Don’t be Guttered!

Gutters – They Can Play a Large Role in the Health of Our Buildings

Gutters collect the water that come off the roof.

The roof is like a rain hat of our home.

Hidden Mould

I have been to so many homes that have water damage and mould because of poorly maintained gutters – and this is easy enough to avoid.

What happens when gutters are not maintained?

Generally, they overflow.

But not always.

In some cases, the water can run towards the house and end up in wall cavities! This is one cause of “hidden mould” and it can still affect your health – even if you can’t see or smell it.

This is situation where it is often hard to detect what the problem is. Often there are no obvious signs – to an unskilled eye.


So, what to do?

Simple – create a regular maintenance schedule.

How frequently this needs doing will depend on where you live.

Factors such as the amount and type of trees, how close they are, do they drop their leaves each autumn, and so on can all help to determine how often you should be cleaning the gutters.

I recommend starting with a quarterly/seasonal clean… and then during autumn/fall more often.

How Can I Tell If My Gutters Need Cleaning?

The most reliable way is to get up on a ladder and have a look.

Another way is to look for any signs of plant growth… I call this the “gutter garden.” When there is enough dirt and debris in the gutters, plants will begin to grow. It is pretty severely blocked at this point.

One final way is to observe what happens when it rains. Do you see water cascading over the sides? This shows that your gutters aren't coping with the rain. Often this will occur when they are blocked. It can also occur in extremely heavy rain, especially when there is hail.

So keep an eye out. Observing is a wonderful skill.

Find out if you have an issue –
book a Virtual Indoor Environmental Health Assessment here. >>

How is Your Wi-Fi Router Like Your Oven?

Wi-Fi – we are surrounded by wi-fi all the time. But there is something that you can do that can significantly minimise your exposure… and it is free!

Why would you want to? There are risks associated with using this technology. This is “radiofrequency EMF” and has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified it as a “category 2B” which means that they recognise it as being potentially carcinogenic to humans.

Apart from cancer, there are other associated risks – including sleep disturbance, grinding teeth, muscle tension, as well as reactions that happen on a cellular level (voltage-gated calcium channels, reactions of blood cells…).

I want to share with you a simple tip that can make a big difference.

From today onwards, I want you to think of your wi-fi router like you do your oven.


Your wi-fi router is like your oven.

From now on:

  1. When you want to use it, turn it on.
  2. Let it warm up.
  3. Use it.
  4. Turn it off again.

Simply by doing this, you can greatly reduce your exposure and begin to create new patterns around its use.

When you are ready, I highly recommend changing over to an ethernet-only router – and there ARE many choices.

Contact me – this is one of the many EMF problems I love to tackle.

Asbestos Awareness – It Could Save Lives

Shedding Light on the Dangers of Asbestos

During the first week of April, many people across the globe come together to help raise awareness on a mineral that has been scientifically proven to cause cancer and other serious illnesses. Global Asbestos Awareness Week is a time where topics such as prevention, the health risks of exposure and banning asbestos get the full attention they deserve.

To date there are at least 58 countries that banned the use of asbestos, Australia being one of them. In observance of this week, I’m going to do my part by sharing information with you on the hidden dangers of this carcinogen.

Segue – A Trip Down Memory Lane

I really wanted to do this because of something that I did – which never should have happened. In my line of work, I hear all sorts of regrets that people have… and if I knew what I know now, I would never have made this mistake. Let me tell you the story.

Once, about 20 odd years ago, I lived in a fabulous house which was built in 1968. In terms of building biology, it was a house of horrors, but I didn’t know anything about that then.

I decided to remove the layers of funky (yes, funky) 1970s wallpaper. Once the layers were off, I discovered that the plasterboard had been installed to provide a rough surface for the wallpaper to stick to. I didn’t want that because I was painting over it. Being an indestructible 20-something, I sanded and sanded and sanded it. Eventually, I gave up and painted anyway. When I was doing my building biology training, it hit me. That was very likely to be asbestos! I don’t know if it was. I don’t yet know if there are any long-term ramifications – but it scares me to realise that I may end up with mesothelioma or asbestosis – or similar; simply as a result of being ignorant.

What is Asbestos?

Known for its heat resistance and durability, asbestos is a microscopic, fibrous mineral found naturally in the environment.

It is these characteristics that made it such a star player in the production of building materials.

Products such as roofing shingles, wallboard, flooring tiles, and insulation were made with asbestos and it was heavily used before the 1970’s.

Australia was one of the highest users of asbestos until there was strong scientific evidence that linked the mineral to serious health concerns.

It wasn’t until the mid-1980’s that our government began implementing a ban on asbestos. The ban covers both imports and exports of asbestos, as well as any use of chrysotile asbestos used in building products.

A Concerning Fact

You may still find asbestos in older homes, so be sure to do some research before getting into any DIY-renovation projects. If you need help on where asbestos could be in your home, take a look here for some advice on what you should do if it is present.

Here are some common places you may find them in your home: 


Health Effects

Any amount of exposure could cause serious health risks or environmental sensitivities.

You may wonder: how can I be exposed and what are the health risks of exposure? 

If a material that contains asbestos is damaged, it can release tiny particles that contain the asbestos fibre which can easily be inhaled. Since it is such a strong material, our bodies can’t break it down, so the fibres become trapped inside the body to eventually develop tumours.

As mentioned above, asbestos is linked to many serious health effects. One of the strongest correlations is with mesothelioma, an aggressive rare cancer that the only known cause is from exposure to asbestos. The signs and symptoms of this cancer often get confused with lung cancer and asbestosis. Although these other illnesses are caused by asbestos, they are completely different in physical characteristics.

Therefore, it is important when going through the diagnosing stage to specify your family history, your health concerns, and any chance of being exposed to asbestos (like sanding it – note to self).

What can you do to help raise awareness – even your own?

  1. Remember, asbestos-related illnesses are 100% preventable.
  2. Stay informed and let others know about this material. To continue to spread awareness, join in on the conversation online or in your community.
  3. Have your home assessed by a licensed asbestos inspector (I have listed some here).

Here are some simple ways you can get further involved:

  • Social media is an important step in raising awareness. Educating your friends and family around the globe by creating a simple tweet or status update could prevent future exposure. #2017GAAW was created in honour of this year’s Global Asbestos Awareness Week led by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organisation. You can learn what’s being talked about and what other organisations/experts are saying.
  • Donate to any organisations of the illnesses mentioned above that would use the funds for research and future treatment options.

If you are worried about asbestos in your place, choose an asbestos assessor who has completed the BOHS training. This is the training I did and I can vouch for the high level of this training.
Also, get a “demolition survey” if you are planning any renovations.
You will also find some great information here.

If you would like to discuss your situation with me, get in touch.

#asbestos #mesothelioma #hiddenhazards #2017GAAW

Electric Fields – the Importance of Measuring Them

Electric Fields – VITAL to measure

Electric fields are an important part of an EMF audit.

In an nutshell, extremely low frequency (ELF) AC electric fields are present where there is any household wiring or any appliances plugged in. They exist where there is a potential.

You can read more about the science behind ELF AC electric fields here. The focus here is on the importance of assessing them.

I measure ELF AC electric fields

There are a pinch (not even a handful) of people who actually measures and assesses ELF AC electric fields. I am part of this small group and have assessed these since graduation. This is one of four EMF areas which I assess. I also assess ELF AC magnetic fields, high frequencies and “dirty” electricity.

Most EMF audits only cover ELF AC magnetic fields and high frequencies – half of what we assess!

ELF AC electric fields is NOT assessed by measuring body voltage. Body voltage gives an indication of exposure when someone is laying on their bed… that is all. ELF AC electric fields need to be measured with specialised equipment – as the fields are incredibly easy to influence. This means that if I put a meter in or very near the field, it will change. If I enter the field or move very close to it, it will change. (You can read more about the concept of earthing mats – which are all about managing this form of EMF here.)

The Wisdom of Those Sensitive to EMF

ELF AC electric fields emanate from the wall. People who are electromagnetically sensitive position their bed in the centre of the room. I have seen this time and time again when assessing their places. Their beds are well away from all the walls.

As well, they often turn circuits off – which can reduce the fields.

Case Study

Recently, I was called to complete an Essential Audit for a client who was primarily concerned about EMF. One of the biggest concerns was the smart meter – as is often the case.

Like with all audits, an emphasis is placed on where a person spends time.

So, I completed each of my layers of assessment, including my 4 levels of EMF testing.

Level 1: high frequencies – due to the position of the smart meter. Areas where the client spent time were well within Building Biology Guidelines.

Level 2: ELF AC magnetic fields – again, these were well within acceptable levels as per the Building Biology Guidelines.

— This is where other EMF audits stop —

Level 3: “Dirty” Electricity – levels here were up to 7 times higher than the goal, so needed to be addressed.

Level 4: ELF AC electric fields – the levels were mind-blowing!

Building Biology Guidelines state (using a potential-free probe) that levels of ELF AC electric fields should be below 1.5V/m. The levels I measured were above 50V/m.



I was able to advise my clients on the best course of action for their situation. I gave them both immediate steps and a longer term solution.

As you can see, if only two levels were completed, the advice would have been that the area is safe.

Clearly, having assessed 4 levels of EMF, it is unsafe. As such measures needed to be taken to ensure the safety of my clients.

What Does the Science Say?

Very little – but enough! 

The biggest focus of research over the last 40 years has been on ELF AC magnetic fields and high frequencies.

ELF AC electric fields are difficult to measure.


However, Maes (2015, 3) states that,

“studies show that long-term exposures of only 10 V/m increase the risk for childhood leukemia, cancer and other health problems.”

Cech, et al

Cech, et al (2008) studied the impact of ELF electric fields on pregnant rats: “By vectorial addition of the electric current densities, it could be shown that under worst case conditions the basic restrictions recommended by ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection) guidelines are exceeded within the central nervous system (CNS) of the mother, whereas in sole field exposure they are not.

However, within the foetus the induced current densities do not comply with basic restrictions, either from single reference-level electric fields or from simultaneous exposure to electric and magnetic fields. Basic limits were considerably exceeded.”

Gok, et al; and Guler, et al

Two other studies were looking to explain the effects of AC ELF electric fields.

a) Effects in the brain and retina in pregnant rats (Gok, et al, 2016), and

b) Discover the effectiveness of antioxidants from AC ELF electric fields exposure (Guler, et al, 2009).

The premise can be made from the scope of the research is that there are biological effects in these different areas.

eco health solutions gadget


Research was done by Reiter (1993) into the effects of ELF electromagnetic field exposure and its effects on melatonin production.

Reiter concluded that the mechanisms remain unknown, but the effect exists.


Some findings were included in the BioInitiative Report, including:

Electric fields exert a force on electrons, and have been shown to stimulate protein synthesis in HL60 cells (Blank et al, 1992), E coli (Laubitz et al, 2006) and muscle in vivo (Blank, 1995).

(Blank, 2007, 9)

Despite the limited body of research, there is growing evidence that demonstrates health or biological effects within the body.

Thus the levels of all types of EMF should be as close as possible to nature. Else, they should fall within the no or slight concern categories of the building biology guidelines.

What Should You Do?

Book a call, so I can work out how best to meet your needs.


Blank, M (2007) BioInitiative Report: Section 7: Evidence of Stress Response (Stress Proteins): Health Risk of Electromagnetic Fields: Research on the Stress Response (Online) Available at (3 February 2017)

Cech, R, Leigeb, N, Pediatitis, M (January 2008) Current Densities in a Pregnant Woman Model Induced by Simultaneous ELF Electric and Magnetic Field Exposure Phys Med Biol 2008 Jan 7;53(1):177-86. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/53/1/012. Epub 2007 Dec 19. (Online) Available at (27 January 2017)

Gok, DK, Akpinar, D, Hidsoglu, E, Ozen, S, Agar, A, Yargiciglu, P (December 2016) The Developmental Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electric Fields on Visual and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Adult Rats Electromagn Biol Med. 2016;35(1):65-74. doi: 10.3109/15368378.2014.987923. Epub 2014 Dec 11.

Guler, G, Turkozerr, Z, Ozgur, E, Seyhan, N (February 2009) Antioxidants alleviate electric field-induced effects on lung tissue based on assays of heme oxygenase-1, protein carbonyl content, malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, and hydroxyproline. (Online) Sci Total Environ. 2009 Feb 1;407(4):1326-32. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.10.050. Epub 2008 Nov 22.

Maes, W (June 2015) Questions About the Standard of Building Biology Methods and the Building Biology Evaluation Guide (Online) Available at

Dehumidifiers – The Benefits of Using One Regularly

Let's first explore humidity – to set the scene and give context to the rest of this post.

What is Humidity?

Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the air. It is important to know and understand this, particularly if you have any water damage or you live in a humid environment.

Humidity is commonly measured and discussed in two ways.

Firstly, there is relative humidity – this is the one we hear about a lot. When you think of  being somewhere tropical, where you feel clammy despite having just showered, these areas will have a high level of relative humidity. The level is given as a percentage, for example 62%.

Relative humidity is the measure of how much water vapour is in the air and varies according to the temperature, in that it is relative to the temperature. The warmer the air, the more water vapour can be held and thus the relative humidity level will be higher.

Specific humidity is a different measurement and does not vary with temperature. It is expressed as gpk (grams per kilogram) or gpp (grains per pound).

Ideal Levels of Humidity

There are no ideal levels for specific humidity. As a building biologist, the different readings in different rooms can show me where to look further for water damage, and this requires quite specialised equipment.

Relative humidity is the one that is easiest to measure and changes can be quite noticeable in the way it feels. This is the one more closely related to comfort. Relative humidity is easily measured using an inexpensive hygrometer, such as this one.

Most people generally feel comfortable when the temperature is between 18-24oC and the relative humidity is between 35-75%, beyond this people generally feel uncomfortable.

When relative humidity levels are high, the air is uncomfortably moist – you may feel hot and clammy, sticky or just damp.

When relative humidity levels are low, you may feel quite dry – dry eyes, dry throat, dry skin, “parched”; you may even experience more static electricity.

The optimum level for relative humidity is between 40-60%.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi and house dust mites all are less active; and these biological contaminants can be highly problematic for health, and form part of the microbial stew.

Occupant Activity and Humidity

Humidity can result in water damage.

In our homes, there are four main ways for water damage to occur. The first is a disaster of some sort, eg flooding. The second is damage to the building, eg a burst pipe, tiles coming off the roof, a leak. The third is poor building design or poor workmanship, such as not having an exterior vent on an extractor fan, having bedrooms with no opening windows, running the downpipes to the underneath of the house… And the fourth (which can often be overlooked) is occupant activity.

Occupant activity can cause a lot of water damage. Some examples are:

  • not using the extractor fan when bathing
  • using a clothes dryer
  • spilling liquids and not cleaning them up quickly

Examples of Moisture Created from Occupant Activity

The following is from Elkink and Pringle's 2012 book Building Basics: Internal Moisture – and these levels, I am sure, will amaze you!

Activity Creates
Showering and bathing Varying levels of moisture depending on temperature of shower, length of time, ventilation.
People in a room Awake we exhale 200ml of water vapour per hour. Asleep we exhale 20ml per hour. This is roughly 3L of moisture per day.
Unflued gas heaters 0.5-1L of water per hour.
Cooking Varies depending on method (e.g. boiling and steaming), if the heat source is gas; and includes kettles, microwaves, dishwashers and washing dishes.
Clothes washing and drying Up to 5L per load can be released if clothes are dried inside on a rack.
Wet tea towels, dish cloths, clothes, towels, bathmats These can all increase humidity within a room.
Indoor spas, saunas and pools All produce enough heat and water vapour to require additional mechanical ventilation systems.
Humidifiers Increase the humidity in a room and can result in condensation.
Accidental floods Overflowing baths, sinks and laundry tubs can all create problems if not dried within 24-48 hours.
Roof space ventilation This is important particularly if extractor fans are flued into the roof cavity, and not vented externally. Changes in pressure can cause moisture and other contaminants to enter the building.
Steam cleaning A potential problem is created if the materials are not completely dry within 24-48 hours.
Leaking pipes and appliances A very large problem, which will vary depending on what, where, how much, and how long before it is rectified.
A normal subfloor Evaporation from a 93m2 subfloor is 45L of moisture per day, and up to 180L per day if there is standing water on the subfloor soil.


As you can see, there are a lot of ways that we can fill our homes with moisture – inadvertently, which is one reason why ventilation is important. My ideal would be for every home to exchange all of the air every few hours, and yet reality brings us back to at least once a day.

My favourite thing to do is to open windows and doors in the morning until I feel the temperature change, and I know that all of the air in my home has been exchanged.

I'll come back to this a little later, but it is important to note that moisture moves to where levels are lowest… So, if there is less humidity outside, then opening your windows can allow the moisture to dissipate out of your home. If the relative humidity is higher outside, then it could be better to open your windows and doors when this has changed over.

How to Use a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier takes the water vapour out of the air and it can be used to bring relative humidity levels back into the optimum zone – between 40-60%.

I like people to have them, particularly when the cause of the moisture is occupant activity or a lack of ventilation (such as a rented property with no extractor fan in the bathroom).

Here is a general step-by-step guide for how to use a dehumidifier for the initial deep-drying. Please note that every house is different, so this is merely a guide.

  1. If you have pets, like birds, etc, please take them out of the room first.
  2. Close the windows and doors of the chosen room.
  3. Open cupboards and drawers in this room.
  4. Set your dehumidifier to 30% relative humidity.
  5. If temperature of the room is low, turn on the heater (or the heater on the dehumidifier) for optimum drying.
  6. Run the dehumidifier for 24-hours a day for 1-3 days.

A good dehumidifier will automatically turn itself off when its water tank reaches capacity – so you should be able to run it while you are at work (they are a bit noisy, so this is preferable to running them overnight).

After this initial drying phase, you can use it periodically to dry the room.

NOTE: If there is water damage and/or mould, I recommend that a) the source of the water is addressed and b) if anything is wet for more than 48 hours that the resultant mould be addressed first.

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When Else a Dehumidifier is Useful

A dehumidifier, as mentioned is great for moisture caused by occupant activity.

  • My #1 use for a dehumidifier, in an ongoing way, is to use it in the bathroom or ensuite when bathing. Despite using it regularly, it always astonishes me the amount of water vapour that a shower can produce.
  • It can also be used when you are exchanging the air in your home, and the outside relative humidity is higher than the indoor relative humidity.
  • If you get a good one, it will also have a heater on it. This is beneficial as you now have a clothes dryer – that doesn't add moisture to the air! Simple hang your clothes on a rack and run the dehumidifier nearby (wishing I had one when I lived in the Blue Mountains, where it took weeks to dry my laundry!)

Which One Do I Recommend?

I have sought out one that I like (I stock it for this reason) – I personally own this model and use it every day.

This is the New Wide Tech All Seasons 35L Dehumidifier.

Basically, bigger is better, it does the job more efficiently and has a greater water capacity.

What else to look for?

  • variable humidity settings
  • the water tank will automatically signal when it is full and the dehumidifier will stop working
  • a ceramic heater to help dry more quickly and allow it to work well in cooler climates
  • option for continuous drainage

When a Dehumidifier is Not Enough

As much as I am a fan of the dehumidifier (pun not intended) – there are times when one is not enough. My biggest concern with recommending them is that someone may have water damage to their property with resultant mould.

Mould spores are everywhere and just need water as the spark of life… anything that is wet for longer than 48-hours can be a problem – even if it is dry now.

Read more about mould here and mould, water damage and health here.

A dehumidifier is fabulous for occupant activity, but not ideal (without professional assessment) when there is something more going on, eg structural damage…

So, these factors would give you an indication that you should look beyond just drying out the room with a dehumidifier:

  1. You (or someone in your household) is unwell, and generally, your health improves when away from the home
  2. You have mould
  3. Your home (or parts of it) smell musty, mouldy, damp, dank or earthy
  4. Your clothes are always damp
  5. There is a history of water damage in your home
  6. You have a leak
  7. There is water under your house

Obviously, the above list does not cover everything. Mould is a serious problem, and it is a moisture issue. Addressing the source is paramount to resolving the issue.

Get in touch if you would like to discuss your situation.

(This post is intended to be informative, and not an infomercial. Given the gravity of biotoxin/mould-related illnesses, please understand that I do need to point out the limitations, and how you can action the situation.)


Aderholdt, J (3 August 2011) The Insulation Lab (Online) Available at (accessed 28 November, 2016)

Elkink, A and Pringle, T (2012) Building Basics: Internal Moisture Building Research Association of New Zealand, Porirua, New Zealand

ProAir (2011) Indoor Air Quality (Online) Available at (accessed 28 November 2016)

#humidity #dehumidifier #mould #mold #waterdamage #indoorairquality

Hawthorn University Holistic Detoxification Presentation

Hawthorn University: Holistic Detoxification

Hawthorn University offer high level online training to health practitioners, predominantly naturopaths. So, I was thrilled to receive an invitation from Hawthorn University to present a webinar.

I have watched many of their webinars, which are available for free and are presented by highly respected people, so as you can imagine, getting an invitation from them was such an honour.

The topic which I presented on is, of course, so dear to my heart – Holistic Detoxification: How to Create a Healthy Home Which Supports Healing.

Too often I hear stories of people on the (expensive) merry-go-round of treatments, objects, supplements, drugs… when in many cases the cause is environmental and can easily be addressed by changing the environment.

I wanted to help students of natural therapies and practitioners understand more about this and avoid unnecessary treatments and delays.

In a nutshell, the topics that I covered in my webinar include:

  • why detoxification is so important
  • case studies
  • our built environment
  • hindrances to detoxification
  • action steps for your clients/patients
  • when to think of the environment

After the webinar, I was able to answer the questions asked by the audience – and they were such fabulous questions.

I would like to publicly thank Hawthorn University for the opportunity to present this webinar, all of the audience members, and everyone who has watched it since. What an honour!! 🙂

Hawthorn University Presentation

#hawthornuniversity #holisticdetoxification #buildingbiology #health

Some Facts About Mobile Phones

International Scientists Talk about Mobile Phones

Australia has really blessed in the latter weeks of 2015 with international scientists coming to share their expertise in public lectures.

At the end of November 2015, Dr (PhD) Devra Davis presented to the Australian public her lectures on “The Truth About Mobile Phones and Wireless Radiation.”

Davis has been involved in public health for decades. She was instrumental in having cigarette smoking banned in airplanes! (Remember when people did that?? It is horrifying to realise that this was changed in my lifetime!)

Mobile Phones = High Frequencies | Radiofrequency EMF

Mobile phone and wireless radiation relies upon high frequencies (which includes radiofrequencies) – the same as that used in our cordless phones, wireless, smart meters, wireless baby monitors, microwave ovens, game consoles and so forth. The exposure standards for these are based on a fluid filled plastic construction (ie like a bucket of water) and the heating effects that this level of radiation has on the water. They are based entirely upon what is termed “thermal effects” – that is, does it heat the tissue?

Given that there are a multitude of other effects – bioeffects and health effects – that take place well below the heating of tissue, these exposure standards are way too high.

To top it off, in 2011, IARC classified radiofrequencies as 2B “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” Earlier in 2015, around 200 scientists from around the world petitioned the WHO to move this up to category 1 of known carcinogens.

There are a few key points from Davis' lectures:

  • Buried inside our iPhones are some warnings. See for yourself – go to Settings -> General -> About -> Legal -> RF Exposure
  • Children are being marketed to, with devices such as the pad potty. In a recent interview, “Davis is particularly horrified by the enrolment of infants in their parents' gadgets. ‘There is no reason whatsoever that anybody should be giving a cell phone to an infant in the crib, yet there are thousands of apps for babies in cribs,' she observes. ‘If you must give a cell phone to a toddler, at least make sure it is in flight mode.'” (read the article here)
  • A study in India shows that mobile phone radiation is “causal to sperm damage” – so, fellas, have a think about where you keep your mobile phone

As well, she and her colleagues are creating models to show the effects of mobile phone radiation – which when you can see it, it is even more alarming.

You can view her Melbourne lecture here:


Unfortunately, there are some scientists with their minds closed to possibilities – perhaps fattened wallets ensure that eyes and minds stay blinkered? – and this group are now in positions to make decisions. At the December ACEBR event held at RMIT, it became clear that all terminology has been reinvented to help blur the lines and keep people confused. Some terminology that Croft have redefined at that event are:

  • “Thermal effects” apparently now refers to any health or bioeffects that suits their team of researchers. By doing this, they can maintain that EMF has thermal effects at high levels, and has no other effects. Effects on sleep, according to the speakers at this meeting, is a thermal effect, under their new definition
  • “Science,” for some of the speakers at this meeting, “science” refers to “our truth.” In that, if it is something they disagree with, then it is “not real science”

The Precautionary Principle

Another outrageous attitude presented at the ACEBR event included that there was no need to follow or establish precautionary principles “because we don't want to alarm the public.”

The Precautionary Principle is all about keeping the public safe. If there isn't enough science to prove that something is safe, we need to exercise caution.

Consumers believe that what they can access in shops or online is SAFE FOR THEM. Consumers have the right to think this. Decision-makers have the responsibility, or even duty of care, to make sure that they are safe… but it is in this last step that the system falls apart.

In the meantime, believing the effluent that flows from the mouths of the affluent scientists who are no longer impartial and show a clear bias, is unwise because it is unsafe.


Take Action To Protect Yourself

If the decision-makers don't have the guts to protect you – take action yourself. There are a few more articles you can read here:

More Information from the Scientists on Mobile Phones

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski (Finland) also did two lectures in Melbourne, “Wireless Radiation and Human Health: How Reliable Is the Scientific Evidence?” (slides here) and “Mobile Phone Radiation and the Blood Brain Barrier: Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on the Human Endothelium” (slides here).

Leszczynski was one of the 30 scientists invited by IARC to make the decisions about how to classify RF back in 2011.

Some key points from Leszczynski's lectures:

  • A regular mobile phone user is someone who uses their phone for one call a week, every week for six months – so that makes many people a few steps beyond excessive users??
  • Since 2011, some very important research has been published:
    • CERENAT found an increased risk of glioma, temporal tumours with occasional and urban use
    • Lerchl found increased risk of lung and liver tumours in animals; and an increased risk in brain tumours in heavy phone users
    • Schmid and Kuster found that exposure of the skin, blood and muscles may well exceed 40W/kg (way in excess of the SAR levels) at a cellular level

Leszczynski wants to see IARC classify radiofrequencies as 2A – as probably carcinogenic to humans.

For more information on mobile phones and more

Listen to interviews:

~10 minute interviews:

Read more research and link to the scientists who care about your health:

#EMF #EHS #phoneradiation #devradavis #dariuszleszczynzki #cellphones #mobilephones #smartphones

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski Wireless Radiation and Human Health Policies

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski, who holds two doctorates in molecular biology and biochemistry, is presenting a FREE public lecture

Between 1992 and 2013 Prof Dariusz Leszczynski worked at the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority. During the years 2003-2007 he worked as the Head of Radiation Biology Laboratory and from 2000 to 2013 as a Research Professor.

He has spent several periods working at different universities around the world: 1997-1999 – Assistant Professor at the Harvard Medical School, 2006-2009 – Guangbiao Professor at the Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China and 2012-2013 – Visiting Professor at the Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

Among others, in 2009 Prof Dariusz Leszczynski testified in the US Senate and in 2015 in the Canadian House of Commons hearings on cell phones and health and in 2014 advised Minister of Health of India.

In 2011 he was one of the 30 experts, invited by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, who classified cell phone radiation as possibly carcinogenic to humans.


About Prof Dariusz Leszczynski's Lecture

“Wireless Radiation and Human Health Policies: How reliable is the Scientific Evidence?”

The scientific evidence for biological and health effects of radiation emitted by the wireless devices is contradictory. Different areas of investigation included epidemiology, human volunteer studies, animal and in vitro studies. For all, there are both, studies showing effects and studies showing lack of effects.

When considering the impact on human health, the most important results are those obtained in human studies. Health policy recommendations and safety limits must be firmly based on the scientific evidence.

But the question is, how to make reliable health policy recommendations and how to set adequate safety standards, when the scientific evidence is contradictory, when the quality of science is poor or when there are gaps in the scientific evidence.

Should the precautionary policies be considered, especially of the Precautionary Principle, as defined by the European Union?

These are important health-policy-related questions. They will be addressed in the context of the currently available scientific evidence of the wireless radiation effects and its quality for decision-making.

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski's Lecture – WHEN and WHERE

Monash University Wednesday, 9th December, 2015, at 11AM, the Lecture Theatre of The Alfred Centre (5th floor) 99 Commercial Road

Prof Dariusz Leszczynski's Lecture – HOW

You do not need to register or RSVP to this event.

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