Wi-Fi Free Tips to Avoid Wireless Technology

“We’re Wifi-Free At Night,” they said…

Recently I assessed a home where the parents very proudly told me that each and every night, they are wifi-free. What they did was to log into their router and turn off the wifi on their router *every* night. They did this every night without fail.

What an awesome effort!! That really does take commitment to do this on a daily basis.

(By the way, this IS something YOU can do if you still have a wifi router… but I prefer you don’t have one.)

It turns out that the teenagers use the wifi all night.


Because there were powerline adapters in the house that utilised wireless technology.

So, despite turning off the wifi emitted by the router, the house was still bathed in radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME), including the bedrooms.

Powerline Adapters Help with Wifi-Free

I love powerline adapters – as they mean in many buildings that the internet can be used throughout the house without having data points installed. You can finally be wifi-free!

(Note that they do add dirty electricity, so having data points installed throughout is by far the best option.)

If you want to get powerline adapters, or routers, or anything similar, then you have to be careful NOT to get ones that work wirelessly.


You can check all the specifications, but I also highly recommend contacting the manufacturer and ask,

“Can I use this wirelessly?”

You read that right! I want you to ask the OPPOSITE of what we are seeking. This is because almost everything can be used via ethernet or cables.

When they get back to you with, “I am so sorry, this cannot be used wirelessly,” you know you are on a winner.

#EMF #powerlineadapters #wififree #datapoints

EMF Bombardment Three Simple Steps to Cope

#EMFexposures #EMFBombardment

No matter where we go these days, we tend to be surrounded by free wi-fi, phone towers… Those that are aware of the harmful effects (whether they experience them or not) often ask, “What can I do to keep myself safe?”

There is the temptation to buy something that will magically set up a forcefield that blocks out all radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME).

There is a level of desperation for those who suffer in the presence of it.

There is the urge to stick something on the phone to make it safe. But none of these make any measurable difference.

Instead, here are three steps that can make a considerable difference.

1) MAKE YOUR HOME A SAFE PLACE – free from wireless technology

This is the #1 most important step of all because this the place you spend time when your body is healing and detoxifying. Whilst you cannot control what happens out there (and gee, I wish I could!!) you can control your home and what happens in it. Take action there.


Go barefoot in the garden, on the beach, or “forest bathe.” All of these will help you to “discharge” and earth. As well, there is research that shows that spending 1 hour in the forest has health benefits that last for a whole 7 days!


3) MINIMISE your exposure

The greatest risk with buying a sticker for your smartphone, or a piece of plug-in plastic, or wearing a pendant with rainbow swirls is that it can make you feel safe, and therefore instead of reducing your exposure, you INCREASE it.

If you have to go somewhere where there are high levels of wireless technology, then keep the time capped and head off into nature straight afterwards.

I have to LOL while I write this as it sounds very closed-minded… I have an open mind to what MAY help, but I also see so many people suffer that I need to be clear with this. While I cannot show any measurable difference with any of these things, I cannot recommend them. Building Biology Brain means precaution all the way.

If you do decide to get a piece of jewelry, a plug-in, a sticker, a rock… whatever it is, please consider this “an added bonus.” If it helps, bonus! If it doesn’t do anything, then at least it wasn’t too expensive. The main thing here is to do no harm.

Lyn McLean – An Interview

Lyn McLean

I first met Lyn McLean when I was reaching out to find speakers for the 2015 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium. I had read her book, The Force and was impressed with her knowledge and expression, and just knew she would contribute something amazing to the Symposium.

lyn mclean

When we first talked, I was taken with her level and depth of knowledge, as well as her nature. We share a history of being school teachers, and have a ton of interests in common.

Since that first “meeting” (phone), we have remained in close contact and have developed a solid friendship.

She wrote a fantastic paper for the 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium that exposed the flaws in our exposure standards, particularly for wireless radiation (radiofrequency EMF).

A more formal introduction:

Lyn McLean is the Director of EMR Australia which she established over 20 years ago. Prior to this, she ran the “EMR Association of Australia” and the “EMR Alliance” for nine years.

She is an educator, trainer and author. She believes that it is important for people to examine the impacts of EMF on their homes and families, and as such has developed many resources to help them understand and reduce their exposure.

Here, I interview Lyn McLean about her wonderful new book Wireless Wise Families. You can get a copy here.