How is Your Wi-Fi Router Like Your Oven?

Written by Lucinda Curran

3 October 2017

Wi-Fi – we are surrounded by wi-fi all the time. But there is something that you can do that can significantly minimise your exposure… and it is free!

Why would you want to? There are risks associated with using this technology. This is “radiofrequency EMF” and has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified it as a “category 2B” which means that they recognise it as being potentially carcinogenic to humans.

Apart from cancer, there are other associated risks – including sleep disturbance, grinding teeth, muscle tension, as well as reactions that happen on a cellular level (voltage-gated calcium channels, reactions of blood cells…).

I want to share with you a simple tip that can make a big difference.

From today onwards, I want you to think of your wi-fi router like you do your oven.


Your wi-fi router is like your oven.

From now on:

  1. When you want to use it, turn it on.
  2. Let it warm up.
  3. Use it.
  4. Turn it off again.

Simply by doing this, you can greatly reduce your exposure and begin to create new patterns around its use.

When you are ready, I highly recommend changing over to an ethernet-only router – and there ARE many choices.

Contact me – this is one of the many EMF problems I love to tackle.


Discover how to WFH without adversely affecting your healthy home.

Working From Home Guide: Boost Health, Productivity & Focus © Eco Health Solutions
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I would highly recommend Eco Health Solutions to anyone who cares about their health and environment.

~ Elena

Healthy Homes 101 Checklist © Eco Health Solutions
Meet Lucinda Curran

Meet Lucinda Curran

Founder & Indoor Environmental Health Consultant

After becoming extremely unwell due to environmental stressors, Lucinda set about learning everything she could to empower others to protect their health.

Outside of work, you can find her relaxing with her husband and 2 Skye terriers in nature, and caring for wildlife.


This guide reveals some little-known that are found in many houses.

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