Essential Oils Thyme and Oregano


Mould Busters!

Essential Oils of Thyme and Oregano

Both of these incredible gifts from nature have been proven as effective antimicrobials – they can kill both mould and its spores.


But killing mould is not enough – it also needs to be effectively removed. See below for more details

Thyme and Oregano Essential Oil - Why I Love Them

Thyme and Oregano are two herbs that most of us know and love. Just the smell of these brings all sorts of delicious foods to mind… Mmmmm.

(NOTE: essential oils should never be ingested)

Despite the best laid plans, we can readily end up with mould in our environments. Often, this is due to two factors. Firstly, there are mould spores everywhere. Secondly, when there is enough moisture present, mould can grow.

Whilst there are well-marketed products out there, that mostly do little more than to whiten the appearance of mould, these potent essential oils can actually kill mould.

When used properly, these essential oils can be amazing to have in your cleaning arsenal.

Below I outline how to use these oils effectively.

You know what? I use these every single time I do an assessment. I have them in my cleaning mix when I clean my equipment and cases. As well, I burn them in my car to help minimise issues as I travel back from an assessment.

If you have pets - caution is warranted with essential oils - please see below.

What is in it?

This pack contains 2x 15 mL bottles of essential oil. One is Thyme essential oil, the other is Oregano Essential Oil.

Or, you can buy the individual oils - one bottle of 15mL.

Both of these potent essential oils are products of Spain.

To preserve their integrity, they are packaged in green glass bottles complete with a dripper so that you can easily get a few drops of these potent essential oils, without overdoing it.

They can be purchased separately if you prefer.

Thyme and Oregano essential oil (as for all essential oils) should not be ingested. 

Some Links to Research into Thyme and Oregano Essential Oils

How to Use Thyme and Oregano Essential Oils


To clean mould off hard surfaces (such as windows), simply make up a detergent-water solution, add a few drops of Eco Health Solutions 100% Pure Essential Oil: Thyme and 100% Pure Essential Oil: Oregano and clean with a well-wrung-out microfibre cloth.

Be sure NOT to rinse and reuse the cloth, instead, dispose of it after using to clean off mould.


Add up to 5 drops of essential oils to your wash.

I often put them on a microfibre cloth and put this in with the wash.

Car Diffuser

Put 1-2 drops on the essential oil pad for your car diffuser.


Always be careful about using essential oils around animals. Check with your vet.

I found this post from a vet clinic regarding animals and essential oils - if you have pets, please read this.

Additional information

Single or Pack?

Oregano + Thyme Pack of 2, Oregano Pack of 1, Thyme Pack of 1

2 reviews for Essential Oils Thyme and Oregano

  1. Megandut

    Eighth grade games: So when I was in the eighth grade, science class was the most boring hours of my life. Everyone would play games on their computers (we used computers to take notes) but would play them in a super sneaky manner (volume down, looking at the board so it looks like you’re taking notes, etc.). I wasn’t one for playing games during class but I was soooo bored…so I searched up Pac-Man on Google and started playing (I didn’t know what else to play). So I started playing and just my luck I didn’t check how high my volume was….IT WAS ALL THE WAY UP. I started panicking because the game noises were excruciatingly loud. I kept playing and got eaten by a ghost almost after I pressed the start button (my hands were shaking like crazy)….my strict science teacher looked me straight in the eye.. More stories here

  2. Lazernoe_ybst

    Что такое лазерное удаление папиллом и как оно проводится?
    Лазерное удаление папиллом — это современный метод удаления доброкачественных новообразований на коже с использованием лазерного луча. Лазер испаряет ткани папилломы, не затрагивая здоровые клетки кожи. Процедура проводится под местной анестезией и занимает от нескольких минут до получаса, в зависимости от количества и размера папиллом.
    What is laser removal of papillomas and how is it performed?
    Laser removal of papillomas is a modern method of removing benign skin growths using a laser beam. The laser vaporizes the papilloma tissue without affecting healthy skin cells. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the number and size of the papillomas.

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2 reviews for Essential Oils Thyme and Oregano

  1. Lazernoe_ybst

    Что такое лазерное удаление папиллом и как оно проводится?
    Лазерное удаление папиллом — это современный метод удаления доброкачественных новообразований на коже с использованием лазерного луча. Лазер испаряет ткани папилломы, не затрагивая здоровые клетки кожи. Процедура проводится под местной анестезией и занимает от нескольких минут до получаса, в зависимости от количества и размера папиллом.
    What is laser removal of papillomas and how is it performed?
    Laser removal of papillomas is a modern method of removing benign skin growths using a laser beam. The laser vaporizes the papilloma tissue without affecting healthy skin cells. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the number and size of the papillomas.

  2. Megandut

    Eighth grade games: So when I was in the eighth grade, science class was the most boring hours of my life. Everyone would play games on their computers (we used computers to take notes) but would play them in a super sneaky manner (volume down, looking at the board so it looks like you’re taking notes, etc.). I wasn’t one for playing games during class but I was soooo bored…so I searched up Pac-Man on Google and started playing (I didn’t know what else to play). So I started playing and just my luck I didn’t check how high my volume was….IT WAS ALL THE WAY UP. I started panicking because the game noises were excruciatingly loud. I kept playing and got eaten by a ghost almost after I pressed the start button (my hands were shaking like crazy)….my strict science teacher looked me straight in the eye.. More stories here

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