Magnetic Fields (MF)
Magnetic fields – can they be harmful?
Did you know? In 2002, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified ELF AC magnetic fields as category 2B.
What that means is that they recognised the potentially carcinogenic effects for humans (risk of causing cancer) of the MF associated with household wiring, appliances, and power lines.
These fields are one of the most researched areas of EMF – and one of the least controversial. Wertheimer and Leeper’s research in the 1970’s linked these fields to increased incidences of childhood leukaemia.
ELF AC MF exist wherever an appliance is in use.
What to do?
- Keep a distance from high sources.
- Turn off and unplug whatever is not in use.
- Seek expert advice on how to reduce your exposure
Magnetic Fields are only PART of the EMF picture.
There are four types of EMF assessed by Eco Health Solutions:
- ELF AC magnetic fields
- ELF AC electric fields
- radiofrequency EMF
- dirty electricity
There are a great many people that conduct EMF assessments which include #1 and #3, only.
Because I understand this area more deeply, I see that doing half the job is completely inadequate (check out this post). I have been to many homes and workplaces where the greatest problems are found with the electric field readings and that of dirty electricity.
A thorough assessment is the only way to ensure that all bases are covered in order to provide you with an accurate picture of what is occurring in your home or workplace.
Want to know how to reduce the levels in your place?
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