The Dangers Of CFL Bulbs

Written by Lucinda Curran

23 November 2017

CFL Bulbs, LED, Halogens and Incandescents

CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs are considered energy efficient, but are good for the environment?

I don’t think so. CFL bulbs are, from a health and environment point of view, one of the worst options.

Here’s why

1. CFLs contain mercury. Mercury readily impacts the CNS (central nervous system) and may, in some cases, be fatal.

2. The contribute a significant EMF load – high ELF AC magnetic fields, ELF AC high electric fields and a lot of “dirty electricity” (high frequency transient spikes).

3. They flicker – so for those with environmental sensitivities or epilepsy, this MAY be a problem.

How do I know if I have CFLs?

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) come in many shapes and sizes. Here are what many of them look like:

CFL bulbs

What Are The Alternatives?

It is honestly such a shame – the incandescent bulbs that we had to start with really were the best on many levels.

The adage, “Don’t fix it if it isn’t broken” comes to mind…

One of the best features of the incandescent bulbs is that they were fairly close to natural light. This is ideal.

But, because they weren’t deemed to be energy-efficient, we moved onto Halogen Lights and CFLs.

Halogens lights create light through heat – and the biggest issue with them is that they can become a fire hazard. I have also see them becoming a mould risk – but that is anther blog post! Despite all of this, they are fairly close to natural light.

Another issue with these lights is that they can allow ceiling dust to enter the living spaces. Ceiling dust is often contaminated with heavy metals, faeces and other contaminants.

And then LED (light emitting diodes) lights were brought out – and these are incredible little beasties at creating light, however, what they create contains a lot of blue light. This can be damaging to our natural rhythms, for starters.

Best Options

Here is my ranking of the best options.

  1. Natural light
  2. Incandescent lights
  3. LEDs lights
  4. Halogens lights
  5. Compact Fluorescent lights

If you want to discover more about these and other environmental stressors, the join our Detox Your Environment Inner Circle. CLICK HERE.


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Meet Lucinda Curran

Meet Lucinda Curran

Founder & Indoor Environmental Health Consultant

After becoming extremely unwell due to environmental stressors, Lucinda set about learning everything she could to empower others to protect their health.

Outside of work, you can find her relaxing with her husband and 2 Skye terriers in nature, and caring for wildlife.


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