Cell/Mobile Phone Safety Reminders

Cell/Mobile Phone Safety Reminders

This won’t be new to most of you Eco Health Solutions community members, but reminders about mobile phone safety can never go astray! It is also good information for newbies to the topic.

This was listed out in the California Department of Public Health’s website with regards to cell/mobile phone safety:

  • Keeping the phone away from the body
  • Reducing cell phone use when the signal is weak
  • Reducing the use of cell phones to stream audio or video, or to download or upload large files
  • Keeping the phone away from the bed at night
  • Removing headsets when not on a call
  • Avoiding products that claim to block radio frequency energy.

Part of the EMF Puzzle

Cell/Mobile Phones emit radiofrequency EMF (on which wireless technology is based. This is a recognised possible human carcinogen (recognised by IARC in 2011.)

But this is just one type of the EMF puzzle.

It is also important to reduce your exposure to other types of EMF, such as

  1. Radiofrequency EMF
  2. AC magnetic fields
  3. AC electric fields and
  4. Dirty electricity

Read more here to discover WHY it is so important to assess all four…

Book a call so I can identify sources of EMF and
provide you with solutions on how to manage your situation.

… and in France

France will ban cell phones in schools for children up to 15 years old

The minister, Jean-Michel Blanquer, is calling it a “matter of public health.”

“These days the children don’t play at break time anymore, they are just all in front of their smartphones and from an educational point of view that’s a problem.”

Read about it here.

#createchange #makeithappen #EMF

Mobile Phones – Aussie Kids

Changes To Mobile Phone Use and Ownership in Aussie Kids

Recent Roy Morgan research finds that girls own their first mobile phones earlier than boys.

Children between the ages of 6-13 were surveyed, along with children 14 years and over. They found that from the age of 8-9 years old, 12% more girls than boys own mobile phones.

The survey is discussed here, and this graph is taken from this page.

Concerns About Young People Using This Technology

Apart from:

  • the lack of real face-to-face social skills
  • the risk of 24/7 bullying
  • the fact that WHO and IARC classified radiofrequency EMF (used for wireless technology) as a possible human carcinogen

… there are numerous concerns about the use of mobile phones, particularly for the young developing/growing bodies.

Recently at the 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium, Dr Mary Redmayne shared research that she did in 2009 into New Zealand ‘tweens usage of mobile phones, comparing it to nowadays. She found that many children used their phones “covertly” – inside their pockets and so forth, which can be particularly problematic in terms of the proximity to reproductive organs.

I am not going to delve into that here… merely point out ways to stay safe.

Staying Safe from Mobile Phones

I am going to add to this list:

1) Divert/forward mobile phones to your corded landline, and then turn your mobile phone off.

2) Don’t hold onto your mobile phone when it is on or in use.

3) Carry your phone in a Radiation-Reducing Phone Case to reduce what you are exposed to – and ideally keep it in flight-mode while you do this.

4) Air-Tube Earphones are a better alternatives to the standard ones – but speakerphone is better still.

5) Put your mobile phone in flight mode and turn it off when it is not in use.

6) Charge it overnight – well away from bedrooms.

7) A side note – if you use a tablet – follow these steps to hardwire it, so that you don’t have to use wi-fi.


Some extra tips for mobile phone safety from Environmental Health Trust:

Avoid using your cell phone when the signal is weak or when moving at high speed… as automatically power increases to emit a maximum amount of radiation because the phone repeatedly attempts to connect to each nearest network antenna.


Children should only use cell phones for emergencies. Children’s skulls are thinner than adults’ and their brains are still developing. Hence, radiation from cell phones penetrates more deeply into their brains and is likely to cause more damage.

Avoid using your cell phone in metal contained spaces like a car, elevator, bus, train or airplane.

Protect your fertility. This radiation has been shown to damage sperm and the ovaries. Many people move the phone away from their head to reduce exposure but down to their torso forgetting that a cell phone or laptop to the abdomen results in higher radiation absorption to the reproductive organs.


Read your cell phone manual to find the minimum distance the federal government recommends that your cell phone must be kept away from your body. Keeping it closer than the designated distance can result in a violation of the FCC Exposure Limit. Exceeding FCC levels is proven to result in burns, sterility, and brain damage. Learn more about fine print instructions at ShowTheFinePrint.Org.

Remember that these “minimum distances” in the cell phone manuals do not protect you from nonthermal effects such as sperm damage, damaged brain cells and increased brain cancer risk. Federal guidelines are set thousands of times too high to protect from these “nonthermal” effects from long term low level cumulative exposures.

Special Note if You’re Pregnant It is especially important for those who are pregnant to reduce cell phone exposures because research has shown cell phone radiation can damage to the brain and reproductive system in developing pregnancies. To learn more, please go to the Baby Safe Project.

#mobilephonesafety #mobilephone #EMF

Some Facts About Mobile Phones

International Scientists Talk about Mobile Phones

Australia has really blessed in the latter weeks of 2015 with international scientists coming to share their expertise in public lectures.

At the end of November 2015, Dr (PhD) Devra Davis presented to the Australian public her lectures on “The Truth About Mobile Phones and Wireless Radiation.”

Davis has been involved in public health for decades. She was instrumental in having cigarette smoking banned in airplanes! (Remember when people did that?? It is horrifying to realise that this was changed in my lifetime!)

Mobile Phones = High Frequencies | Radiofrequency EMF

Mobile phone and wireless radiation relies upon high frequencies (which includes radiofrequencies) – the same as that used in our cordless phones, wireless, smart meters, wireless baby monitors, microwave ovens, game consoles and so forth. The exposure standards for these are based on a fluid filled plastic construction (ie like a bucket of water) and the heating effects that this level of radiation has on the water. They are based entirely upon what is termed “thermal effects” – that is, does it heat the tissue?

Given that there are a multitude of other effects – bioeffects and health effects – that take place well below the heating of tissue, these exposure standards are way too high.

To top it off, in 2011, IARC classified radiofrequencies as 2B “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” Earlier in 2015, around 200 scientists from around the world petitioned the WHO to move this up to category 1 of known carcinogens.

There are a few key points from Davis’ lectures:

  • Buried inside our iPhones are some warnings. See for yourself – go to Settings -> General -> About -> Legal -> RF Exposure
  • Children are being marketed to, with devices such as the pad potty. In a recent interview, “Davis is particularly horrified by the enrolment of infants in their parents’ gadgets. ‘There is no reason whatsoever that anybody should be giving a cell phone to an infant in the crib, yet there are thousands of apps for babies in cribs,’ she observes. ‘If you must give a cell phone to a toddler, at least make sure it is in flight mode.'” (read the article here)
  • A study in India shows that mobile phone radiation is “causal to sperm damage” – so, fellas, have a think about where you keep your mobile phone

As well, she and her colleagues are creating models to show the effects of mobile phone radiation – which when you can see it, it is even more alarming.

You can view her Melbourne lecture here:


Unfortunately, there are some scientists with their minds closed to possibilities – perhaps fattened wallets ensure that eyes and minds stay blinkered? – and this group are now in positions to make decisions. At the December ACEBR event held at RMIT, it became clear that all terminology has been reinvented to help blur the lines and keep people confused. Some terminology that Croft have redefined at that event are:

  • “Thermal effects” apparently now refers to any health or bioeffects that suits their team of researchers. By doing this, they can maintain that EMF has thermal effects at high levels, and has no other effects. Effects on sleep, according to the speakers at this meeting, is a thermal effect, under their new definition
  • “Science,” for some of the speakers at this meeting, “science” refers to “our truth.” In that, if it is something they disagree with, then it is “not real science”

The Precautionary Principle

Another outrageous attitude presented at the ACEBR event included that there was no need to follow or establish precautionary principles “because we don’t want to alarm the public.”

The Precautionary Principle is all about keeping the public safe. If there isn’t enough science to prove that something is safe, we need to exercise caution.

Consumers believe that what they can access in shops or online is SAFE FOR THEM. Consumers have the right to think this. Decision-makers have the responsibility, or even duty of care, to make sure that they are safe… but it is in this last step that the system falls apart.

In the meantime, believing the effluent that flows from the mouths of the affluent scientists who are no longer impartial and show a clear bias, is unwise because it is unsafe.


Take Action To Protect Yourself

If the decision-makers don’t have the guts to protect you – take action yourself. There are a few more articles you can read here:

More Information from the Scientists on Mobile Phones

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski (Finland) also did two lectures in Melbourne, “Wireless Radiation and Human Health: How Reliable Is the Scientific Evidence?” (slides here) and “Mobile Phone Radiation and the Blood Brain Barrier: Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on the Human Endothelium” (slides here).

Leszczynski was one of the 30 scientists invited by IARC to make the decisions about how to classify RF back in 2011.

Some key points from Leszczynski’s lectures:

  • A regular mobile phone user is someone who uses their phone for one call a week, every week for six months – so that makes many people a few steps beyond excessive users??
  • Since 2011, some very important research has been published:
    • CERENAT found an increased risk of glioma, temporal tumours with occasional and urban use
    • Lerchl found increased risk of lung and liver tumours in animals; and an increased risk in brain tumours in heavy phone users
    • Schmid and Kuster found that exposure of the skin, blood and muscles may well exceed 40W/kg (way in excess of the SAR levels) at a cellular level

Leszczynski wants to see IARC classify radiofrequencies as 2A – as probably carcinogenic to humans.

For more information on mobile phones and more

Listen to interviews:

~10 minute interviews:

Read more research and link to the scientists who care about your health:

#EMF #EHS #phoneradiation #devradavis #dariuszleszczynzki #cellphones #mobilephones #smartphones

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski on Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on Human Endothelium

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski is a leading scientist in the area of EMF. He is presenting a public lecture. The topic: Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on Human Endothelium.

Prof Leszczynski, PhD, DSc Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland, Chief Editor of ‘Radiation and Health’, Lausanne, Switzerland.

About Prof Dariusz Leszczynski’s Lecture

Several animal studies suggested that mobile phone radiation may cause leakage of the blood-brain barrier. Studies of my research group, using cultures of human endothelial cell line, have shown that mobile phone radiation, at levels permitted by the current safety standards, activates Hsp27/p38MAP kinase stress response pathway.

EMF and Skin

Exposure of endothelial cells to mobile phone radiation caused transient increase in phosphorylation (activity) of the Hsp27 stress protein and p38MAP kinase. Activation of the Hsp27/p38MAPK pathway led to re-distribution of the F-actin in cytoplasm and an increased stability of the F-actin stress fibers. This, in turn, led to shrinkage of the endothelial cells.

These observations suggest that mobile phone radiation might affect endothelial permeability and potentially cause leakage of the blood-brain barrier.

Furthermore, it is likely that the activation of the Hsp27/p38MAPK pathway affects also endothelial gene expression, as shown by the analysis of changes in expression of endothelial transcriptome and proteome.

The only human volunteer proteomic study, performed by my research group, has indicated that mobile phone radiation might alter protein expression in human skin.

mobile phone radiation might alter protein expression in human skin.

Further studies are necessary to determine whether changes of transcriptome, proteome and bloodbrain barrier permeability are caused by mobile phone radiation in human brain.


Prof Leszczynski’s Lecture – WHEN and WHERE

Melbourne University, Friday, 11th December, 2015, at 2.00PM

Richard Newton Rooms, Level 5, Electrical Engineering Building, University of Melbourne

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski’s Lecture – HOW

Concerned that EMF May be Affecting Your Health?
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