Lyn McLean – An Interview

Lyn McLean

I first met Lyn McLean when I was reaching out to find speakers for the 2015 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium. I had read her book, The Force and was impressed with her knowledge and expression, and just knew she would contribute something amazing to the Symposium.

lyn mclean

When we first talked, I was taken with her level and depth of knowledge, as well as her nature. We share a history of being school teachers, and have a ton of interests in common.

Since that first “meeting” (phone), we have remained in close contact and have developed a solid friendship.

She wrote a fantastic paper for the 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium that exposed the flaws in our exposure standards, particularly for wireless radiation (radiofrequency EMF).

A more formal introduction:

Lyn McLean is the Director of EMR Australia which she established over 20 years ago. Prior to this, she ran the “EMR Association of Australia” and the “EMR Alliance” for nine years.

She is an educator, trainer and author. She believes that it is important for people to examine the impacts of EMF on their homes and families, and as such has developed many resources to help them understand and reduce their exposure.

Here, I interview Lyn McLean about her wonderful new book Wireless Wise Families. You can get a copy here.

Cell/Mobile Phone Safety Reminders

Cell/Mobile Phone Safety Reminders

This won't be new to most of you Eco Health Solutions community members, but reminders about mobile phone safety can never go astray! It is also good information for newbies to the topic.

This was listed out in the California Department of Public Health's website with regards to cell/mobile phone safety:

  • Keeping the phone away from the body
  • Reducing cell phone use when the signal is weak
  • Reducing the use of cell phones to stream audio or video, or to download or upload large files
  • Keeping the phone away from the bed at night
  • Removing headsets when not on a call
  • Avoiding products that claim to block radio frequency energy.

Part of the EMF Puzzle

Cell/Mobile Phones emit radiofrequency EMF (on which wireless technology is based. This is a recognised possible human carcinogen (recognised by IARC in 2011.)

But this is just one type of the EMF puzzle.

It is also important to reduce your exposure to other types of EMF, such as

  1. Radiofrequency EMF
  2. AC magnetic fields
  3. AC electric fields and
  4. Dirty electricity

Read more here to discover WHY it is so important to assess all four…

Book a call so I can identify sources of EMF and
provide you with solutions on how to manage your situation.

… and in France

France will ban cell phones in schools for children up to 15 years old

The minister, Jean-Michel Blanquer, is calling it a “matter of public health.”

“These days the children don't play at break time anymore, they are just all in front of their smartphones and from an educational point of view that's a problem.”

Read about it here.

#createchange #makeithappen #EMF

Home is the Most Important Place

Home is the most important place. It is our castle.

Home is our safety haven, our sacred space, our island in the midst of the world.

For many of us, the world can be a bit full-on. The onslaught of fragrances, noise, wi-fi, people, lights… it can be overwhelming at times.

Also, most of these things are out of our control.

The best thing to do is to have a healing, safe, and nourishing home to come back to.

A virtual Indoor Environmental Health Assessment Can Short-Cut Your Route to a Healthy Nurturing Space

By assessing your home with great care, and attention to detail, we can shortcut the agonising searching for information and hazards.

Whether it be:

  • electromagnetic fields
  • phone towers
  • neighbours wi-fi
  • the smart meter
  • air pollutants
  • indoor air quality
  • volatile organic compounds
  • lead and other heavy metals
  • drinking water contaminants
  • mould and water damage
  • personal care and cleaning products
  • and more!

By assessing your home, I can determine the hazards, the potential problems AND provide you with solutions.

Many of my clients experience not only peace of mind, but improved health after implementing the recommendations.

They know that they have made their home safe for their families.

Get in touch so we can arrange your assessment.

The Dangers Of CFL Bulbs

CFL Bulbs, LED, Halogens and Incandescents

CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs are considered energy efficient, but are good for the environment?

I don’t think so. CFL bulbs are, from a health and environment point of view, one of the worst options.

Here’s why

1. CFLs contain mercury. Mercury readily impacts the CNS (central nervous system) and may, in some cases, be fatal.

2. The contribute a significant EMF load – high ELF AC magnetic fields, ELF AC high electric fields and a lot of “dirty electricity” (high frequency transient spikes).

3. They flicker – so for those with environmental sensitivities or epilepsy, this MAY be a problem.

How do I know if I have CFLs?

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) come in many shapes and sizes. Here are what many of them look like:

CFL bulbs

What Are The Alternatives?

It is honestly such a shame – the incandescent bulbs that we had to start with really were the best on many levels.

The adage, “Don't fix it if it isn't broken” comes to mind…

One of the best features of the incandescent bulbs is that they were fairly close to natural light. This is ideal.

But, because they weren't deemed to be energy-efficient, we moved onto Halogen Lights and CFLs.

Halogens lights create light through heat – and the biggest issue with them is that they can become a fire hazard. I have also see them becoming a mould risk – but that is anther blog post! Despite all of this, they are fairly close to natural light.

Another issue with these lights is that they can allow ceiling dust to enter the living spaces. Ceiling dust is often contaminated with heavy metals, faeces and other contaminants.

And then LED (light emitting diodes) lights were brought out – and these are incredible little beasties at creating light, however, what they create contains a lot of blue light. This can be damaging to our natural rhythms, for starters.

Best Options

Here is my ranking of the best options.

  1. Natural light
  2. Incandescent lights
  3. LEDs lights
  4. Halogens lights
  5. Compact Fluorescent lights

If you want to discover more about these and other environmental stressors, the join our Detox Your Environment Inner Circle. CLICK HERE.

ELF AC Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Fields (MF)

Magnetic fields – can they be harmful?

Did you know? In 2002, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified ELF AC magnetic fields as category 2B. 

What that means is that they recognised the potentially carcinogenic effects for humans (risk of causing cancer) of the MF associated with household wiring, appliances, and power lines.

These fields are one of the most researched areas of EMF – and one of the least controversial. Wertheimer and Leeper's research in the 1970's linked these fields to increased incidences of childhood leukaemia.

ELF AC MF exist wherever an appliance is in use.

What to do?

Magnetic Fields are only PART of the EMF picture.

There are four types of EMF assessed by Eco Health Solutions:

  1. ELF AC magnetic fields
  2. ELF AC electric fields
  3. radiofrequency EMF
  4. dirty electricity

There are a great many people that conduct EMF assessments which include #1 and #3, only.

Because I understand this area more deeply, I see that doing half the job is completely inadequate (check out this post). I have been to many homes and workplaces where the greatest problems are found with the electric field readings and that of dirty electricity.

A thorough assessment is the only way to ensure that all bases are covered in order to provide you with an accurate picture of what is occurring in your home or workplace.

Want to know how to reduce the levels in your place?
Book a call. >>

Insomnia Epidemic

The “Insomnia Epidemic”

There has been much talk recently of an insomnia epidemic. Have you heard about it?

It has been primarily based on data collected by devices such as smart phones and watches.

There is an enormous irony, though, because from what I am seeing, there is a chance that these very devices are contributing to the problem.

I have explained it in this video.


Did you know your alarm clock can also play a role in insomnia?

Many people place their electric alarm clocks right next to their heads.

This can expose them to very high levels of ELF AC electric fields and magnetic fields.

“I’m alright, I use my phone!”

Well then, in that case, you are likely to be exposing yourself to very high levels of high-frequency radiation, which I see affects many people’s sleep, as discussed above.

What then?


Just get yourself a battery-operated alarm clock.

I stock some here (they also measure temperature and humidity) – a dream device! 😉

Have you followed the above steps and are still having problems?

What else can you do? There are lots of measures that you can take. Here are some.

Check out this post on why sleep is so important.

Any form of stress can hamper sleep. Keep a check on:

  • Work-related stress
  • Relationships
  • Big changes
  • Light (this can help)
  • Noise
  • Environmental stressors, such as mould, poor air quality

Also, you should consider your use of devices in the evening. Watch this video.

And your bed and bedding can also play a role. Check this out.

Still not quite right?
Let's talk – please book a call here. >>

SAR Levels Can be Increased by Having Metal Objects in Your Pocket

SAR levels are what the authorities use to determine the safety of a mobile/cell phone. Logically, the system is a flawed one* as the levels can increase dramatically. Something that has not been taken into consideration by the decision-makers.

SAR Levels Can be Increased by Having Metal Objects in Your Pocket

Did you know…?

Research has uncovered that having metal objects in your pocket along with your phone increases your SAR exposure?

Discover how to easily almost double your SAR exposure from your mobile phone.

*It is flawed for two reasons. It is based upon the the thermal effects of a mobile phone on a plastic “bucket” filled with water. The other reason is that it does not replicate how people actually use their phones.

A mannequin is made to replicate a US armed forces personnel, called SAM. The plastic “head” is filled with water. Then the temperature of the water is measured when a mobile phone is used in proximity. This is why many of the phones state that you should not be within 2cm of the phone… Here's a fun song written and performed by Kate Corcoran.

Here's what she said in the 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium e-mag:

The inspiration for “Oh Sam (What a Man)!” – came from Devra Davis’ book Disconnect. I learnt that mobile phones were not tested on humans pre-release but were tested on a test dummy and an early model was known as SAM – standard anthropomorphic mannequin. SAM had fluid in his head to represent a human brain and was 6 foot 2 inches tall – the height of the tallest 10% of military recruits to the US military in 1989. He had an 11 pound head, which somehow morphed into the hook for the song – “Oh Sam, What a man – 6 foot 2 11 inches of a man!” – a hook too good to pass up.

I wrote this song to inform people but more importantly for EHS people who are not being listened to. I hope this song will bring a smile to a face or two.

How is Your Wi-Fi Router Like Your Oven?

Wi-Fi – we are surrounded by wi-fi all the time. But there is something that you can do that can significantly minimise your exposure… and it is free!

Why would you want to? There are risks associated with using this technology. This is “radiofrequency EMF” and has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified it as a “category 2B” which means that they recognise it as being potentially carcinogenic to humans.

Apart from cancer, there are other associated risks – including sleep disturbance, grinding teeth, muscle tension, as well as reactions that happen on a cellular level (voltage-gated calcium channels, reactions of blood cells…).

I want to share with you a simple tip that can make a big difference.

From today onwards, I want you to think of your wi-fi router like you do your oven.


Your wi-fi router is like your oven.

From now on:

  1. When you want to use it, turn it on.
  2. Let it warm up.
  3. Use it.
  4. Turn it off again.

Simply by doing this, you can greatly reduce your exposure and begin to create new patterns around its use.

When you are ready, I highly recommend changing over to an ethernet-only router – and there ARE many choices.

Contact me – this is one of the many EMF problems I love to tackle.