Yet, like in André’s case, sometimes the problem is within the environment, not the person.

    You fix the environmental stressors, and the person returns to normal.

    In so many instances, when you clean up the environment the problem goes away.

    I believe that more people are affected by the environment than they realise.

    A good example of this is a headache. What do you do when you get a headache?

    Do you…

    • Reach for the painkillers like many people do?
    • Drink extra water and have some downtime?
    • Explore your environment for changes?

    My #1 go-to is always to explore any changes in the environment.

    I would rather fix the environment (cause) than take medication to temporarily ease the symptoms and never get to the bottom of it.

    We’re all different, I get it. No judgement here. ☺

    Have you noticed any changes since spending more time indoors ?

    Here’s a list to get you thinking – but do note, there are medical causes for some of these too – so do check in with your doctor or health practitioner for certainty.

    • Headaches
    • Poor sleep
    • Aching eyes
    • Muscle tension
    • Feeling off (malaise)
    • Ringing in your ears (tinnitus)
    • Grinding your teeth (bruxism)
    • Runny nose
    • Cough
    • Low energy
    • Foggy head
    • Poor concentration

    These can all have environmental causes.

    So, you might want to check things out.

    eco health solutions nature

    The best way to determine if your place is playing a role is…

    Notice how you feel when you are out of the building? 

    OPTION 1

    If you are in lockdown, you can’t stay somewhere else, but if you aren’t in lockdown, see how you feel when you are away from your place for a few days.

    OPTION 2

    Go for a walk, ideally in nature (the beach, a park, a reserve). Ideally spend a few hours enjoying the sunshine, fresh air and natural world.

    If you notice your symptoms ease off when you are away, it begins to point to an issue in your place.

    If you find that they ease off and then when you return, the symptoms do too, then it confirms that there is an environmental stressor there that is affecting you.

    Simple Steps to Ease the Symptoms when you are Spending Time Indoors

    Here are some simple steps that you can use to ease the symptoms. Do be aware that these are temporary measures and until the cause is addressed, the issue remains.

    1. Ventilate. 
    If there is a build-up of indoor air contaminants, open your doors and windows to exchange the air and dilute the levels of contaminants.

    2. Spend time in nature. 
    Shinrin Yoku is the Japanese practise of “forest bathing” and it is seen to be highly beneficial for health (including mental health).

    60 minutes of time in nature, especially under a canopy of trees can result in 7 days of benefits. Make some time, at least, every week to get out in nature.

    3. Turn off your devices, wi-fi and smartphones – at least while you sleep. 
    Sleep is the most important time of the day it is when our body heals. So, give it the best chance to do this, and turn everything off.

    I call this “digital downtime” and you can do it more often than just overnight. 😉

    Environmental Stressors Can Cause Blindness??

    Environmental Stressors Can Cause Blindness??

    Say what? Environmental stressors can cause blindness????


    Let me illustrate this with a story about Billie.

    Billie (not her real name) is a young Mum who is super keen to ensure her bubba is safe. She’d heard about 5G and noticed some of the attention it was getting. So she asked Dr Google, she joined FB groups, she sought out information from everywhere.

    Out came Protective Mamma Bear.

    5G became an obsession. It consumed every available moment between changing nappies, feeding, washing, playing with bubba and sleep…. Well, to be honest, it even started to creep in there too – as she dreamed about #5G.

    Billie was so obsessed with 5G that she thought nothing of using her tablet while bubba slept, while it connected to the wi-fi.

    The humidifier in bubba’s room that was causing mould to grow on the ceiling didn’t even enter her mind.

    The perfume she spritzed on her body and clothes didn’t get a mention.

    She was so caught up in the one issue, that she saw nothing else.

    Not surprisingly, she was blinded by her obsession with one environmental stressor.

    Billie is not alone. Environmental Stressors are Hugely Important

    Billie’s story is not unique. I see this time and time again – be it around #SmartMeters, #fragrances, #lead, #mould… any #EnvironmentalStressor. 

    Whilst it is valid to be informed and proactive, there are quite a lot of issues with this kind of blinkered focus on one thing. 

    In a nutshell, the issues are:

    🤷🏽‍♂️ There is a lot of mis-information, hype and well-marketed nonsense. As a result, you can end up spending a lot of time and money on unnecessary things

    🔎 With all the mis-information, you might end up doing something that could make things worse

    🔍 Usually, when my team and I assess homes of people like Billie, we find all sorts of other problems that are much larger issues than the one they are stressing about… the blinkers need to come off to be able to address the bigger picture

    And yet, there is much more to this…

    It is one small word that has massive ramifications.

    🔎 It is #stress 🔎 

    Stress can cause a whole gamut of problems. It can:

    😡 Reduce your ability to #detoxify 

    😞 Negatively impact your #sleep (and as a result, your mood)

    😕 Cause a release of all sorts of chemicals in the body that ultimately reduce your #resilience 

    AND, this next one is the worst of all, in my opinion.

    😔 Stress can cause you to freeze up, become #overwhelmed and take NO action

    I believe strongly in taking #empowered action.

    There is always something you can do to make a difference.

    Even if it feels small, it is enormous! 

    So, I urge you to keep perspective, to open your heart to the wonderful things in life, and draw inspiration to take empowered action.

    One of my favourite recommendations is to put flowering plants in your garden (or balcony). This will help the birds, bees, insects and your loved ones. 

    Take a moment to imagine how the world would benefit if every single person did this? 


    Wi-Fi Free Tips to Avoid Wireless Technology

    “We’re Wifi-Free At Night,” they said…

    Recently I assessed a home where the parents very proudly told me that each and every night, they are wifi-free. What they did was to log into their router and turn off the wifi on their router *every* night. They did this every night without fail.

    What an awesome effort!! That really does take commitment to do this on a daily basis.

    (By the way, this IS something YOU can do if you still have a wifi router… but I prefer you don’t have one.)

    It turns out that the teenagers use the wifi all night.


    Because there were powerline adapters in the house that utilised wireless technology.

    So, despite turning off the wifi emitted by the router, the house was still bathed in radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME), including the bedrooms.

    Powerline Adapters Help with Wifi-Free

    I love powerline adapters – as they mean in many buildings that the internet can be used throughout the house without having data points installed. You can finally be wifi-free!

    (Note that they do add dirty electricity, so having data points installed throughout is by far the best option.)

    If you want to get powerline adapters, or routers, or anything similar, then you have to be careful NOT to get ones that work wirelessly.


    You can check all the specifications, but I also highly recommend contacting the manufacturer and ask,

    “Can I use this wirelessly?”

    You read that right! I want you to ask the OPPOSITE of what we are seeking. This is because almost everything can be used via ethernet or cables.

    When they get back to you with, “I am so sorry, this cannot be used wirelessly,” you know you are on a winner.

    #EMF #powerlineadapters #wififree #datapoints

    EMF Bombardment Three Simple Steps to Cope

    #EMFexposures #EMFBombardment

    No matter where we go these days, we tend to be surrounded by free wi-fi, phone towers… Those that are aware of the harmful effects (whether they experience them or not) often ask, “What can I do to keep myself safe?”

    There is the temptation to buy something that will magically set up a forcefield that blocks out all radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME).

    There is a level of desperation for those who suffer in the presence of it.

    There is the urge to stick something on the phone to make it safe. But none of these make any measurable difference.

    Instead, here are three steps that can make a considerable difference.

    1) MAKE YOUR HOME A SAFE PLACE – free from wireless technology

    This is the #1 most important step of all because this the place you spend time when your body is healing and detoxifying. Whilst you cannot control what happens out there (and gee, I wish I could!!) you can control your home and what happens in it. Take action there.


    Go barefoot in the garden, on the beach, or “forest bathe.” All of these will help you to “discharge” and earth. As well, there is research that shows that spending 1 hour in the forest has health benefits that last for a whole 7 days!


    3) MINIMISE your exposure

    The greatest risk with buying a sticker for your smartphone, or a piece of plug-in plastic, or wearing a pendant with rainbow swirls is that it can make you feel safe, and therefore instead of reducing your exposure, you INCREASE it.

    If you have to go somewhere where there are high levels of wireless technology, then keep the time capped and head off into nature straight afterwards.

    I have to LOL while I write this as it sounds very closed-minded… I have an open mind to what MAY help, but I also see so many people suffer that I need to be clear with this. While I cannot show any measurable difference with any of these things, I cannot recommend them. Building Biology Brain means precaution all the way.

    If you do decide to get a piece of jewelry, a plug-in, a sticker, a rock… whatever it is, please consider this “an added bonus.” If it helps, bonus! If it doesn’t do anything, then at least it wasn’t too expensive. The main thing here is to do no harm.

    Use Your Laptop or Device Safely: How to Reduce Your EME Exposure


    Device-use (tablets, laptops and smart phones) has skyrocketed since I first wrote this post back in 2014. They not only are used widely but dominate the lives of many.

    The rampant use of devices is apparent when looking about. So many people walk down the street glued to their device. Somehow they manage to avoid colliding with power poles and people.

    It has become such a problem that we have new phrases, like “Digital Detox” as part of our vocabulary, now.

    With my work as an Indoor Environmental Health Consultant, I get a range of enquiries from people about different things. One of the biggest areas of questioning is about reducing exposure to electromagnetic energy (RF EME).

    The most asked question is, “How can I use my laptop or device safely?”

    There are three types of EME exposure associated with laptops and devices which will be discussed below.

    Let’s cover a bit of the scientific background so it makes more sense.

    AC Electric Fields – ELF

    The electric fields emitted from many household appliances fall into the category of Extra Low Frequency (ELF). Electric fields are created where there is electricity under pressure. This means that any wiring connected to a power source, can emit an electric field.

    Further, a buildings’ wiring can have an electric field even when there are no appliances plugged in. Electric fields can occur when an appliance is plugged in and not in use.

    I always recommend people to unplug cords from power points when they are not in use.

    Electric fields are also proportional to voltage and they decrease with distance from the source. Therefore, keeping away from appliances that are plugged in can reduce exposure.

    Common sources include power lines, household wiring, lighting, and smartphone chargers. As well as all appliances, including, hair straighteners, irons, kettles, electric blankets, electric ovens, electric hot water systems, slab heating…

    ELF electric fields have been associated with Electrical Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS), also known as Electrical Sensitivity (ES). This condition can manifest with some or all of these and other symptoms:

    • skin symptoms (a feeling of itchiness or biting, redness, a burning sensation)
    • eye symptoms (redness, dryness, pain)
    • poor concentration, and
    • dizziness.

    Some other health effects that have been associated with ELF electric fields include:

    • sleep disturbances,
    • fatigue,
    • headache,
    • ringing in the ears (tinnitus),
    • and a constant feeling of a cold or flu about to start but not eventuating.

    AC Magnetic Fields – ELF

    Magnetic fields exist in nature. This can be seen when the field of the earth causes the compass needle to point to north.

    However, it is with man-made magnetic fields that we are mostly concerned.

    Magnetic fields are created when an appliance is switched on. That is, it directly relates to a current being drawn. This is why I always recommend clients turn off any appliance that is not in use at the wall.

    Magnetic fields arise from the motion of the electrical charge (WHO, 2012). This is especially the case in alternating current (AC) as the electricity changes direction frequently.

    Common sources of ELF magnetic fields are the same as for Electric Fields.

    There is a large body of evidence that links ELF magnetic fields with biological changes. Possible health effects, according to Professor Adey, include:

    • a reduction in the immune system,
    • abnormal foetal development,
    • changes to cell growth and development,
    • changes or interruptions to the brain and central nervous system

    Other linked or suspected health effects include breast cancer, miscarriage, depression and suicide.

    Radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME)

    On the electromagnetic spectrum, radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME) is between 3kHz and 300GHz. Here we measure the combined electric and magnetic fields and refer to this as electromagnetic radiation.

    There is an ever-increasing range of sources for radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME) as we move towards wireless technology.

    As the race to “get rid of unsightly wires” continues, we are adding many layers of convenience to our lifestyles. Some of these “advances” include driverless cars, 5G and so on.

    Sources include mobile phone towers, cordless telephones, satellite transmitters, mobile phones, tablets and i-pads, wireless games such as Wii and X-Box, many baby monitors, wireless computer accessories including printer, keyboard, and mouse, wireless internet connections, smart meters and so on.

    Numerous health concerns have been linked with RF electromagnetic energy. These include:

    • disturbed sleep,
    • headaches,
    • learning difficulties,
    • concentration problems,
    • fatigue,
    • waking feeling unrefreshed,
    • anxiety,
    • depression,
    • muscle and joint aches and pains,
    • ringing in the ears,
    • hearing loss,
    • palpitations, and more.

    As well, there have been some links made to brain tumours, epilepsy, blood pressure, and lowered immunity.

    UPDATE (Jan 2020): As we speak, research is being done as the new technology of 5G is being rolled out.

    What is evident is that there is not enough research that shows it is safe to use.

    Some of the concerns centre around the fact that we will be utilising even higher up the electromagnetic spectrum, into the millimetre waves.

    Millimetre waves do not travel very far, and cannot penetrate walls, however, they can penetrate our skin and our eyes. (Lower levels of RF EME can penetrate deeper into our bodies.)

    How Can I Use My Laptop or Device Safely?

    1. Laptops and devices have a massive advantage over the desktop computer, in my eyes

    This advantage is that they can be used on battery. Anything that is plugged in uses AC power. AC stands for “alternating current.” Alternating current is where electricity passes back and forth through the wires. In contrast, a battery uses DC, or “direct current” – which only goes one way. In short, DC is safer than AC.

    Unplug the charger and use your laptop or device on battery.

    eco health solutions gadget

    2. No matter what, I always recommend that you used wired connections – for Internet, mouse and keyboard.

    This point is a bit of a 3-for-1 deal – I can’t just give you three tips!

    Ultimately, this tip is about reducing your exposure to the radio frequency end of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Here’s the best things that you can do – get a keyboard and mouse that you can plug into your laptop. (Not all devices have this option, so I would suggest using a stylus instead of your fingers.)

    Using the wired keyboard and mouse means that you have a greater distance from your laptop. This is always a good thing. It also means that you are not relying on a wireless (radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME) connection).

    Using a wired Internet connection is part of this solution.

    Note that you will also need to turn off the Wi-Fi capabilities on your computer. Otherwise, it will constantly be searching for a connection. Leaving it on would then be defeating the purpose of using a wired connection) AND you will need to have a modem that does not have Wi-Fi capabilities.

    Finding one can be a little tricky. I located some at my local office supply store. I got a modem that had no aerial and only worked via Ethernet connections. It only cost about $50.

    So, swap your wireless bits and pieces for wired/cabled equivalents. 

    3. Despite its name, do not EVER use your laptop or device on your lap.

    We have already discussed the health implications above, and I have pointed out that distance is the key.

    The other thing to think about is that by having it on your lap, it is close to your reproductive organs.

    Science is only beginning to recognise and accept that there can be health effects beyond the thermal changes.

    A bit of background information

    When radar began to be used mid last century, the thermal effects of radiofrequency EME were recognised as problematic for health.

    The thermal effects on the body have been used as the measuring stick for health effects. This is despite the fact that the vast array of associated health effects have nothing to do with tissues being warmed.

    Therefore, never use your laptop or device when it is in contact with your body. 

    There you have it – 3 tips to help you use your laptop or device more safely.

    I hope you have found this information helpful. Please feel free to get in touch with me if there is more you would like to hear about.



    As things have evolved, there are many laptop mats that shield from wireless technology (RF).


    RF EME can bounce back off the mat. This can increase what you are exposed to. So if you are sitting over it, it can be a double whammy.

    As much as it would be lovely to have a “magic pill” to protect us from RF…

    The best and most reliable way is to not have it.

    This is a stretch for many people, but would you knowingly put your health at risk?

    Available in store now – all for shielding/reducing your exposure to ELF AC Electric Fields:

    It is also important to consider connectivity – using an ethernet adaptor is key. Read more here.

    Further reading: