Water Damage Sources and More Information

Water damage can create massive issues for our homes and our health.

Sources of Water Damage

Water damage can occur as a result of many factors, here are some to consider:

water damage home


  • flooding
  • storm damage
  • rising damp
  • building design
  • building materials
  • damage to the roof
  • lack of adequate fall in the roofline
  • damaged gutters
  • blocked gutters
  • box gutters (and other internal gutters)


  • condensation
  • overflowing gutters
  • structural damage eg holes in the roof, gaps between windows and walls, and so forth
  • occupant activities such as bathing, cooking, sleeping, perspiring, laundering and drying your clothes
  • lack of or damaged water proofing
  • lack of or damaged caulking, silicone or grout

Read more…

I have written more about the effects of water damage, and mould, on the Australasian Society of Building Biologists (ASBB) site.

This article begins:

As a building biologist, my primary role is to identify the possible cause of health complaints and then hunt out the hazards in a home. It is quickly evident when there are problems with indoor air and electromagnetic radiation. However mould and problems from water damage is far less obvious – except to a trained professional.

Many people don’t realise that materials that remain wet for more than 24 hours begin to become problematic.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s only water!” Something we all have said… and then left the spill to dry out naturally.

Although this is a common behaviour, it is something that needs changing…


As well, I have another post about it here on the Eco Health Solutions site. In this, I go into relevant signs and symptoms and have a list of references.

Here is that post: Mould Water Damage and Health

#mould #mold #water-damage

Mould Water Damage and Health

Mould, Water Damage and Health

Mould spores are everywhere. They are a vital part of life on earth as they play the important role of breaking things down. However, like most “pests,” within our homes, they can wreak havoc, in two ways.

Before examining these, the following are important points to note.

Mould Doesn’t Have To Be Obvious To Be Present

You may not be able to see or smell mould for it to be present.

Mould can grow in between the walls, under tiles, behind the kickboards in the kitchen, and it can even be growing on the wall without being visible to the naked eye.

Oft times, when you can see is it, it is just the tip of the iceberg, where there is so much more that is out of sight, and the patch you can see is just an indication that it is there.

Mould Doesn’t Have To Be Growing To Be A Problem

Mould releases spores and hyphae (branches) can break off it and circulate in your home. Spores and hyphae both pose risks to human and animal health due to the mycotoxins that they contain.

Wreaking Havoc

Firstly, mould can structurally damage your home. Building materials that are wet for more than 48 hours can create a perfect habitat for mould, primarily as there is both water and source of food.

As well, water-damaged insulation is less effective, and therefore can increase energy consumption.

The presence of moisture can be attractive for vermin and termites, both of which are problematic in terms of the former being capable of carrying disease, and the latter being able to seriously damage the integrity of a building.

Modern building design is centralised around the notion of being energy efficient, this generally means “well-sealed,” which results in a building losing its ability to breathe. A result of this is that moisture cannot escape, and thus building materials, even without being affected by a leak or flood, can become “water-damaged.”

Secondly, mould can wreak havoc with regards to health.

eco health solutions eco

Mould Can Be Problematic

Clearly, the presence of mould, mould spores and/or hyphae can have life-changing consequences.

What follows is a list of signs and symptoms identified that may be related to mould exposure. This is for your information and is not intended to diagnose or to replace the advice or care of your registered health care professional.

Symptoms Associated with a Water-Damaged Building

Of  three systematic reviews on the adverse health effects associated with water-damaged buildings, the following signs and symptoms were consistent: cough, wheeze and asthma.

Other symptoms include upper respiratory tract symptoms, respiratory infections, bronchitis, allergic sensitisation and hay fever. This set of symptoms is also recognised by New York State (2010),

Headaches and tiredness have also been associated with mould exposure (Bornehag et al, in New York State, 2010, 27; IICRC, 2008, 74), as has cause skin reactions (National Institute of Medicine, 2004, 170).

Children and those with preexisting conditions are recognised as being at great risk (New York State, 2010, 27).

Other health effects

Neuropsychological effects, impaired energy production pathways, changes to hormonal functions, alterations to visuo-spatial learning and memory, migraine, pain, balance problems, autonomic nervous system abnormalities, and respiratory problems were all noted in research analysed by the Mold Research Committee (2010).

The National Institute of Medicine acknowledges that there are a group of mycotoxins that “selectively or specifically target the nervous system” resulting in neurotoxic effects, some of which include interfering with neurotransmitters or receptors (2004, 157, 160).

Many sources correlate mould-exposure to sick building syndrome, this is discussed at length in IICRC, 2008). By removing a person from a mouldy environment, it has been noted that their symptoms dissipate (New York State, 2010, 27).

Looking deeper, there is a growing body of research that implicates mould in inflammation (as discussed by the Mold Research Committee, 2010).

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  1. an area has been wet for more than 48 hours;
  2. there is a history of water damage; or
  3. you have any concerns

… it is worth getting your in touch.

#mould #waterdamage #health


IICRC S520. (2008).Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Mould Remediation. (2nd ed). ANSI/IICRCS520-2008. Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification. Vancouver, Washington. USA.

Mold Research Committee (27 July 2010) “Research Committee Report on Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Caused by Exposure to the Interior Environment of Water-Damaged Buildings” Policyholders of America (Online) Available: http://courses.aces.edu.au/pluginfile.php/720/mod_resource/content/1/Policy%20Holders%20of%20America%20%282011%29%20CIRS.pdf

National Institute of Medicine (2004). Damp indoor spaces and health. National Academies Press. (Online). Available: http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309091934

New York State. (2010). Toxic Mould Task Force. Final report to the governor and legislature. (Online). Available: https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/indoors/air/mould/task_force/docs/final_ toxic_mould_task_force_report.pdf

Some Facts About Mobile Phones

International Scientists Talk about Mobile Phones

Australia has really blessed in the latter weeks of 2015 with international scientists coming to share their expertise in public lectures.

At the end of November 2015, Dr (PhD) Devra Davis presented to the Australian public her lectures on “The Truth About Mobile Phones and Wireless Radiation.”

Davis has been involved in public health for decades. She was instrumental in having cigarette smoking banned in airplanes! (Remember when people did that?? It is horrifying to realise that this was changed in my lifetime!)

Mobile Phones = High Frequencies | Radiofrequency EMF

Mobile phone and wireless radiation relies upon high frequencies (which includes radiofrequencies) – the same as that used in our cordless phones, wireless, smart meters, wireless baby monitors, microwave ovens, game consoles and so forth. The exposure standards for these are based on a fluid filled plastic construction (ie like a bucket of water) and the heating effects that this level of radiation has on the water. They are based entirely upon what is termed “thermal effects” – that is, does it heat the tissue?

Given that there are a multitude of other effects – bioeffects and health effects – that take place well below the heating of tissue, these exposure standards are way too high.

To top it off, in 2011, IARC classified radiofrequencies as 2B “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” Earlier in 2015, around 200 scientists from around the world petitioned the WHO to move this up to category 1 of known carcinogens.

There are a few key points from Davis' lectures:

  • Buried inside our iPhones are some warnings. See for yourself – go to Settings -> General -> About -> Legal -> RF Exposure
  • Children are being marketed to, with devices such as the pad potty. In a recent interview, “Davis is particularly horrified by the enrolment of infants in their parents' gadgets. ‘There is no reason whatsoever that anybody should be giving a cell phone to an infant in the crib, yet there are thousands of apps for babies in cribs,' she observes. ‘If you must give a cell phone to a toddler, at least make sure it is in flight mode.'” (read the article here)
  • A study in India shows that mobile phone radiation is “causal to sperm damage” – so, fellas, have a think about where you keep your mobile phone

As well, she and her colleagues are creating models to show the effects of mobile phone radiation – which when you can see it, it is even more alarming.

You can view her Melbourne lecture here:


Unfortunately, there are some scientists with their minds closed to possibilities – perhaps fattened wallets ensure that eyes and minds stay blinkered? – and this group are now in positions to make decisions. At the December ACEBR event held at RMIT, it became clear that all terminology has been reinvented to help blur the lines and keep people confused. Some terminology that Croft have redefined at that event are:

  • “Thermal effects” apparently now refers to any health or bioeffects that suits their team of researchers. By doing this, they can maintain that EMF has thermal effects at high levels, and has no other effects. Effects on sleep, according to the speakers at this meeting, is a thermal effect, under their new definition
  • “Science,” for some of the speakers at this meeting, “science” refers to “our truth.” In that, if it is something they disagree with, then it is “not real science”

The Precautionary Principle

Another outrageous attitude presented at the ACEBR event included that there was no need to follow or establish precautionary principles “because we don't want to alarm the public.”

The Precautionary Principle is all about keeping the public safe. If there isn't enough science to prove that something is safe, we need to exercise caution.

Consumers believe that what they can access in shops or online is SAFE FOR THEM. Consumers have the right to think this. Decision-makers have the responsibility, or even duty of care, to make sure that they are safe… but it is in this last step that the system falls apart.

In the meantime, believing the effluent that flows from the mouths of the affluent scientists who are no longer impartial and show a clear bias, is unwise because it is unsafe.


Take Action To Protect Yourself

If the decision-makers don't have the guts to protect you – take action yourself. There are a few more articles you can read here:

More Information from the Scientists on Mobile Phones

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski (Finland) also did two lectures in Melbourne, “Wireless Radiation and Human Health: How Reliable Is the Scientific Evidence?” (slides here) and “Mobile Phone Radiation and the Blood Brain Barrier: Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on the Human Endothelium” (slides here).

Leszczynski was one of the 30 scientists invited by IARC to make the decisions about how to classify RF back in 2011.

Some key points from Leszczynski's lectures:

  • A regular mobile phone user is someone who uses their phone for one call a week, every week for six months – so that makes many people a few steps beyond excessive users??
  • Since 2011, some very important research has been published:
    • CERENAT found an increased risk of glioma, temporal tumours with occasional and urban use
    • Lerchl found increased risk of lung and liver tumours in animals; and an increased risk in brain tumours in heavy phone users
    • Schmid and Kuster found that exposure of the skin, blood and muscles may well exceed 40W/kg (way in excess of the SAR levels) at a cellular level

Leszczynski wants to see IARC classify radiofrequencies as 2A – as probably carcinogenic to humans.

For more information on mobile phones and more

Listen to interviews:

~10 minute interviews:

Read more research and link to the scientists who care about your health:

#EMF #EHS #phoneradiation #devradavis #dariuszleszczynzki #cellphones #mobilephones #smartphones

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski on Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on Human Endothelium

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski is a leading scientist in the area of EMF. He is presenting a public lecture. The topic: Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on Human Endothelium.

Prof Leszczynski, PhD, DSc Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland, Chief Editor of ‘Radiation and Health’, Lausanne, Switzerland.

About Prof Dariusz Leszczynski's Lecture

Several animal studies suggested that mobile phone radiation may cause leakage of the blood-brain barrier. Studies of my research group, using cultures of human endothelial cell line, have shown that mobile phone radiation, at levels permitted by the current safety standards, activates Hsp27/p38MAP kinase stress response pathway.

EMF and Skin

Exposure of endothelial cells to mobile phone radiation caused transient increase in phosphorylation (activity) of the Hsp27 stress protein and p38MAP kinase. Activation of the Hsp27/p38MAPK pathway led to re-distribution of the F-actin in cytoplasm and an increased stability of the F-actin stress fibers. This, in turn, led to shrinkage of the endothelial cells.

These observations suggest that mobile phone radiation might affect endothelial permeability and potentially cause leakage of the blood-brain barrier.

Furthermore, it is likely that the activation of the Hsp27/p38MAPK pathway affects also endothelial gene expression, as shown by the analysis of changes in expression of endothelial transcriptome and proteome.

The only human volunteer proteomic study, performed by my research group, has indicated that mobile phone radiation might alter protein expression in human skin.

mobile phone radiation might alter protein expression in human skin.

Further studies are necessary to determine whether changes of transcriptome, proteome and bloodbrain barrier permeability are caused by mobile phone radiation in human brain.


Prof Leszczynski’s Lecture – WHEN and WHERE

Melbourne University, Friday, 11th December, 2015, at 2.00PM

Richard Newton Rooms, Level 5, Electrical Engineering Building, University of Melbourne

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski’s Lecture – HOW

Concerned that EMF May be Affecting Your Health?
Let's talk! Book a call here >>

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski Wireless Radiation and Human Health Policies

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski, who holds two doctorates in molecular biology and biochemistry, is presenting a FREE public lecture

Between 1992 and 2013 Prof Dariusz Leszczynski worked at the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority. During the years 2003-2007 he worked as the Head of Radiation Biology Laboratory and from 2000 to 2013 as a Research Professor.

He has spent several periods working at different universities around the world: 1997-1999 – Assistant Professor at the Harvard Medical School, 2006-2009 – Guangbiao Professor at the Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China and 2012-2013 – Visiting Professor at the Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

Among others, in 2009 Prof Dariusz Leszczynski testified in the US Senate and in 2015 in the Canadian House of Commons hearings on cell phones and health and in 2014 advised Minister of Health of India.

In 2011 he was one of the 30 experts, invited by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, who classified cell phone radiation as possibly carcinogenic to humans.


About Prof Dariusz Leszczynski's Lecture

“Wireless Radiation and Human Health Policies: How reliable is the Scientific Evidence?”

The scientific evidence for biological and health effects of radiation emitted by the wireless devices is contradictory. Different areas of investigation included epidemiology, human volunteer studies, animal and in vitro studies. For all, there are both, studies showing effects and studies showing lack of effects.

When considering the impact on human health, the most important results are those obtained in human studies. Health policy recommendations and safety limits must be firmly based on the scientific evidence.

But the question is, how to make reliable health policy recommendations and how to set adequate safety standards, when the scientific evidence is contradictory, when the quality of science is poor or when there are gaps in the scientific evidence.

Should the precautionary policies be considered, especially of the Precautionary Principle, as defined by the European Union?

These are important health-policy-related questions. They will be addressed in the context of the currently available scientific evidence of the wireless radiation effects and its quality for decision-making.

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski's Lecture – WHEN and WHERE

Monash University Wednesday, 9th December, 2015, at 11AM, the Lecture Theatre of The Alfred Centre (5th floor) 99 Commercial Road

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski's Lecture – HOW

You do not need to register or RSVP to this event.

Worried about how Wireless Technology May be Affecting Your Health?
Contact Lucinda >>

Dr Devra Davis on Wireless Devices & Biological Effects

Epidemiologist and Toxicologist Dr. Devra Davis will be presenting a FREE public lecture in Sydney

Dr. Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices. She is the Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute- the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer.

Her presentation will outline:

  • the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone
  • the background to the current radiation safety standards (SAR)
  • modelling exposures to children and adults from mobile phone and wireless radiation with breakthrough animations of children’s exposure and risks
  • the mobile phone and secondary insurance industries approach to this important topic
  • new global studies on the health consequences of mobile/ wireless radiation policy developments:
  • “The Right to Know” Law. New legislation in California U.S.A. requiring mobile phone retailers to fully disclose the radiation levels of the mobile phones and ways in which to reduce exposure.
  • current requirements regarding mobile phones in Belgium, France, Israel, India, Taiwan and other high tech nations
  • a proposed system “Would you give two cents?” to create funding for cross-disciplinary training in electrical engineering and medicine, identifying important data gaps and carrying out cutting edge research as Australia currently has more mobile phones than people.

eco-health-solutions natural

In the past Australia has led the world in safety standards including:

  • first country in the world to have compulsory seat belts
  • leader in gun control laws
  • first country in the world to implement plain packaging cigarettes
  • a leader in product and food disclosure legislation

However, Australia is falling behind in addressing the significant issues associated with safe mobile phone use.

Dr. Davis’ address is compelling listening for parents and students, educators, those concerned about liability arising from mobile phone use, government legislators or any organisation in which mobile phones and wireless devices are used on a daily basis.

Her address will ask you to reconsider your relationship with this essential piece of technology and provide clear tips on the path to safer use.

WHEN and WHERE to see Dr Devra Davis:

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

UNSW Kensington, The Law Building Lecture theatre G02, NSW

HOW to book to see Dr Devra Davis:

Concerned about EMF?
Let us assist you with a Virtual Indoor Environmental Health Assessment.

Sick Building Syndrome – What Does it Mean?

What is a “Sick Building”?

Have you heard about “Sick Building Syndrome”?

This is where the occupants of a building are sick because of something in a building where they spend time.

What makes people sick are known as “environmental stressors” – environmental hazards that place a stress on our immune system.

This can be anything from water damage and mould, to indoor air quality, to electromagnetic fields. It may be from components of the building itself, such as lead. Or even from the land where the building was erected – a form of “geopathic stress.”

In Australia, this term is somewhat understood, but far less people really understand what “Building Biology” is.

An Interview

When I began this career, I was an active committee member of my professional association. In my time as President, Nicole Groch from LivingSafe.com.au interviewed me about “building biology.”

Here is a snippet of it:

You may have heard of someone using a Building Biologist to check out their home for radiation, mold and sick building syndrome, but you really are not exactly sure what it is they do and who they are….

I personally have hired a Building Biologist to come out and measure the EMF from the Smart Meter in our home and I am very glad I did. It wasn’t just the smart meter that was the problem. It was also our transformer base study lamps, that we were using as bedside lamps and high EMF hot spot was found in our bedroom from an unearthed water pipe running under the floor. Thanks to the Building Biologist we were able to correct these hazards.

So what is a Building Biologist?

In a nutshell, a Building Biologist is a person who has been trained to assess the potential health hazards of a building or built environment. We adopt the Precautionary Principle, that is, if something hasn’t been proven to be safe, then we err on the side of caution and aim to minimise exposure or risks.

… Read it all here.

Another Interview

As well, I chatted with Nicole Bijlsma about Building Biology, the changes in the field, and what is required of a Building Biologist.


#buildingbiology #environmentalsensitivities

revised 20/4/20

Lead Reducing Your Exposure

Lead tends to be ubiquitous…

Lead tends to be all around us – thanks to the lack of knowledge and understanding about its health effects.

Sources of contamination include:

  • lead paint
  • windows with leadlighting
  • petrol/fuel
  • smelting
  • fertilisers
  • slag from industry used as soil or landfill
  • dust in ceilings and wall cavities
  • solder on water pipes
  • fishing tackle/weights

What Can You Do?

Choosing a Home

Firstly, if you can avoid it – do so.

If you are looking to buy or rent a home that is near industry, please reconsider.

Renovating, Remodelling or Repainting

Make sure you test for the presence of lead in paints before any renovations or repainting. (If you missed this step, test it right away.)

Lead test kits are available from paint and hardware stores.

If you are doing any of these activities, then make sure you are wearing a disposable tyvek suit, gloves and a P1 respirator. Also be sure to keep pregnant women, young children and pets out of the way – lead poisoning can be deadly.

There are some more tips in the video below.

Babies, Children and Animals… Some Great Tips:

All three spend a lot of time on the ground, so make sure the following become part of your daily routine.

  • Introduce (and enforce) a no-shoe policy – this will prevent lead dust from entering your home
  • Wash paws and feet if they have been outside where there is possible lead contamination
  • Make sure you wash hands before every meal AND before (and after) toileting
  • Wet dust and mop your home, including sills and ledges – use sugar soap or detergent
  • If there is lead dust, then using a 3-bucket system*, as advocated by the LEAD Group
  • Ensure your vacuum cleaner has a HEPA filter, or is cyclonic
  • Consider where the painted toys are from – choose ones from Australia
  • Where there is bare soil, create barriers in play areas – such as mulch or play mats to prevent contact
  • Wash toys, dummies and so forth regularly

And a video

Here is the 3-Bucket System recommended by The LEAD Group.


I personally don't like Step 5. Instead, I suggest finding another safe way to dispose of the water – ask your local council.

An alternative would be to clean with Bamboo Microfibre Cloths and dispose of them.

#lead #LEADGroup #ecohealthsolutions

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