Life Lessons

Written by Lucinda Curran

22 July 2017

Life Lessons

Reminders of life lessons often happen when we least expect them – and most need the nudge. Something happened this week that really made me stop and think – a LOT. I witnessed something traumatic that picked my up by the scruff and gave me a good shaking. It made me want to reach out to you, because maybe this will help you to – but also because I haven’t been writing all that often, and that is something I want to change.

Here’s what happened:

I was in Canberra last week for work – and finished it off with my “3 Keys to Creating a Healthier Home” workshop at WoW (it was great to have a room full of people who were interested and informed and wanted to make a difference) and my Dad’s 91st birthday (he is in such good health and spirit). At the airport, I was heading over to the desk to check my luggage in when I spotted an older gentleman sitting on the floor with his head in his hands, his wife standing next to him looking concerned. Our exchange went like this:
“Are you both okay?” I enquire. “He’s not,” she says. “What can I do to help you?” “Nothing, we are just deciding whether we are flying or not.” “Can I get help for you? Do want me to get airport staff? Medical aid??” “No, we’re fine,” she assures me.
I join the queue, not wanting to be an annoying stranger, but really sensing the need to help them. A few minutes later, I hear a crash. I turn to see him collapsed on the floor. They had begun to walk, and he collapsed.

Things happened quickly now.

There was a crowd of passengers around him, assisting. One comes back to ask the airline staff to get the paramedics – the staff spring into action. Then, they flip the man onto his back and begin CPR – pumping his chest and then breathing for him.

I am in shock – he is dead.

They stop CPR as they have revived him… Thank goodness!!

Without more story, he was still alive the last time I saw him – and I hope that he is okay.

I really was in shock.

It was clear they needed help. I had offered. They refused.

He collapsed, died and was revived. I put myself in her shoes – her loved one collapsed and died in front of eyes.

Just like that.

The “what if’s” flooded my mind. What if I had’ve called for help regardless and he didn’t die there? What if…?????

Needless to say, I was a very upset and crying a lot.

Then, instead of beating myself up for not seeking the help that they hadn’t wanted, instead I focused on the lessons.

Life Lessons: here is what I learned from this

  1. Make the most of the here and now – every person, moment, event, etc because you never know when things will change.
  2. Don’t put things off – do them now – take action! I often catch myself thinking, “I’ll do that when I retire.” I may not make it!
  3. Don’t leave things unresolved – sort out problems, heal wounds, build bridges.
  4. If there is something wrong, reach out, tell the truth about what is going on – not like the little boy who cried wolf, but genuinely.
I hope that sharing this traumatic situation will be of benefit to you and others. I invite you to reach out to someone to remind them you love them – and perhaps even stretch that out to someone with whom there has been some discomfort with. Have a happy and healthy day. Shine and Succeed!
#lifelessons #makethemostofeverything #makepeace


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Meet Lucinda Curran

Meet Lucinda Curran

Founder & Indoor Environmental Health Consultant

After becoming extremely unwell due to environmental stressors, Lucinda set about learning everything she could to empower others to protect their health.

Outside of work, you can find her relaxing with her husband and 2 Skye terriers in nature, and caring for wildlife.


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