Handy Essential Oils

Handy Essential Oils to Use Around the Home

I wanted to share with you some handy essential oils that you can use with ease. 

essential oils pests

I don’t like conventional pesticides they are neurotoxins, many of which were developed for use in warfare!

Instead, I like to think about “pests” as a critter in the wrong place. Thus my approach is aversion. I would rather they chose not to be there, than be killed.

What works for cockroaches?

Cockroaches absolutely dislike pennyroyal essential oil.

I am not sure why, I love its minty aroma.

All you need to do to keep them out of cupboards is to put a few drops on a cotton ball and place this in your cupboard.

essential oils smells

Essential Oils and Smells

Smells around the home can be unpleasant – but less so than “air fresheners” that add to the particulate matter in the air, and coat everything with a synthetic fragrance.

Whilst my favourite strategies are to:

  1. Remove the source of the odour, and
  2. Open doors and windows and exchange the air.

But sometimes there is a need to help “manage” the smells.


In this instance, I am referring to the bathroom/powder room/toilet. You know what I am getting at… 😉

And for Bathroom Smells?

An essential oil that works wonders for this is tea tree essential oil.

You can make up a small spray bottle with water and a few drops of tea tree and use this as needed.

Obviously, opening doors and windows is always a good option. 🙂

essential oils and sleep

Essential Oils and Sleep

Many people recommend lavender essential oil to assist with sleep.

I don’t.


I have heard from many people over the decades which I have used essential oils find that lavender “hypes them up.”


To help get a good nights’ sleep, a good routine is important.

Here’s what I suggest:

  • No later than 7pm each evening, turn off wi-fi and all devices (including phones and tablets)
  • After your evening meal, go for a short stroll. In Chinese medicine, it is often recommended to walk 100 steps after dinner
  • Avoid phone calls and conversations
  • If you have a lot on your mind, “dump” it onto paper to clear it from your mind
  • Journal or make your days’ gratitude list
  • Meditate or pray

What to Use for Sleep?

I think we need to keep our bedrooms as free from anything that the body needs to deal with – and for many of us, we have already had enormous toxicant-exposures through the day.

For this reason, I think it best not to use essential oils.

However, if you are keen to do so, I recommend sweet marjoram and sweet orange.

Chamomile may also be helpful.

Let me know your thoughts.

#essentialoils #handyessentialoils #naturalpesticide #smells #sleep





Pests – Managing Them In The Garden, Chemical-Free

Pests: What Are They?

When you really stop and think about it, pests are critters in the wrong place at the wrong time.

They are important parts of nature and they do play a role however, we don’t always want them in our gardens. I have lost countless seedlings and a lot of fruit crops to pests, so I get it!

For this post, I am also going to broaden this concept of “pests” to plants as well – weeds and the like.

But How Can We Manage Pests Without Chemicals?

There are many ways that we can do this.



Instead of Round Up or other glyphosate-based* products, pull them up by hand (or with a hand tool).

Alternatively, you can simply use steam or boiling water.

Most steam mops can be taken outside and used to steam the pavers and any places where weeds are growing.

*If you want to read more about Glyphosate, grab your copy of the e-Mag here. Stephane Seneff wrote an article in it. 🙂



There are ways to deal with snails without poisoning them.

Snails like to slide along surfaces. They can’t slide across rough surfaces.

So, sprinkle sawdust around the plants you want to protect.

NOTE: You do need to reapply this after it has become wet (frost or rain).



Oh! Aphids!!!

Did you know that ladybirds FEAST on these?

One strategy is to plant lots of plants that attract beneficial insects.

The other method is to spray them with a detergent-water solution and then pick them off by hand.

Make sure you use a detergent that does not contain fragrances and chemicals.


  • Diatomaceous earth sprinkled around can kill insects
  • Bird nets over fruit trees will protect the fruit
  • Planting nasturtiums and garlic around tomatoes to distract birds and prevent insects, respectively
  • Don’t plant in rows – this is like setting up your garden for “pacman” to come along and chomp through everything
  • Owl ornaments can deter rodents
  • Plant extra, we all have to eat!

I hope you found that helpful. 🙂

I approach things from a precautionary standpoint.