Home is the Most Important Place

Home is the most important place. It is our castle.

Home is our safety haven, our sacred space, our island in the midst of the world.

For many of us, the world can be a bit full-on. The onslaught of fragrances, noise, wi-fi, people, lights… it can be overwhelming at times.

Also, most of these things are out of our control.

The best thing to do is to have a healing, safe, and nourishing home to come back to.

A virtual Indoor Environmental Health Assessment Can Short-Cut Your Route to a Healthy Nurturing Space

By assessing your home with great care, and attention to detail, we can shortcut the agonising searching for information and hazards.

Whether it be:

  • electromagnetic fields
  • phone towers
  • neighbours wi-fi
  • the smart meter
  • air pollutants
  • indoor air quality
  • volatile organic compounds
  • lead and other heavy metals
  • drinking water contaminants
  • mould and water damage
  • personal care and cleaning products
  • and more!

By assessing your home, I can determine the hazards, the potential problems AND provide you with solutions.

Many of my clients experience not only peace of mind, but improved health after implementing the recommendations.

They know that they have made their home safe for their families.

Get in touch so we can arrange your assessment.

Indoor Air Contaminants – The 3 Most Commonly Overlooked

Indoor Air Contaminants – Discover Which 3 Are Most Commonly Overlooked

Indoor air contaminants are largely ignored – even though the indoor air can be up to 10 times more polluted than the outdoor air.


Air is one of our most basic needs, yet it is often not as clean as it should be.

When people think about air pollution, they usually think about traffic-related air pollution. “Smog.”

In early 2020, many Australians also considered smoke due to the horrendous fires that we started the year with.

This is all pretty much about outdoor air (ambient air).

However, very few people consider indoor air – contaminants, quality and so on.

When you consider your indoor air, what springs to your mind first?

  • Is it the bathroom, when someone has used the toilet?
  • Is it the rubbish bin?
  • Or maybe it is the gym bag full of sweat-laden clothes and shoes.

There are more indoor air contaminants that what readily spring to mind.

I made this short video to help you understand more about this topic, and also to shine a light on the three most overlooked ones.


I encourage you to read more about our indoor air. Here are some posts that may pique your interest:

If you'd like my advice, then book a call with me.


Humidity – Understanding and Managing it

Humidity is not just a present in our rainforests, it is also present in our homes

Humidity is basically moisture levels in the air.

Relative humidity (RH) is what we commonly talk about, and the ideal range is between 45-55% RH.

Why? Because at this level, it is not moist enough to for most mould, bacteria and other microorganisms to grow. Thus, this is our levels of “no concern” in our Building Biology Standards.

This image depicts different activity levels at different levels of RH (Arundel, et al).

The best way to know what the levels are in your home or workplace is to use a basic hygrometer, such as this one.

RH levels affect our comfort levels as well as our experience of temperatures

When RH levels are high, temperatures feel a lot more oppressive… Think “tropics” and “wet seasons.”

When RH levels are very low, we feel dry – our eyes, throat and mouth can become irritated as a result. Too, we may experience more static electricity.

Why is Humidity an Issue?

Humidity is an issue because when a material is cold enough, this moisture will condense out of the air and can result in the proliferation of mould. Read more about condensation here.

In a recent trip to far north Queensland, I witnessed first hand what regular high levels of RH were like. The temperatures remained stable in the high 20s (celcius) and the RH levels were around 86% night and day. The buildings I saw had the air conditioning running full pelt, and as a result, there was water streaming down all the windows.

On further investigation, it was apparent that the building materials had varying temperatures, and some were cold enough to be below dew point. The result? In technical terms: mould in the interstitial spaces of the building… hidden mould – aka “invisible mould.”

Discover more…

In the video below as I share with you how to manage humidity in our homes.

Understand the difference between desiccant dehumidifiers and refrigerant dehumidifiers and which one is best for you.

Work out what you need in your home or workplace.

Condensation: An Enormous Issue In Buildings

Condensation: an Enormous Issue in Buildings

Condensation is an enormous issues in buildings, whether they be older buildings with single glazed windows and/or no insulation OR brand new buildings that are built to be energy efficient.

“My Building Is New, There is No Mould”

So I am told by many people when they call about at assessment of their home.

“I have NO MOULD, Everything is Dry Now…

Others tell me. And I even hear:

“There is No Mould in My House… but There is a Musty Smell”


<<Picture me rubbing my chin and nodding slowly>>

All three of these cases do not preclude the presence of mould. The other thing to remember is that you cannot always smell mould when it is present.

Here is a video I did to explain about buildings built to code:

So why are we talking about mould when we started with condensation?

Mould has very basic needs: food and moisture.

Food is everywhere. Moisture can be controlled.

Condensation – Why is it an Issue? What is it? How Does it Form? Where Can it Occur?

It is an issue because it forms whenever a building material, or air, reaches dew point. What this means is that the material becomes cold enough to condense water out of the air – which is when droplets form… condensation. Condensation forms on the warm side of the material… Think about a bottle of cold water. The droplets of condensation form on the outside of the bottle.

In winter, a house that is warmed could have condensation forming under the metal roof or in the walls on the inner side of the sarking. As well, it often occurs on the inside of windows.

In summer, a house that is cooled could have condensation forming on the outside of windows, on the outer side of sarking and even within the building envelope where there are changes in temperatures.

This is a problem because it can result in building materials becoming wet enough to support the proliferation of mould (aka mould growth).

This can occur in roof spaces, wall cavities, window frames, and so on.

Research done by Dewsbury, et al, found that buildings built to code may be water damaged and mouldy within their first winter.

This is a big deal.

Condensation can be a large contributing factor to the mould burden in a building – so do take it seriously.

Are you affected by mould and want to learn more?
Click here to find out more about our Inner Circle.


Dewsbury, Dr M, Law, Dr T, Henderson, Dr A (17 Feb 2016) Investigation of Destructive Condensation in Australian Cool Temperate Buildings Building Standards and Occupational Licensing, Department of Justice Tasmania, Tasmania

“Bake Outs,” Ozone and Our Indoor Air

I want to share some information about ozone, VOCs and our indoor air.

From here, I will share my stance on “bake outs,” so let's start at the end to make sure it all makes sense.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

The best example of VOCs is the smell of the cleaning aisle in the supermarket.

That smell – the waft get when you are approaching the cleaning aisle… You know the one?

That is the VOCs being released from the cleaning products.

What is a “Bake Out”?

A “bake out” is a process that utilises the notion that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released at a higher rate where there is an increase in temperature. To carry out this technique, you would close up a room or building, crank the heating, and bake out the VOCs. But wait!

BUT, where do they go?

Some can be absorbed by building materials (eg plasterboard) and furnishings (eg curtains, couches, carpet) and much remains in the air.

AND, what happens?

That is part of what I wanted to talk about today.

What is Ozone?

Ozone, is a pale blue gas that is a natural part of our atmosphere. At ground level, ozone can cause damage to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The US EPA have created a guide relating to the risks it can pose, as well as offering a proactive approach to protecting health. You can read it here.

Ozone can be introduced to our indoor air via some “air purifiers” – namely ones that deliberately produce ozone, and as a byproduct of ionisers (Britigan, et al, 2006). This can result in levels being well in excess of exposure standards.

Indoor Air Concerns

Ozone, apart from its known health risks, can be very problematic in the indoor environment.

Due to it's molecular structure, ozone readily interacts with other gases (particularly VOCs) to form byproducts – some known, some unknown.

Summary: In a Nutshell

  • Avoid doing bake outs
  • Avoid anything that produces ozone, including ionising air purifiers
  • Introduce more plants in and around your home


Open your doors and windows several times a day to exchange the air and reduce the build up of VOCs and other indoor air contaminants.


  • Britigan, N,  Alshawa, A, and Nozkordoc, SA (May 2006) Quantification of Ozone Levels in Indoor Environments Generated by Ionization and Ozonolysis Air Purifiers J Air Waste Manag Assoc (Online) available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16739796
  • US EPA (August 2015) Air Quality Guide for Ozone (Online) available at https://www3.epa.gov/airnow/ozone/air-quality-guide_ozone_2015.pdf (3 November 2017)

#ozone #airpurifiers #bakeouts #indoorairquality

Avoiding Sick Building Syndrome in the Workplace

Sick Building Syndrome – Avoid this in the Workplace

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) incorporates many facets of the built environment.

Focus on Indoor Air Quality

When it comes to air pollution, we tend to think about it in terms of the outdoors. We worry about factories’ smokestacks, traffic jams and other factors that pump pollutants into the air.

Yet air pollution isn’t just an outdoor problem.

The air indoors also can be toxic for us to breathe. This is especially in an industrial facility where hazardous materials may be used. In fact, the air quality inside buildings can be so harmful that it can cause illnesses. This phenomenon, known as “SBS,” can create symptoms in people without an easily identifiable cause.

Further, people with sick building syndrome may experience respiratory issues such as shortness of breath and coughing, as well as more generalised symptoms such as fever and muscle aches.

SBS – What Does it Mean for the Workplace?

These illnesses can lead to decreased productivity and employees taking excessive time off. As a result, it’s important for industrial and commercial facilities to understand sick building syndrome and how to avoid it.

SBS can be caused by a variety of factors, all of them related to a building’s indoor air quality.

Often, sick building syndrome is a result of poor ventilation, which prevents indoor pollutants from being circulated out of the air.

Many times, contaminants such as motor vehicle exhaust or fumes from volatile chemicals used in industrial processes get trapped inside the building. Bacteria, mould and pollen from outside also can contribute to sick building syndrome.

Avoiding Sick Building Syndrome

Avoiding SBS starts with improving air flow throughout the building, such as with large fans.

From here, other measures to improve indoor air quality include:

  • selecting less toxic cleaning products and methods,
  • avoiding “air fresheners,”
  • creating a “fragrance-free” workplace,
  • choosing real wood furniture (instead of “was wood” composite woods),
  • selecting furnishings made locally that are low in volatile organic compounds, and
  • ensuring that any leaks are fixed promptly and that there is no mould in the workplace.

Improving indoor air quality and avoiding SBS are tasks that should be at the top of most managers’ priority lists.

Not only can it boost the health and well-being of employees, but it also can increase productivity and reduce health care liabilities for the facility owner.

This infographic from Go Fan Yourself provides some great tips on improving indoor air quality quality and reducing the risk of SBS.

sick building

Created by Go Fan Yourself

Unsure if you have a problem?
Let's talk!
Click here to book a Virtual Indoor Environmental Health Assessment.

#Sickbuildingsyndrome #OHS #WHS



School Kids and Traffic Pollution

Traffic-related Ambient Air Pollution and Children (#TRAPS)

The effects of traffic-related pollution on ambient (outdoor) air is well-known throughout the world. The most common term would be “smog.”

However, the effects on indoor air quality are far less considered.

Research is showing that when traffic-related outdoor levels spike, that the ability of children to perform well at school drops off. This only relates to the spikes in the outdoor air.

Chang says that 3000 people die each year due to air pollution!1


Does traffic-related air pollution have any effect on children?

How does this affect children?

Does this affect the rest of us?

What do we need to consider with regards to our homes?

I answer these questions and more in this video:

Is this a problem where you live?

Research is continually being done to monitor our outdoor air. As a result, there are various hotspots which have been identified across the country.

Regardless of this, if you are near a busy road, there may be issues.

Apart from the traffic-related ambient air pollution, there can be high levels of lead, and even asbestos, near busy roads.

It is important to know about and mitigate the risks of this type of pollution.

I can design a package to suit your needs and assess the ambient air and indoor air for this type of pollution. Of course, you will be provided with solutions so that you can protect your own health and that of your family's.

Let's talk!

Mental Health

Too, research has found links between air pollution and cardiopulmonary (heart and lung) health.

A growing body of evidence indicates that air pollution can implicate in effects on the central nervous system.

Dementia is one such neuropathological disease.

A study conducted in Sweden concluded that there were associations between dementia incidence and local traffic pollution.

The authors also noted that other environmental factors, such as traffic noise, could not rule out.

Let's talk!


1Chang, C (May 2014) What if Australian Cities Were Shrouded in Smog? (Online) Available at http://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/what-if-australian-cities-were-shrouded-in-smog/news-story/4b2efdf5d56cac678dbdb5ccd4087a54 (23 February 2018)

Diffusers and Mould

Diffusers and Mould

Many of the homes I assess have essential oil diffusers.

Whilst I love that more people are using essential oils, I have concerns about the essential oil diffusers that harbour mould… and then potentially spread it throughout your home.

So, let me share with you ways to avoid mould – and fragrant oils!

Some key points about essential oil diffusers that require water:

  • they add moisture to your indoor air
  • the water inside them is infrequently changed
  • the tubes within them are impossible to dry out – and this is where I see the most mould – and they are equally impossible to clean!


  • use an electric oil diffuser – such as this one that requires no water at all
  • put essential oils on a cotton ball or tissue
  • grow fresh herbs and enjoy their aroma

Why we Don't Want to Add Moisture to the Indoor Air

Mould spores are everywhere. They are an important part of our world. We just don't want them growing in our homes.

Mould requires food and moisture to flourish. Usually the spores are sitting on food. So the thing that we CAN control is moisture.

When there is enough moisture (high humidity levels or a material is wet for 48+ hours) mould can proliferate. This sets off a chain of events, which for those who are sensitive or sensitised can be extremely problematic. Mould can be detrimental to our health as well as to the structure of the building.

Taking steps to reduce moisture levels is ideal – and avoiding adding it is even better!

Want to talk about this? Book a Hidden Hazards Hotline call.