No matter where we go these days, we tend to be surrounded by free wi-fi, phone towers… Those that are aware of the harmful effects (whether they experience them or not) often ask, “What can I do to keep myself safe?”
There is the temptation to buy something that will magically set up a forcefield that blocks out all radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME).
There is a level of desperation for those who suffer in the presence of it.
There is the urge to stick something on the phone to make it safe. But none of these make any measurable difference.
Instead, here are three steps that can make a considerable difference.
1) MAKE YOUR HOME A SAFE PLACE – free from wireless technology
This is the #1 most important step of all because this the place you spend time when your body is healing and detoxifying. Whilst you cannot control what happens out there (and gee, I wish I could!!) you can control your home and what happens in it. Take action there.
Go barefoot in the garden, on the beach, or “forest bathe.” All of these will help you to “discharge” and earth. As well, there is research that shows that spending 1 hour in the forest has health benefits that last for a whole 7 days!
3) MINIMISE your exposure
The greatest risk with buying a sticker for your smartphone, or a piece of plug-in plastic, or wearing a pendant with rainbow swirls is that it can make you feel safe, and therefore instead of reducing your exposure, you INCREASE it.
If you have to go somewhere where there are high levels of wireless technology, then keep the time capped and head off into nature straight afterwards.
I have to LOL while I write this as it sounds very closed-minded… I have an open mind to what MAY help, but I also see so many people suffer that I need to be clear with this. While I cannot show any measurable difference with any of these things, I cannot recommend them. Building Biology Brain means precaution all the way.
If you do decide to get a piece of jewelry, a plug-in, a sticker, a rock… whatever it is, please consider this “an added bonus.” If it helps, bonus! If it doesn’t do anything, then at least it wasn’t too expensive. The main thing here is to do no harm.
When I first began assessing buildings for health hazards, I was dumbfounded to discover leadlighting (aka stained glass in the US) still used lead. Yes, despite the known risks, lead is still used for leadlighting!
My concerns:
Anyone creating leadlight glass products would have a higher than usual exposure to lead
Many houses have leadlighting throughout, especially the “Golden Age” homes – so these doors and windows are quite accessible to children and pets
As well, older leadlighting can begin to break down, so lead levels in house dust can be elevated
Lead tastes sweet (so I am told!) – which is why so many children suck on paint chips.
Recently I created three images for the Volcano Art Prize – run by LeadSafeWorld.
“Test Your Soil”
Lead can easily contaminate our soil – from traffic dust, breaking down paints, and even through the water (lead-based solders, or water collected from a roof that has lead flashing).
Message: if you are planning a veggie garden or a chook run, it is recommended that you have the soil tested first.
A very fashionable paint look at the moment is the “distressed look.” More often than not, this is deliberately done. However, peeling paint on older buildings very likely contains lead – and then sanding is definitely not recommended.
Message: if you have an older building, either test the paint for lead OR encapsulate it by adding layers of paint and be sure never to sand it.
This image was designed to help people remember that lead dust, amongst many other contaminants may be found in the roof/ceiling void.
Message: Before any renovation, even the installation of downlights, have a member of the Australian Dust Removalists Association (ADRA) remove the dust from your ceiling void safely.
Please help create awareness. Lead poisoning is not as uncommon as it should be.
If you have any concerns – please feel free to get in touch.
Connecting to the Ethernet has many benefits, no matter who you are or what your reason is.
If you are looking for a safer way to use the internet than wifi – this if for you.
If you want to have a good connection for video calls or games – this is for you.
If you want to stream movies, etc more smoothly – this is for you.
How To Connect to the Ethernet – Simply, Cheaply and For Your Health
Here are the simple step-by-step instructions to connect to the Ethernet.
I am going to assume zero knowledge and explain things as simply as possible. Let’s start with some definitions.
What is “Ethernet”?
Simply put, the Ethernet is your cabled internet connection.
It is the same as LAN (local area network).
The connection is an RJ-45 – seen here. (Please bear in mind that the cable and plug is often blue or yellow, but may be different colours. Do look at the plug part of it – this is the important bit.)
To the right here, is an image of an Ethernet cable with a close up of the plug.
EMF Basics
EMF is the abbreviation for electromagnetic fields. There are many different types of EMF.
Wireless technology depends on radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME). We do sometimes use more complicated terms. But everything wireless is either HF or RF.
Wired technology can create a variety of different types of EMF.
If it is wiring or appliances connected to the mains it is “ELF AC” EMF. This is extremely low frequency alternating current EMF. This is man-made. Because it goes back and forth (thus “alternating”) it creates magnetic fields and electric fields that are often high, and problematic for many people.
If it is something that runs on battery, it is not alternating, and generally the fields are lower.
Something You May Need – Your “Charging Cable”
To simplify this post, I wanted to explain what I mean here by a “charging cable.”
All devices and phones come with a cable to charge them when the battery gets low. Most of them are made up of a cable that is inserted into a plug that you put into a powerpoint.
When you separate them out, you will have two parts – the plug and the charging cable. The charging cable will have a USB plug on the end.
The goal is to reduce exposure to wireless EMF and also the AC EMF.
As such, we are looking to work from batteries, and reduce exposure to other EMF to levels as low as possible.
Another good reason is to have a steady connection which aids smooth streaming.
Once you are connected, please make sure you turn off Bluetooth, 3G/4G/5G and wifi.
Your phone, tablet or device will be connected to the internet and can be used in FLIGHT MODE. This is recommended.
Be aware that when your phone is in FLIGHT MODE you cannot make or receive calls. You can send and receive text messages.
Here’s How to Use the Internet via Ethernet
Modem or Router
Firstly, your modem/router needs to be one that doesn’t emit HF/RF. Depending on where you are and if you are connected to the NBN yet or not, the type of modem will vary.
Generally, you can get a modem/router that cannot be used wirelessly from online stores.
When looking to purchase one, you need to ask a key question – which is actually the opposite of what you want.
Can I use this wirelessly?
By asking this, you find out if it emits HF/RF. If the answer is, “No” – then this is GREAT. If the answer is “Yes” – you need to keep looking.
(The reason to ask this way around is that any modem/router can be used via cable/ethernet – so you won’t find out if it emits HF/RF EMF.)
Simply plug your ethernet cable into your modem/router and into the socket (plug hole) on your computer.
** be sure to turn off wifi, bluetooth, etc on your computer as well
(The reason to switch these off is that even if you are not using them, if they are on, they are searching for a signal.)
Tablets, Phones and Other Devices
This is a tiny bit more complex, but very very easy.
You need to determine if you have an Apple product or an Android product. Once you have that figured out, you can follow these simple steps.
Apple (iOS)
The more recent Apple phones and tablets have a “lightning” connection. I will walk you through both options – so let’s do one at a time.
Lightning to Ethernet
This is quite a small plug and on your device, it will look like this:
Toxic truth: lifestyle-related chronic disease is widely recognised as being one of the top underlying causes for death.
Epidemics and pandemics have been fuelled by high intake of sugar, fat, salt, alcohol, tobacco and lack of physical exercise. Along with this, is the involuntary exposure to the cocktail of industrial chemicals. The World Health Organisation are paying attention to this as they forecast a “tidal wave of cancer.”
The Shift in Thinking
Toxicology has shifted the scientific thinking. Previously the view was that “the dose makes the poison,” and now we are looking at windows of development and minute doses being extremely problematic.
No longer is toxicity about the dose – “the type of chemical, timing of exposure, the combination of chemicals and individual risk factors” all play a role in the toxic effects, says Prof. Marc Cohen.
Did you know? In 2002, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified ELF AC magnetic fields as category 2B.
What that means is that they recognised the potentially carcinogenic effects for humans (risk of causing cancer) of the MF associated with household wiring, appliances, and power lines.
These fields are one of the most researched areas of EMF – and one of the least controversial. Wertheimer and Leeper’s research in the 1970’s linked these fields to increased incidences of childhood leukaemia.
There are four types of EMF assessed by Eco Health Solutions:
ELF AC magnetic fields
ELF AC electric fields
radiofrequency EMF
dirty electricity
There are a great many people that conduct EMF assessments which include #1 and #3, only.
Because I understand this area more deeply, I see that doing half the job is completely inadequate (check out this post). I have been to many homes and workplaces where the greatest problems are found with the electric field readings and that of dirty electricity.
A thorough assessment is the only way to ensure that all bases are covered in order to provide you with an accurate picture of what is occurring in your home or workplace.
Wi-Fi – we are surrounded by wi-fi all the time. But there is something that you can do that can significantly minimise your exposure… and it is free!
Why would you want to? There are risks associated with using this technology. This is “radiofrequency EMF” and has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified it as a “category 2B” which means that they recognise it as being potentially carcinogenic to humans.
Apart from cancer, there are other associated risks – including sleep disturbance, grinding teeth, muscle tension, as well as reactions that happen on a cellular level (voltage-gated calcium channels, reactions of blood cells…).
I want to share with you a simple tip that can make a big difference.
From today onwards, I want you to think of your wi-fi router like you do your oven.
Yup! Your wi-fi router is like your oven.
From now on:
When you want to use it, turn it on.
Let it warm up.
Use it.
Turn it off again.
Simply by doing this, you can greatly reduce your exposure and begin to create new patterns around its use.
When you are ready, I highly recommend changing over to an ethernet-only router – and there ARE many choices.
Changes To Mobile Phone Use and Ownership in Aussie Kids
Recent Roy Morgan research finds that girls own their first mobile phones earlier than boys.
Children between the ages of 6-13 were surveyed, along with children 14 years and over. They found that from the age of 8-9 years old, 12% more girls than boys own mobile phones.
the fact that WHO and IARC classified radiofrequency EMF (used for wireless technology) as a possible human carcinogen
… there are numerous concerns about the use of mobile phones, particularly for the young developing/growing bodies.
Recently at the 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium,Dr Mary Redmayne shared research that she did in 2009 into New Zealand ‘tweens usage of mobile phones, comparing it to nowadays. She found that many children used their phones “covertly” – inside their pockets and so forth, which can be particularly problematic in terms of the proximity to reproductive organs.
I am not going to delve into that here… merely point out ways to stay safe.
Staying Safe from Mobile Phones
I am going to add to this list:
1) Divert/forward mobile phones to your corded landline, and then turn your mobile phone off.
2) Don’t hold onto your mobile phone when it is on or in use.
3) Carry your phone in a Radiation-Reducing Phone Case to reduce what you are exposed to – and ideally keep it in flight-mode while you do this.
4) Air-Tube Earphones are a better alternatives to the standard ones – but speakerphone is better still.
5) Put your mobile phone in flight mode and turn it off when it is not in use.
Some extra tips for mobile phone safety from Environmental Health Trust:
Avoid using your cell phone when the signal is weak or when moving at high speed… as automatically power increases to emit a maximum amount of radiation because the phone repeatedly attempts to connect to each nearest network antenna.
Children should only use cell phones for emergencies. Children’s skulls are thinner than adults’ and their brains are still developing. Hence, radiation from cell phones penetrates more deeply into their brains and is likely to cause more damage.
Avoid using your cell phone in metal contained spaces like a car, elevator, bus, train or airplane.
Protect your fertility. This radiation has been shown to damage sperm and the ovaries. Many people move the phone away from their head to reduce exposure but down to their torso forgetting that a cell phone or laptop to the abdomen results in higher radiation absorption to the reproductive organs.
Read your cell phone manual to find the minimum distance the federal government recommends that your cell phone must be kept away from your body. Keeping it closer than the designated distance can result in a violation of the FCC Exposure Limit. Exceeding FCC levels is proven to result in burns, sterility, and brain damage. Learn more about fine print instructions at ShowTheFinePrint.Org.
Remember that these “minimum distances” in the cell phone manuals do not protect you from nonthermal effects such as sperm damage, damaged brain cells and increased brain cancer risk. Federal guidelines are set thousands of times too high to protect from these “nonthermal” effects from long term low level cumulative exposures.
Special Note if You’re Pregnant It is especially important for those who are pregnant to reduce cell phone exposures because research has shown cell phone radiation can damage to the brain and reproductive system in developing pregnancies. To learn more, please go to the Baby Safe Project.
This last week of October recognises the risk of lead poisoning in our lives – this is international Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action.
Lead was the cause of the downfall of the Roman empire and it has been recognised as the cause of German composer Ludwig van Beethoven health problems, loss of hearing and early death.
Yet lead abounds in our daily lives – primarily from its previous use in petrol, but also in paints, water pipes, leaded crystalware, lead-light/stained glass, sinkers, ammunition, and potentially even in the imported painted toys that your children may have. The LEAD Group (2012) also point out that it can also be found in flashing (an important consideration if you drink rainwater collected from your roof), kohl eye and lip pencils, old metal toothpaste tubes, radiation shielding in hospitals, some PVC products, leadshot, painted pre-1970 furniture, road marking paint, painted china and so on.
Given that most of us spends more than 90% of our time indoors, it is always important to consider potential hazards.
Another important point is that lead is sweet – so children and animals may lick, suck on or even consume paint.
I had a quick chat about Lead Poisoning Prevention with Elizabeth O’Brien from The LEAD Group, which you can watch here.
Elizabeth O’Brien took part in the 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium. Here is an excerpt from her chapter in the 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium: Text Book.
Even though most of us have never been tested for lead and therefore have not been diagnosed with lead poisoning, we are all exposed to lead in the modern world, and every microgram (millionth of a gram) of lead and even every molecule or atom of lead, does damage in the body.
If you have other risk factors (for example, family history) for any of the huge range of health effects of lead there’s virtually no chance that lead will be identified as one of the contributors or causes (Vella et al, 2014). Also, unless you suffer overt lead poisoning – an extremely high dose acute lead poisoning, the symptoms of typical modern chronic lead exposure may not show up until years, or decades, later.
Thus lead poisoning is known as “the silent epidemic.”
Therefore, the number one action that you can take today, is to organise a test with your doctor to assess your blood lead level. Obviously zero is the goal, but The LEAD Group advocated taking action to reduce exposure if your result is not below 1 microgram/decilitre.
Signs and Symptoms of Lead Poisoning
In Babies and Children
The Mayo Clinic (June 2014) list the following symptoms of lead poisoning
In newborns
Learning difficulties
Slowed growth
In children
Developmental delay
Learning difficulties
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Sluggishness and fatigue
Abdominal pain
Hearing loss
In Adults
According to the Department of Health and Human Services (2016) list out the following signs and symptoms (for adults and children), but do point out that “some children or adults may not have any symptoms at all.”
Symptoms of acute lead poisoning:
Muscle pains
Abdominal pains
Nausea and vomiting
Symptoms of chronic lead poisoning:
Lack of energy
Loss of appetite
Learning disabilities
Behavioural problems
Poor school performance
Poor coordination
Impaired growth
In Dogs
Dr Becker (1997-2016) lists the following signs of lead poisoning for dogs:
loss of appetite
colic (pain, inflammation, gas or discomfort in the colon)
hysterical barking
jaw champing
problems with coordination and movement
muscle spams
abnormal posture from severe muscle spasms
pressing the head against a wall
Please consult your vet immediately if you notice the symptoms.
O’Brien, E “Save Lives by Testing for Lead” in Curran, L (2016) 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium: TextBook Building Vitality, Melbourne
Department of Health and Human Services, State Government of Victoria, Australia (2016) Lead Exposure and Poisoning (online) Viewed 25 October 2016. Available at