Wi-Fi Free Tips to Avoid Wireless Technology

“We’re Wifi-Free At Night,” they said…

Recently I assessed a home where the parents very proudly told me that each and every night, they are wifi-free. What they did was to log into their router and turn off the wifi on their router *every* night. They did this every night without fail.

What an awesome effort!! That really does take commitment to do this on a daily basis.

(By the way, this IS something YOU can do if you still have a wifi router… but I prefer you don’t have one.)

It turns out that the teenagers use the wifi all night.


Because there were powerline adapters in the house that utilised wireless technology.

So, despite turning off the wifi emitted by the router, the house was still bathed in radio frequency electromagnetic energy (RF EME), including the bedrooms.

Powerline Adapters Help with Wifi-Free

I love powerline adapters – as they mean in many buildings that the internet can be used throughout the house without having data points installed. You can finally be wifi-free!

(Note that they do add dirty electricity, so having data points installed throughout is by far the best option.)

If you want to get powerline adapters, or routers, or anything similar, then you have to be careful NOT to get ones that work wirelessly.


You can check all the specifications, but I also highly recommend contacting the manufacturer and ask,

“Can I use this wirelessly?”

You read that right! I want you to ask the OPPOSITE of what we are seeking. This is because almost everything can be used via ethernet or cables.

When they get back to you with, “I am so sorry, this cannot be used wirelessly,” you know you are on a winner.

#EMF #powerlineadapters #wififree #datapoints