Dr Devra Davis on Wireless Devices & Biological Effects
Epidemiologist and Toxicologist Dr. Devra Davis will be presenting a FREE public lecture in Sydney
Dr. Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices. She is the Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute- the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer.
Her presentation will outline:
- the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone
- the background to the current radiation safety standards (SAR)
- modelling exposures to children and adults from mobile phone and wireless radiation with breakthrough animations of children’s exposure and risks
- the mobile phone and secondary insurance industries approach to this important topic
- new global studies on the health consequences of mobile/ wireless radiation policy developments:
- “The Right to Know” Law. New legislation in California U.S.A. requiring mobile phone retailers to fully disclose the radiation levels of the mobile phones and ways in which to reduce exposure.
- current requirements regarding mobile phones in Belgium, France, Israel, India, Taiwan and other high tech nations
- a proposed system “Would you give two cents?” to create funding for cross-disciplinary training in electrical engineering and medicine, identifying important data gaps and carrying out cutting edge research as Australia currently has more mobile phones than people.
In the past Australia has led the world in safety standards including:
- first country in the world to have compulsory seat belts
- leader in gun control laws
- first country in the world to implement plain packaging cigarettes
- a leader in product and food disclosure legislation
However, Australia is falling behind in addressing the significant issues associated with safe mobile phone use.
Dr. Davis’ address is compelling listening for parents and students, educators, those concerned about liability arising from mobile phone use, government legislators or any organisation in which mobile phones and wireless devices are used on a daily basis.
Her address will ask you to reconsider your relationship with this essential piece of technology and provide clear tips on the path to safer use.
WHEN and WHERE to see Dr Devra Davis:
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
UNSW Kensington, The Law Building Lecture theatre G02, NSW
HOW to book to see Dr Devra Davis:
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