Lead Levels and Lead Poisoning Prevention come to mind every October…
Because #ILPPWA: International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action happens every year in the final week of October.
And 2021 marks the ninth week – thanks to the work of Elizabeth O’Brien, from The LEAD Group.
This year we have a lot to celebrate!
And what better way than to team up with the go-to person for all things lead, Elizabeth O’Brien herself.
Elizabeth has campaigned tirelessly for 30 years.
She is the co-founder of The LEAD Group, which was formed by a trio of parents of lead poisoned children.
This not-for-profit organisation has dedicated itself to preventing lead poisoning and spreading awareness about the risks.
As well, they have created almost 100 fact sheets and an array of solutions sheets which are freely available to help consumers arm themselves.
Which is unfortunately due to the shortfall of policy and guidance from federal government.
Today, we discuss some incredible progress that has been made –
Real wins for health (and the environment).
As well, we discuss WHY you should care about lead…
Because it isn’t only about lowered IQ…
And, of course, some action that you can take.
Important Points to Consider
- Despite lead now being phased out of petrol, lead dust can still be found around busy roads, in soil and in ceiling dust
- As discussed, from 1st October 2021 no Australian manufacturer is allowed to add lead to paint (apart from the two exceptions of anti-fouling paints and anti-corrosion primers), paint containing low levels of lead may still be used as tradies and suppliers use up existing stock
- The best place to start is always with a Blood Lead Level test (for every member of the household) – if the result is not below 1ug/dL, then lead-remediation action needs to be taken
The Lead Education and Abatement Design (LEAD) Group Inc.
ADRA (Australian Dust Removalists Association)
I have written a comprehensive Action Pack
called “Getting Ahead of Lead.”
This is available to members of Detox Your Environment Group – a super-affordable membership program where you can access expert advice live!
Other posts on #Lead
- Find out more historical information about lead here in my 2016 interview with Elizabeth
- Discover sources of lead dust within your home here
- Uncover some ways that you could be poisoned by lead here, as I share my Volcano Art Prize entries for 2018
- Did you know that there are primary, secondary and primary ways to be poisoned by lead? Check this out along with my 2019 interview with Elizabeth
- Petrol – Arnaldo Motta on Unsplash
- Paint – Taelynn Christopher on Unsplash
- Toxic Effects of Lead – WHO
- Ban Lead Paint – WHO