Hawthorn University: Holistic Detoxification
Hawthorn University offer high level online training to health practitioners, predominantly naturopaths. So, I was thrilled to receive an invitation from Hawthorn University to present a webinar.
I have watched many of their webinars, which are available for free and are presented by highly respected people, so as you can imagine, getting an invitation from them was such an honour.
The topic which I presented on is, of course, so dear to my heart – Holistic Detoxification: How to Create a Healthy Home Which Supports Healing.
Too often I hear stories of people on the (expensive) merry-go-round of treatments, objects, supplements, drugs… when in many cases the cause is environmental and can easily be addressed by changing the environment.
I wanted to help students of natural therapies and practitioners understand more about this and avoid unnecessary treatments and delays.
In a nutshell, the topics that I covered in my webinar include:
- why detoxification is so important
- case studies
- our built environment
- hindrances to detoxification
- action steps for your clients/patients
- when to think of the environment
After the webinar, I was able to answer the questions asked by the audience – and they were such fabulous questions.
I would like to publicly thank Hawthorn University for the opportunity to present this webinar, all of the audience members, and everyone who has watched it since. What an honour!! 🙂
#hawthornuniversity #holisticdetoxification #buildingbiology #health