Is My House Making Me Sick? Pt2

Is My House Making Me Sick?


>> Is My House Making Me Sick? Part 1 is here <<

3. Sleep… in peace!

There is a lot of emerging research that shows device use interferes with our sleep, and that blue light can damage our eyes.

The mental stimulation when Googling things, interacting on social media, and even video calls can make it hard to sleep.

Our tablets, smart phones and smart watches contain LED lights.

The evening use of such devices which has been associated with:

  • Poor quality sleep,
  • Reduced concentration the next day,
  • Poor mood, and
  • Reduced accuracy…

… According to recent research.

As well, there is a reduction in melatonin – a hormone that has antioxidant actions.

Antioxidants play an important role in detoxification and keeping us healthy.

When we began this conversation, I shared with you about the importance of sleep in the healing. Anything that interrupts sleep, for whatever reason, needs to be reduced.

Did You Know?

Did you know that apps used to measure sleep have uncovered an insomnia epidemic?

BUT did you also know that the wireless technology required for these apps to function has been linked to sleep disturbances?

“What Can I Do?”

At the very least, don’t sleep with your phone!

4. Smell… naturally lovely!

I want to tackle the topic of “fragrances” here. Fragrances are in everything from perfumes, air fresheners and deodorisers. They are in our laundry products, sanitary protection, and even in our cosmetics. Nappies, doggy-do bags, and toilet paper also are scented… and that is just the tip of the iceberg!

If you ever see this word on a label, it means “a cocktail of many ingredients.” Fragrance, parfum and perfume all mean the same thing, when reading labels.

The ingredients used in perfumery are primarily chemicals, most of which haven’t been tested for safe use by humans, some that have been tested really aren’t good for us (causing cancer, irritating our skin and lungs, messing with our hormones…).

Our exposure to fragrances is enormous and our bodies need to deal with this. For some people, this constant exposure is physically exhausting.

Did You Know?

Did you know essential oils are a better option that synthetic fragrances? But please bear on mind that they are very potent – so use sparingly and avoid using them 24/7. For people who are environmentally sensitive, even these can be problematic. Please use them with care (and NEVER eat/drink them).

“What Can I Do?”

Don’t buy anything that contains fragrance, parfum or perfume.

5. Stay… mould-free!

Have you noticed there has been a lot of media stories about mould and how it is making people sick? It has definitely attracted a lot of attention, and was the subject of a 2018 Parliamentary Inquiry, instigated by Senator Lucy Wicks. Mould comes in many different colours, and it doesn’t have to be black to cause health problems.

Mould spores are everywhere and play an important role on our planet. Only 25% of the spores can grow, the other 75% are “dead” (that said, it doesn’t make them less problematic for someone who is sensitive).

However, we don’t want mould growing in our homes.

When you think about it, all mould is waiting for is the right conditions to grow. This centres on the right amount of moisture. Moisture can come from leaks, burst pipes, spills, condensation and many other places.

Did You Know?

Did you know that flexible braided hoses (the bendy pipes on your taps and toilets) account for over 20% of water damage claims in Australian homes? They only last for around 5-7 years and erode faster in the presence of chemicals. (What is under your sink?)

“What Can I Do?”

Deal with water quickly – mop up spills, fix leaks, dry out anything that has become wet within 24-hours.

I trust this has given you a lot to go on with…

If you have any concerns, or want to get in touch, please book a call.

Is My House Making Me Sick? Pt 1

Is my house making me sick?


You’re not quite on your game. Your health has declined – your energy is low, you feel “off”, when you wake up you definitely don’t feel vibrant and refreshed any more. Each day has become a struggle and even a morning coffee doesn’t get you through the day.

The doctor says everything is fine, but your gut tells you it isn’t.

You’ve been to numerous health professionals, medical doctors, complementary medicine practitioners, and jeepers, with the amount you have forked out on testing, you are wishing you had bought shares in the pathology labs!

Something isn’t quite right, and you know it.

You’ve started to notice that when you are away from your home that you feel better, and not just because you are on holidays! When you return, so do your symptoms. You being to wonder…

“Could my house be making me sick?”

Before we go any further, I want to share with you some basics of health and detoxification which many people seem to forget about.

Detoxification 101

I’m talking the absolute foundations… and that is why I call it “Detoxification 101.”

Our bodies are truly amazing – we are like finely-tuned machines. We like to keep everything at “normal” – so we remove, address and deal with whatever throws our “normal” out (medically speaking, this is homeostasis).

If we follow the rhythms of nature, we rise to greet the sun, and we sleep while the sun does. The days are shorter in winter, so ours are too.

Because we are designed to sleep at night time, this is the time our body is programmed to clean everything up and actively work to return us to “normal” so that we are completely ready to “do it all again” the next day.

At a minute level, our cells are cleaning everything up, we detoxify, we heal.

However, in the presence of stress, these functions don’t happen.

It is a little like a see-saw. Stress goes up, so detoxification goes down.

And when we are talking stress, we are talking any and every kind of stress.

1. Breathe…easy!

The air inside our homes is unique and the quality of it is affected by anything and everything that comes into our homes. Research has shown that the indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than the outdoor air! Alarming, right?

Add to that the fact that the majority of people spend around 90-95% of their day indoors, and it starts to become clear why all of this is so important.

When we keep our doors and windows closed, the levels of indoor air contaminants build up and conversely, oxygen levels are reduced.

This can make us feel groggy, confused, itchy, sick… all depending on what is in our homes.

When we open our windows and doors and let the fresh air in, we end up exchanging the air and diluting these levels.

As a result, we often feel fresher, brighter and clear-headed.

Did You Know?

Did you know it is possible to exchange the air in your home in as little as 2 minutes?

By opening all external and internal doors and windows, it can take as few as 2 minutes to change all the air in your home over to fresh air!

“What Can I Do?”

At the very least, exchange the air inside your home each morning, each afternoon and each evening.

Start at your front door and do a lap of your home opening every door and window. Wait two minutes, and the do a lap and close the doors and windows you want closed.

2. Barefoot… and healthy!

Our shoes get to walk in all sorts of unpleasant things (I’ll leave it with you to think of some. My mind always goes back to the train I used to have to catch that was so foul, I would have a good shower when I got home, too!).

Apart from that, there are also pesticides, pollutants from traffic and roads, heavy metals, dust and so on.

When we wear our shoes inside, we can easily traipse all of this through our homes. From here it either moves about the place as dust, or if you have carpets or rugs, it becomes embedded deep within the pile.

Even a good clean may not remove all of these contaminants.

It is wiser, in my opinion, not to bring them into our homes to start with.

Did You Know?

Carpets act as a “sink” they collect all sorts of contaminants, including skin cells, mould spores and all the things you traipse in on your shoes.

I often think about a carpet as being like an archaeological site – revealing information about the lives of the people living there!

Also, where there is dust, there are dust mites.

“What Can I Do?”


Create a no-shoe policy..

Lead – Creating Awareness

lead poisoningLead Poisoning Prevention is Better than Cure

When I first began assessing buildings for health hazards, I was dumbfounded to discover leadlighting (aka stained glass in the US) still used lead. Yes, despite the known risks, lead is still used for leadlighting!

My concerns:

  • Anyone creating leadlight glass products would have a higher than usual exposure to lead
  • Many houses have leadlighting throughout, especially the “Golden Age” homes – so these doors and windows are quite accessible to children and pets
  • As well, older leadlighting can begin to break down, so lead levels in house dust can be elevated

Lead tastes sweet (so I am told!) – which is why so many children suck on paint chips.

Recently I created three images for the Volcano Art Prize – run by LeadSafeWorld.

“Test Your Soil”

Lead can easily contaminate our soil – from traffic dust, breaking down paints, and even through the water (lead-based solders, or water collected from a roof that has lead flashing).

Message: if you are planning a veggie garden or a chook run, it is recommended that you have the soil tested first.


A very fashionable paint look at the moment is the “distressed look.” More often than not, this is deliberately done. However, peeling paint on older buildings very likely contains lead – and then sanding is definitely not recommended.

Message: if you have an older building, either test the paint for lead OR encapsulate it by adding layers of paint and be sure never to sand it.

“Look Up!”

This image was designed to help people remember that lead dust, amongst many other contaminants may be found in the roof/ceiling void.

Message: Before any renovation, even the installation of downlights, have a member of the Australian Dust Removalists Association (ADRA) remove the dust from your ceiling void safely.

Prevention is better than cure!

Please help create awareness. Lead poisoning is not as uncommon as it should be.

If you have any concerns – please feel free to get in touch.

#lead #leadpoisoning #testforlead

Handy Essential Oils

Handy Essential Oils to Use Around the Home

I wanted to share with you some handy essential oils that you can use with ease. 

essential oils pests

I don’t like conventional pesticides they are neurotoxins, many of which were developed for use in warfare!

Instead, I like to think about “pests” as a critter in the wrong place. Thus my approach is aversion. I would rather they chose not to be there, than be killed.

What works for cockroaches?

Cockroaches absolutely dislike pennyroyal essential oil.

I am not sure why, I love its minty aroma.

All you need to do to keep them out of cupboards is to put a few drops on a cotton ball and place this in your cupboard.

essential oils smells

Essential Oils and Smells

Smells around the home can be unpleasant – but less so than “air fresheners” that add to the particulate matter in the air, and coat everything with a synthetic fragrance.

Whilst my favourite strategies are to:

  1. Remove the source of the odour, and
  2. Open doors and windows and exchange the air.

But sometimes there is a need to help “manage” the smells.


In this instance, I am referring to the bathroom/powder room/toilet. You know what I am getting at… 😉

And for Bathroom Smells?

An essential oil that works wonders for this is tea tree essential oil.

You can make up a small spray bottle with water and a few drops of tea tree and use this as needed.

Obviously, opening doors and windows is always a good option. 🙂

essential oils and sleep

Essential Oils and Sleep

Many people recommend lavender essential oil to assist with sleep.

I don’t.


I have heard from many people over the decades which I have used essential oils find that lavender “hypes them up.”


To help get a good nights’ sleep, a good routine is important.

Here’s what I suggest:

  • No later than 7pm each evening, turn off wi-fi and all devices (including phones and tablets)
  • After your evening meal, go for a short stroll. In Chinese medicine, it is often recommended to walk 100 steps after dinner
  • Avoid phone calls and conversations
  • If you have a lot on your mind, “dump” it onto paper to clear it from your mind
  • Journal or make your days’ gratitude list
  • Meditate or pray

What to Use for Sleep?

I think we need to keep our bedrooms as free from anything that the body needs to deal with – and for many of us, we have already had enormous toxicant-exposures through the day.

For this reason, I think it best not to use essential oils.

However, if you are keen to do so, I recommend sweet marjoram and sweet orange.

Chamomile may also be helpful.

Let me know your thoughts.

#essentialoils #handyessentialoils #naturalpesticide #smells #sleep





Sleep: Why Is it So Important?

Do you struggle to get a good night’s sleep?

Many people do these days, and this can have a bigger impact that just feeling sleepy all day, or perhaps being on the caffeine-cycle. Ironically, according to apps on our devices, there is an “insomnia epidemic.”

When you are tired, you don’t function so well – your mood is off, your tolerance levels are down, you are easily agitated or stressed. As well, over time, this can deplete you and your immunity is also affected.

Why is Sleep so Important?

Sleep is incredibly important as it is the time that we heal and recover from our day – in preparation for the next day. Sleep is when we detoxify, when we create melatonin (a hormone which has an antioxidant effect) and when we rest.

It is one of the most important physiological functions we do, in my opinion.

What Affects Sleep?

There are many factors that can impact sleep. Some of these are:

  • Stress
  • Eating too late
  • Caffeine
  • Conversation
  • Poor sleep hygiene
  • Environmental stressors

eco-health-solutions natural


Did You Know…?

Did you know that if you use your device for two hours in the evening that it affects the quality of your sleep; melatonin production; your mood, attention and accuracy the following day?

Research links this to the short-wave light emitted from the LED lights inside our devices (Green, et al, 2017). I wonder if there is more to it, and the use of these devices on wi-fi or 3G/4G/5G is also playing a role.

What Can I Do to Improve My Sleep?

I am going to focus purely on environmental stressors here…

1) Promote melatonin production – ensure your bedroom is dark. If this isn’t possible, it would be worth using an eye shade. 

2) Reduce the radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME) – turn off your mobile phone and wi-fi router

3) Reduce indoor air contaminants – remove scented reeds and candles from your bedroom

4) Minimise exposure to allergens – use a silk pillowcase to reduce issues with house dust mites (HDM)

5) Reduce your exposure to biotoxins – address any mould in your home

Still Concerned?

Then contact me and we can arrange a
Virtual Indoor Environmental Health Assessment
to assess and address stressors in your environment.



Green, A, Cohen-Zion, M, Haim, A & Dagan, Y (2017) Evening Light Exposure to Computer Screens Disrupts Human Sleep, Biological Rhythms and Attention Abilities Chronobiology International (Online) Available at (May 2017) 

#sleep #indoorenvironmentalhealth #environmentalstressors


Building Biology? What is it?

Building Biology??

In a nutshell, Building Biology is the science of the way that a building impacts upon your health.

Building Biology, for me, is another set of skills that I can use to improve the health and wellbeing of you – my client.

Sleeping Well – Or Are You?

In my work as a Chinese medicine practitioner, I’ve had many people tell me that they sleep well. However, a large percentage of them wake up feeling tired.

This can be caused by electromagnetic fields (EMF). EMF can prevent a person from fully resting at night-time, resulting in waking up tired.

The “big picture” view of this is that your body does not get the opportunity to heal properly and regenerate for the next day.

Of course, there are many other aspects to the way that EMF can impact upon your health. Some other examples are:

  • Grinding or clenching your teeth
  • Ringing in your ears
  • A sense of being agitated or restless

Headaches? Frequent Colds? Finding It Hard To Focus Your Thoughts?

Again, your home or workplace could be impacting upon your health.

These can all be caused by the quality of your indoor air.

Did you know that on average, we spend 80-90% of our time indoors.

What is more, indoor air can be 10 times more polluted than outdoor air.

Astounding, I think.

You’ve seen the advertisement where her animal friends compliment Mrs Hippo about the lovely smell of her home? By using the product that she advocates, you are actually ADDING to the indoor air pollution.

Air fresheners act in two ways:

  1. They coat an air pollutant – they don’t get rid of them; and
  2. They inhibit your ability to smell – which means that they are changing your body’s normal functioning.

Mould also contributes to the pollution of indoor air. Mould does not have to be visible to be a problem.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are released into the air from building materials, furnishings, plastics, personal care products and cleaning products. They often have a large impact upon the indoor air quality, and because of their constant presence can contribute to a general feeling of being unwell.


What About A New Building?

All too often people laugh off the idea of mould, “My building is brand new!,” they scoff.

However, there have been enough brand new buildings that I have assessed, some that haven’t even been lived in yet, that have mould issues.

With an understanding of building science, embodied energy, life cycle analyses and the ways that building materials and furnishings behave with regards to indoor air quality and EMF’s, I am able to advise you on choosing products that are beneficial to your health – whether it be at home, at school or at work.

How Do I Know If I Need A Building Biologist?

You may relate to many of the symptoms discussed above.

Another really clear sign that something within a building that is affecting you is when you feel better once you are out of it.

This of course is different to feeling good because you are not at work (sadly not everyone loves their work as much as I do!). But if your symptoms ease off or disappear when you are out of the building and return when you are there again, we can certainly suspect the building.

Some examples:

“Bob” had a raging headache that became a severe migraine through the day when he was at work. However, by Sunday evening it had eased off. As soon as he got back to work it returned and increased in severity. This happened for three weeks. Then he found out that a “smart” meter had been installed three weeks earlier.

“Samantha” felt “off” every day, she felt that she always had a cold that never quite eventuated. Like Bob, on weekends, she felt fine. It turned out that there was a problem with the quality of the air at her workplace.

“Peter” moved into a new home. After living there for a short period of time, his friends noticed that he was emotional and angry, seemingly without cause. His new home was full of mould.

eco-health-solutions natural

What to do…

“Sick Building Syndrome” is a term that describes the negative health effects of a building upon the health of the occupants.

If you suspect there is something going on, then we can help you!

We have a cost- and time-effective solution – that we can only offer due to Lucinda’s extensive experience and training:

A Virtual Indoor Environmental Health Assessment