2022 Lead Poisoning Prevention with Elizabeth O’Brien

This year, our activity for International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action (ILPPWA) is to host a live Q&A session with lead expert Elizabeth O'Brien.

We'll be streaming live onto Facebook on Wednesday 26th October 2022, and you can come and join us to ask anything you want to about lead.

  • Perhaps you're concerned about potential exposure?
  • Or you're planning a build or renovation?
  • Maybe you've got chooks and/or a vegetable garden?
  • Have you got youngsters or pets that eat or dig in the soil?
  • Do you have flaking paint?
  • Is there a busy road nearby?
  • Are you near a smelter?
  • Is there lead in tattoo ink?
  • How much lead is in my lipstick?
  • How does lead affect health?
  • Can lead get out of our bones?
  • What change to legislation have occurred to ban lead in Australia and throughout the world?
  • Is there still lead in paint?
  • Why is “leadlighting” called this?
  • Where is lead in my home?
  • I'm in a new home, is there any lead in it?

Lead Poisoning: "lead-berg"

These are the tip of the “lead-berg” in terms of questions, as I wanted to get you thinking…

You can literally ask anything you like OR you can listen in and find out a ton about lead.

Come along for our live Q&A to address your 2022 lead poisoning questions.

This year is the 10th Anniversary of ILPPW, so be sure to come along!

Want your place assessed for lead? Reach out here.

#BanLeadPaint #LeadPoisoning #ILPPW2022

Spring Healthy Home Threats

Spring Healthy Home Threats… in Every Home

Although it's my favourite season, Spring healthy home threats can be found in every home.

I love the palpable buzz of new life and energy. When we’re surrounded by colour as flowers burst open, and there are fledgling birds all around.

Here in Melbourne, it is considered the most variable of the seasons – I’m sure this is the season that inspired Crowded House’s “Four Seasons in One Day.”

And, like for every season, there are healthy home threats that are closely matched with this one.

What is a “healthy home threat”?

A healthy home threat is anything that interferes with the good work we’re doing to create a healthy home. It could be an allergen, a rise in relative humidity, a leak, new paint, a new technology – there are so many possibilities.

Which Challenges Does Spring Bring?

Spring brings with it longer days (with the sun rising earlier and setting later) as well as warmer days. In many areas, the winds pick up. And when I lived in the Blue Mountains, I braced for “thunderstorm season,” as I called it.

It’s important to understand how the season causes us to change our behaviour, as this can give us clues about what may pose a risk to our great efforts in creating a healthy home.

As Spring gains momentum, we tend to:

  • Get outside more
  • Open the windows to let the warmth in
  • Continue to use heating (as the days are still cool, and vary a lot)
  • Bring flowers inside
  • Get out into the garden
  • Plant vegetables, herbs and flowers
  • Some of us partake in the traditional “Spring Clean”

Let’s now explore how these changes can become Spring healthy home threats.

spring healthy home threats - eco health solutions

Mould Spores

Variations in temperature throughout the day, and also from room to room can create opportunities for mould to grow.

Another change is the increased ventilation as we open up to welcome in the warmth and beautiful Spring air.

Spring Cleaning results in us pulling furniture out, cleaning, sorting through items that may have been untouched for some time.

It’s important to remember that mould releases spores when there are any changes to its environment.

Releasing spores is how mould manages to spread and survive “attacks,” and we need to keep this in mind. 


  1. Aim to keep temperatures throughout your home as consistent as possible – opening ALL windows and doors can be part of this strategy.
  2. Use air purifiers, particularly when Spring Cleaning. (This one is the bee's knees in terms of powerfully cleaning the air.)
  3. Wear a mask when Spring Cleaning.
  4. Use microfibre cloths when cleaning surfaces.
  5. If you find mould, check this post out for my dos and don’ts.
        spring healthy home threats - eco health solutions 4

        Dew Point

        Building materials having different temperatures can create the possibility of dew point being reached within the building. I know that sounds technical, but bear with me as I translate this.

        When dew point is reached, moisture in the air can condense on a cool surface – this could be on a wall or ceiling, or within the structure of the building itself. 

        Obviously then, this creates moisture. And, as I always say, mould is a moisture issue.

        In my years of assessing homes, I’ve seen some dramatic differences in the temperature of building materials, and have frequently found “hidden mould” in brand new builds.


        1. When heating your home, heat your entire home, and keep indoor doors open to help the temperature stay even throughout.
        2. Keep furniture at least 10cm away from exterior walls so that the walls maintain a consistent temperature.
        3. Ensure that your building is insulated properly – that the entire wall, ceiling or floor is insulated, and it has not been installed in a patchy way.
        4. Keep an eye out for condensation – and dry it off as soon as you see it with a microfibre cloth. If it’s on the ceiling or high window, you can use a flat mop, rather than climbing on a ladder.
        5. Watch the relative humidity – the more moisture in the air, the greater potential for condensation to form. Hygrometers are ideal for this.
            spring healthy home threats - eco health solutions (3)

            Pollen and Microbes

            Spending time outside can see an increase in exposure to pollen as dormant plants spring into life – which is a huge problem for people with seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and also asthmatics.

            And of course, the increased winds can cause pollen to travel…

            And because gardening involves stirring up the soil, we can inadvertently be exposed to various microbes in the soil.


            1. Be aware of allergenic pollen in your area, check out this pollen calendar.
            2. If you have allergies (known or suspected) to pollen, then keep the windows closed, stay indoors, and keep your air purifier nearby.
            3. Check pollen alerts (you can get local apps for these).
            4. Keep an eye out for thunderstorm asthma alerts, too (I think mould is part of this picture, not just pollen, but that is yet to be proven).
            5. When you are out and about (including gardening), wear a mask, and consider protective eyewear.
            bed healthy home - eco health solutions

            House Dust Mites

            With the changing temperatures, we’re often caught out at night – either being too hot or too cold… 

            This can cause us to perspire (or sweat) a lot overnight – which is just what house dust mites want.

            House dust mites soak up moisture through their skin, and, a bit like mould, can thrive in moisture environments.


            1. Check the predicted overnight temperature before going to bed, and adjust your bedding accordingly.
            2. Pull the covers back to air your bed through the day – there’s no need to make it!
            3. When changing the sheets, vacuum your mattress while it's still warm.
            4. Wash your bedding often and dry them out in the sun.
            5. Read this post for extra information on house dust mites.
            rainbow lorikeets spring - eco health solutions (2)

            Spring Healthy Home Threats… now under control!

            There you have it, healthy home threats that are unique to Spring… and most importantly, steps that you can take to protect your health.

            If you’d like any help with this – then you can book a call with me, I’d be more than happy to help solve your healthy home issues.

            Spring is the BEST time to create new routines…

            I've created a course that is for people just like you – keen to understand healthy homes at a deeper level… and to take more action.

            Having a home assessment is one thing (a good place to start) –

            Actually having a plan to move forward and maintain your home so that it supports your health is essential.

            And that what this course is – your step-by-step, easy to implement healthy home action plan. 

            Maintaining a Healthy Home

            I've reduced the price to just $97 AUD to support and empower you on your healthy home journey.

            Mould: Dos and Don’ts

            Mould: Dos and Don'ts

            There is a lot of information and misinformation about mould as science is working to understand it and its effects on health and wellbeing. Here are my Mould Dos and Don’ts to help clear things up. Before we dive in, let’s acknowledge some facts about mould.

            Mould is Majestic

            If you haven’t seen this video, please take a moment to watch fungi (mould is fungi) before continuing… It’ll make it clear why I say mould is majestic.

            Mould plays an important role within our planet. However, we don’t want it in our homes.

            Just like a caterpillar is amazing, but not in our salad!

            Mould is Mighty

            Mould is mighty in that it has well-developed strategies to survive multiple forms of attack and to keep its species going.

            The main strategy is to release spores any time it feels threatened.

            You could say that it’s a bit highly strung, because it feels threatened any time any of the following are changed.

            • Moisture
            • Temperature
            • Air movement
            • Light 

            If you’re a note-taker – then jot that down. 😉

            Mould is Monstrous

            Mould can cause incredible damage to our buildings – as by nature, its role is to break down materials. 

            And, it’s very good at this.

            It has also been linked to an array of health issues

            Mould is a Moisture Problem

            Mould needs something to grow on, food (simplest for them are cellulose-based materials such as wood, paper, fabrics) and moisture.

            Moisture can come in the form of rain, a burst pipe, condensation, increased humidity levels, a spill, and so on.

            Mould Dos and Don’ts #1 – Don’t fall for the quick-fix of just cleaning mould off a surface

            I get it – cleaning mould off a surface is much easier (emotionally and financially) than replacing plasterboard and more.

            However, unless it’s only superficial mould, this isn’t going to address the problem.

            What do I mean by “superficial mould”?

            What I mean here is that the mould is literally only on the surface – it hasn’t gone deep and is not growing IN a substrate or material.

            An example of this would be mould on a window pane, having formed because of condensation. Or mould on the ceiling of the bathroom that’s caused by poor ventilation – this would be in the early stages only.

            In these cases, cleaning mould off a surface is acceptable.

            And from there, you need to prevent the area being wet – so drying off the windows each day, or installing an extractor fan that dumps the hot moist air from your shower outside your building.

            Yet in many cases, mould isn’t superficial.

            And therefore, the cause needs to be addressed, and the mouldy material needs to be properly cleaned or replaced.

            Mould Dos and Don’ts #2 – Don’t Use Vinegar OR Bleach to “Clean” Mould

            I’m often asked, especially by journalists, to comment on vinegar (or bleach) as the go to clean mould off a surface…

            And as I tell them, it’s not about the product, it’s the technique.

            In a recent article, journalist Livia Gamble quoted me like this:

            “I can’t emphasise enough the cleaning technique is what works best – not a product,” she says.

            “The detergent-water solution will kill mould, and adding thyme and oregano essential oils will increase its effectiveness. 

            “However, it is the use of microfibre cloths and vacuum cleaners with true HEPA filters that can remove the mould.”

            ~ Lucinda Curran, quoted by Livia Gamble in Better Homes and Gardens

            What’s wrong with vinegar?

            The vinegar we can buy is very dilute, and then people often suggest a further 70:30 dilution. Basically, you end up adding more moisture to the mouldy area – which makes no sense when you know that mould is a moisture issue.

            What’s wrong with bleach?

            Bleach is to be avoided at all times. 

            All bleach does is whitens mould – so you can’t see it for a while, usually a few weeks.

            It also is carbohydrate-based, so provides a food source for mould.

            So what do you do?

            Mould Dos and Don’ts #3 – Do Use a Detergent Solution to Clean Mould

            I shared my method with Better Homes and Gardens:

            mould dos and donts eco health solutions

            What you'll need:

            • dishwashing detergent
            • two microfibre cloths – microfibre cloths are designed to pick things up off a surface, as opposed to regular cloths, which just smear them around. 
            • thyme or oregano essential oils (optional)
            • water.


            • To clean the surface, mix up dishwashing detergent with warm water.
            • Lucinda recommends adding essential oils, like oregano and thyme, to the soapy water mix to “supercharge the effect”. 
            • Dip into the soapy solution using microfibre cloths square* and wipe down the surface. After you have used each square on both sides to remove mould, Lucinda says to throw it out. This is to avoid cross-contamination and causing the mould to spread.

            *To clarify – 

            I recommend buying some cheap microfibre cloths from the hardware store – as they are going to be treated as “single use items.”

            Cut each one up into smaller piece to minimise waste.

            Use both sides of one smaller piece (or square) – without double-dipping, and then discard it.

            A key point is not to cross contaminate.

            “Always keep cross-contamination in mind – as it is easy to spread mould from one area to another, and cause it to release spores which will help it to spread.” (Gotta love it when the really important messages make it into an article!)

            This is also why we’re not double-dipping and we’re disposing of each square of cloth that is used.

            Mould Dos and Don’ts #4 – Don’t Put Additive in Your Paint

            I’ve seen fungicides and “mildewcides” recommended to deal with mouldy ceilings.

            This is a massive no-no.

            Please don’t do it.

            Anything that ends with “-cide” means it is designed to kill.

            Fungicides are designed to kill fungi – mould is a fungi. 

            “Mildewcide” would be designed to kill mildew – which is mould, which is fungi. So another word for the same thing.

            What’s wrong with these?

            Simply put, these are like antibiotics… and can result in the mould equivalent of “superbugs.”

            Mould is tough enough on our health, our buildings and to get rid of without having it mutate further into resistant strains…

            So, address the issue, don't just paint over it.

            Where’s the moisture coming from? 

            What’s been wet?

            Is everything dry?

            This is a complex area, and that’s why there are IICRC-trained mould remediation professionals.

            Mould Dos and Don’ts #5 – Do Ventilate Your Home, Daily!

            Ventilation dilutes indoor air contaminants, exchanging the air, and bringing fresh clean air into your home.

            You may have seen statistics saying that indoor air can be 5-10 times more polluted than outdoor air. This is often due to a lack of ventilation.

            (On that note, having an air purifier running 24/7 is NOT a substitute for ventilation.)

            While it is an amazing thing to do, it won’t solve mould issues, instead it will help you to manage them.

            What’s the best way to ventilate your home?


            Go around your home opening every single door and window (internal and external). Wait 2 minutes, then close them again (if you choose).

            Do this as often as possible.

            Mould – Just the Facts

            So there you have 5 Mould Dos and Don’ts. 

            Whilst I know there’s a lot to digest here, there’s so much more to it…

            And if you’re keen to go deeper and learn about how to clean up your belongings (YES you can clean many things, not everything has to be turfed out), then enrol in my Dealing With Mould course for just $147 AUD – this is a game-changer, and is full of practical tips for you based on my training and experience in the field.

            I’d love to see you there.

            Winter Healthy Home Threats

            Winter Healthy Home Threats Occur in Every Home

            Winter with its cold and often wetter weather presents unique healthy home threats that differ from other seasons throughout the year.

            What is a healthy home threat?

            A healthy home threat is something that challenges our efforts in creating a healthy home. It might be something that undermines what we’ve done, or perhaps something that needs to be considered to prevent issues.

            Which Challenges Does Winter Bring?

            I like to start with looking at the way that our behaviours change with the seasons, as well as the climatic conditions. 

            The drop in temperatures, the increase in rain in many parts of the country, the advent of snow in the ranges, and the shorter daylight hours tend to see us:

            • Be indoors more of the time
            • Use heating
            • Perhaps light the fire, especially for date night 
            • Close windows and doors to keep the cold out and heat in
            • Draw curtains and blinds for more hours due to the earlier sunset
            • We wear more layers of clothing
            • Our clothes are thicker 
            • We may need to dry our clothes inside due to inclement weather
            • We often eat soups, stews and roasts – making the most of our ovens
            • Some people bathe more often or take longer and hotter showers to warm up

             You may be surprised to discover that all of these behaviours can create healthy home threats.

             Let’s take a look at the threats and what can be done to reduce any issues.

            frost on green leaves - winter healthy home threats

            Reduced Indoor Air Quality

            When we “close up” our homes (closing windows and keeping doors shut) to keep the heat in, we’re reducing the number of times that the air is exchanged. This means that the air doesn’t get diluted often, if at all, which can result in reduced indoor air quality.

            What happens is that VOCs, gases and other contaminants build up in the air. Oxygen levels often are reduced and carbon dioxide can increase – leading to feelings of sleepiness.

            Ventilation is key.


            1. The simplest thing to do is to leave windows open just a tiny bit, as long as it is safe to do so, can dilute the air well.
            2. Regularly opening windows and doors several times throughout the day will exchange the air, and I recommend that this is done at least 3 times a day, and preferably every hour or two.
            3. If it isn’t possible to do this 2-3 times a day, then an air purifier would also assist.

            Carbon Monoxide Build-Up

            There’s a big difference between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. 

            Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the gases that we exhale. 

            Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly gas that comes from combustion – gas appliances are one of the biggest contributors to CO levels within our homes. Cars are another big source, which is why I don’t like people idling their cars in their garages or driveways.

            Since we’re using gas appliances more during winter – heating, cooking, hot showers – there’s an increased risk.


            1. Have your gas appliances checked by a licensed gas fitter every autumn so that they are ready for use in winter.
            2. Ventilate your home often – as discussed above.
            3. Avoid idling your car in the garage or driveway.

            Poor Outdoor Air

            The levels of outdoor air pollution can become very high in areas where people rely on wood fires for heating.

            The smoke produced by wood fires can contain formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, chemicals (some of which are known carcinogens) and fine particulate matter. 

            According to the Environment & Human Health Inc. (n.d.) wood smoke “interferes with normal lung development in infants and children… can depress the immune system… [and, according to the WHO] can cause coughs, headaches, eye and throat irritation in otherwise healthy people.” 

            Whilst enclosed wood fires, such as Coonaras, don’t release the pollutants indoors, they are still released outdoors, and can readily affect your neighbours, particularly who are sensitive and/or have asthma or other respiratory complaints.


            1. Avoid using wood fires.
            2. Rug up and/or be physically active – this is a great time of year to get big gardening jobs done.
            3. Invest in an air purifier to help clean your indoor air.

            Increased Moisture Levels

            Did you know that “occupant activity” is one a big factor in indoor moisture levels?

            The obvious ones are bathing, drying clothes, and stovetop cooking. However, occupant activities that increase moisture also include using gas appliances, breathing and sweating (or perspiring).

            Given we tend to not only wear more layers in winter, but also the layers are thicker, they take longer to dry. As a result, many people dry them inside near a source of heat, or pop them in the clothes dryer.

            Combine our tendency to be indoors in winter with these activities, then add to it the closed windows and doors, you can see how quickly moisture levels can increase.


            1. Monitor the levels of relative humidity with a hygrometer – we’re aiming for 45-55% RH; 50% RH is ideal.
            2. Use extractor fans when cooking, bathing or laundering. 
            3. If your extractor fans don’t vent to the outside, or you don’t have efficient ones, then a dehumidifier can be useful.
              clothes dryer and shelves - winter healthy home threats

              Mould on Windows & Curtains

              In the cooler months, many people report condensation on windows and glass doors especially in the mornings.

              This happens because glass changes temperature quickly, and moisture in the air condenses out of it, forming condensation on this, and other, cold surfaces.

              It is due to the presence of this moisture that mould can readily form on blinds or curtains that touch the glass, and even on the glass itself.


              1. Dry your windows daily with a dry bamboo microfibre cloth.
              2. Dry glass that is high up using a flat mop.
              3. Leave your windows open a little to equalise the temperature.

              Increased Exposure to EMF/EME

              Spending more time indoors can also increase your exposure to EMF/EME if you have wi-fi or use wireless devices.

              Wireless technology is used in smart meters, Bluetooth equipment, smartphones and tablets, 3G, 4G & 5G, phone towers, home stereo systems, and more.


              1. Head outdoors to “discharge” and “ground.”
              2. Do without wi-fi and other wireless devices.
              3. Turn the wi-fi and wireless devices on only when you need them, ensuring they are off while you sleep.


              home office - winter healthy home threats

              As you can see, 

              Winter Healthy Home Threats Occur in Every Home – to Varying Degrees

              I trust that you are feeling empowered to take the relevant action in your home.


              If you’d like to get some advice on this, then please book a call.

              How to Avoid Renovation Health Hazards

              How to Avoid Renovation Health Hazards

              Applying a little foresight and forward planning can help to prevent renovation health hazards. Through the past decade, I have found that many of my clients have experienced health issues due to factors in their homes, I call these hidden hazards.

              In order to equip you with information and strategies while renovating your home, I am going to share with you 5 of the common hazards… and give you strategies on how you can tackle them safely and effectively.


              I'd say mould is a “complex beast.” Here are some key points in a nutshell:

                • Ultimately, mould is a moisture issue. If there’s mould, there has been moisture. Conversely, if something is wet for long enough (48 hours) you can have mould.
                • There are over 100,000 different types of mould, it comes in many colours and has many different moisture requirements.
                • It’s a myth that mould only grows in cold, dark places. Mould spores are present everywhere and can become active when there is enough moisture present.
                • Mould can be actively growing, yet be invisible and/or have no odour.
                • It’s also a myth that only mould that is black can cause problems to health.
                • Not everyone reacts the same way to mould. People can be allergic to it, or become sensitised over time. Others may have an immune system that can deal with it without them even realising it!
                • Mould can grow in all sorts of places – even in areas that you can’t see.

              The biggest factor when it comes to renovation health risks is that any time you disturb mould, it releases spores. This means any changes to moisture levels, light, temperature, air movement, as well as physically disturbing it, can result in mould releasing spores.

              Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of water, mould or damage: wood with “wood rot” (a.k.a. “water damage”), a “high tide mark” in the subfloor and on the stumps, brown stains (typically on ceilings and walls), paintwork that is peeling, cracked or bubbling, and swollen wood (door jambs, cabinetry, kickboards). 

              If you spot any of these, get in touch so I can advise on how to best manage the situation.


              Asbestos is a material that most of us have heard of. I am sure you also know of the health risks, like mesothelioma that can result from asbestos exposure.

              However, it is important to know that asbestos does not pose any health risk if it isn’t damaged or disturbed. Which means, you can live in a 1950s home and have no asbestos-related issues if you don’t make holes in the walls or renovate. This is great news – except if you do want to renovate.

              Here are some facts about asbestos.

                • It’s strong, heat resistant and durable
                • It was used in a vast range of materials for many decades,
                • The peak usage of asbestos was 1950s-1970s,
                • Asbestos was banned in 2003, and
                • It is impossible to know if a material contains asbestos simply by looking at it.

              Apart from “Hardie Boards”, cement-lined asbestos pipes and roof tiles, asbestos was used in electrical cable casing (this is the braided one), window sashes on hung windows, slagging, old laundry tubs, carpet underlays, tiles, bakelite materials and so many other materials.

              If your home was built before 2003 and you are planning on a renovation, engage a licensed asbestos inspector to conduct a “demolition survey.”


              Lead has also been widely used in a number of products, and was only phased out from use in paint as recently as 2010. Whilst leaded paint, like asbestos, when it isn’t disturbed poses little risk – if it is sanded or peeling, it can be particularly hazardous to health.

              There are often no symptoms of lead poisoning for some years – and common long term effects of lead poisoning include loss of libido, reduced sperm count, lowered IQ, Alzheimer's Disease, hearing loss, joint pain, stroke, and has been linked to many “diseases of ageing.”

              Lead can be present in our homes in paint, solder, flashing (which can get into tank water), lead dust (from busy roads and industry) which can get into the soil or roof space, and even lead lighting.

              What is important to know with lead is that the “spot tests” that you can get at hardware stores are extremely unreliable. It is for this reason that they are not something that I recommend. Instead, you can get samples analysed by an accredited laboratory. 

              If you suspect lead might be present then take extra care:

                • wear a respirator,
                • gloves and coveralls,
                • avoid dry sanding,
                • avoid removing paint with heat guns,
                • manage the dust to prevent secondary contamination, and of course,
                • keep pets, pregnant women, young children and the elderly away from areas being renovated.

              For more information on lead, a top resource is LeadSafeWorld.

              renovation health risks


              Dust is certainly something you can certainly expect in any renovation. 

              But is dust safe?

              I always err on the side of caution, and I would say, “no.” Better safe than sorry, right?

              Dust can contain allergens such as house dust mites and pollen, but also lead and other heavy metals, asbestos, pesticides and herbicides (such as glyphosate), rodents, faeces, dander, frass and more.

              Two places where dust pose the biggest risks are carpets and the roof space.

              Any time you are doing anything involving the ceiling or roof space be sure to have the dust removed prior. This could be installing insulation to cutting out a piece to installing downlights, and so on.

              You can find specialists in dust removal at Australian Dust Removal Association.

              For carpets, I recommend that you spray them down with water, cut them into strips, roll each strip, wrap in a tarp and take it out to the skip. This will prevent dust becoming airborne as well as reduce the risk of spreading it through other parts of your home.

              And of course, personal protective equipment is always recommended!

              Plan Ahead and Avoid Renovation Health Hazards

              Whilst we know how easy it is to get swept up in the vision and planning… However, you are now armed with important information to protect yourself and your family from the most common renovation health hazards. 

              If you’d like advice on your particular situation, please book a call with me.

              Support Your Health by Creating a Healthy Home

              Perhaps you’ve heard about “healthy homes” and wondered how a home could support your health?

              Or maybe you’ve wondered what you could do to create a healthy home?

              And, if you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll likely just be eager for more strategies to support your health.

              Please know, that no matter where you’re at, every step you take is a step in the right direction.

              Let's get started.

              Does Your Home Support Your Health?

              It could be! You don’t have to be bed-bound to be experiencing the effects of hidden hazards in your home – you might be fit and well but feel a bit off at times.

              Since there are so many signs and symptoms which may suggest your home could be hampering your health, and many of these may also have medical causes… The best thing to do is to start by observing.

              Here’s my key question: do you feel better when away from your home?

              From my experience with clients over the last 9 years, the vast majority have reported that when they spend time away from their homes, their symptoms become less severe. For some, it’s almost instant. For others, it is gradual.

              What are some of the common symptoms when your home doesn't support your health?

              Given we’re all different, these will vary from person to person. However, here are some of the more common symptoms.

              • Headaches
              • Sore and/or dry eyes
              • Poor sleep
              • Heightened levels of stress or agitation
              • Sore and/or tight muscles
              • Feeling not quite right (aka malaise)
              • Foggy or muddled head
              • Low energy
              • Vertigo or losing balance (only when at home)
              • Grinding or clenching teeth (aka bruxism)
              • Runny nose
              • Depression, anxiety, rage, angry outbursts

              Please remember, there can also be medical causes for some of these, and these should also be ruled out – as some of the medical causes could be sinister.

              Let me tell you about Beth and Jo

              Beth and Jo were renting, and not long after moving into their new place, they began to feel unwell. Things got worse day by day, and eventually they both needed time off from work.

              Alarm bells started to ring for them when they found they felt worse when resting at home.

              Jo spent the days outside weathering the cold Melbourne winter.

              Beth felt so bad at home, she opted not to take time off – the fact was, she felt better there anyway.

              When I attended their home, it was clear that they had some big issues with water ingress and mould. They decided to break their lease and get out of there A.S.A.P.

              For Beth and Jo the link was super obvious. However, for many people, the changes can be subtle and not so readily noticed.

              Let's consider some easy (and free) ways that you can get started on right away.

              Cap Screen Time

              Studies have established there is a variety of adverse health effects linked to screen time. Apart from the more obvious ones such as dry eyes, there can be a range of other effects.

              The effects of shortwave light (SWL) from the LED lights in screens was studied by Israeli researchers, Green, et al, in 2017. They discovered that 2 hours of evening device use resulted in increased wakefulness at night, low-quality sleep, and suppressed melatonin production.

              But wait – there’s more!

              The research team also noticed symptoms the next day, including an elevated level of sleepiness, a decrease in the capacity to concentrate, poor mood, and reduced performance levels when performing actions.

              What also came to light (excuse the pun!) was that dimming the lights on the screen didn't make much difference to the aftereffects that they had observed.

              Here’s what I recommend –

              Reducing screen time in the evening by setting a curfew. In my home, we started by selecting a time that worked for everyone to “down phones/devices.” For us, it's 7:00PM. Find a time that works for your household and stick to it.

              Clean Your Air

              Australians spend between 90 and 95 percent of their time indoors (State of Knowledge, 2001).

              Knowing this can help us to understand the important role which our homes (and offices) have in our wellbeing.

              I was shocked to discover that many people rarely open windows and doors, and that occupants rely on the heating and cooling systems to control the indoor environment.

              This means that the indoor air is rarely (if ever) exchanged, and the result is that indoor air contaminants continuously increase. Often, too, I’ve seen a decrease in oxygen levels and an increase in carbon dioxide. There are statistics around that show that indoor air can be 5-10 times more polluted than outdoor air.

              Ventilation is key and done regularly, will allow indoor air to be exchanged with and refreshed by outdoor air.

              The quickest and easiest way to do this is to do a lap of your home, opening every single door and window. It can take as few as 2 minutes to exchange the air in your home. It is ideal to do this hourly.

              Down the Device

              Various exciting technologies over the last 15 years have made it easier for people to be hooked on their devices. Have you noticed anytime you have a question, you reach for your device and search for an answer?

              We've already touched on the shortwave light from LEDs in screens, but there’s more to it than that.

              Our energy, emotional and mental health can take a whack with the constant pings and interruptions when we’ve got an email, SMS or a notification from an app or social media. Our sleep is easily affected when we’ve seen/heard something distressing right before bed.

              One of my guiding principles is “the precautionary principle.” This means that something has to be proven to be safe, and unless it has, then I limit use or access to it.

              So while the scientists re debating the semantics about health vs biological effects, I choose to minimise my exposure to wireless radiation.

              Apart from the potential health risks, there are the mental and emotional health risks that most have already experienced. On top of this, I value quiet time to reflect, form my own opinions, and rest my eyes from the eternal scrolls…

              Thus, I recommend choosing times in your day where you are without your devices.

              Instead, you could go for a walk in nature (and bring in the many health benefits of Shin-Rin Yoku, or “forest bathing”), read a book or magazine, play a board game, draw, dance, sing, play… I’m sure you can easily find joyful ways to spend your time.

              BONUS TIP: Have a look at your screen time (your device measures this) and multiply it by 365 to see just how many hours (or weeks!!) you’re spending with your device. Then ponder what else you could do with that time.

              Creating a Healthy Home Can Support Your Health and Wellbeing

              Create an oasis for yourself at home in which you can feel safe, nourished, and happy…

              Knowing that your home does support your health.

              You can do this!

              And if you want my help…

              And if you'd like more tips, check this out.

              Shielded Canopies Considerations

              Shielding and Shielded Canopies are something that I am often asked about – and why I list only a few shielding products for the building on my website.

              The reason for this is that shielding needs to be done with great care – and is unique to each site.

              For me, providing shielding of any sort is a duty of care, which is why assessment and consultation is necessary.

              Shielded Canopies – What Are They?

              Shielded Canopies are canopies that are generally hung over and around beds to address electromagnetic fields/energy (EMF/EME) from various sources. They can be used over desks, couches, and anywhere else that you spend time.

              They can be a fabulous option to reduce levels of different types of EMF/EME when planned and installed correctly.

              I wanted to share three of the biggest considerations when thinking about getting a Shielded Canopy.

              Shielded Canopy Considerations

              1) Natural Radiation and Faraday Cages

              The very first consideration is the important of exposure to natural radiation from the earth and from space. These natural sources of radiation are extremely important for health.

              Many people decide that they need to be in a Faraday Cage – this is not something I recommend. This is because being in a Faraday cage, means to be cut off all forms of electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic fields.

              Studies have been done that demonstrate that rats and mice when placed into a Faraday cage – and cut off from all radiation, including natural – lived extremely short lives.

              To reiterate, being exposed to natural radiation is good for us.

              That said, there are some instances where shielding is a really great option. However, as mentioned, it needs to be done very carefully. If you do go with a canopy, you will need to spend time outside maintain some level of exposure to natural levels of radiation.

              2) Sources of EMF/EMR/EME

              Now the second thing is to consider the sources of electromagnetic fields or electromagnetic energy (EMF or EME).

              Shielding tends to address two types of EMF/EME.

              a) Wireless technology (RF) – such as phone towers, wi-fi routers, wi-fi from neighbouring buildings, smart phones, and similar.

              b) AC ELF Electric Fields (EF) – which comes from wiring, cables, appliances, powerlines, transformers, and so on.

              It's essential to determine where the sources are.

              This is crucial, because when we refer to the first consideration – the need to be exposed to natural radiation, it becomes clear that it’s preferable to only block the sources, and not create a Faraday Cage.

              Once the sources have been identified, the planning and placement of shielding needs to be done with great care so that it doesn’t increase your exposure.

              If placed in the wrong position, your shielding canopy could result in other sources bouncing off it and at you.

              It is important to realise that shielding fabrics work on both sides.

              Therefore, it is essential to consider and understand where the sources are so that you can get it right.

              This is where getting expert help is advised – and I can help you with that.

              3) Choosing the Right Fabric

              Finally, the third consideration is equally important – and that is getting the type of shielding fabric right.

              There are a multitude of different fabrics designed to shield EMF/EME.

              Some will work at low levels with the source being close and others may work at high level.

              And in some cases, layering is important as this may increase its effectiveness.

              Another part of this is to be clear on which type of EMF/EME the fabric addresses.

              Does it shield electric fields as well?

              In which case, grounding the fabric is not negotiable. That said, I do recommend the grounding all shielding fabrics that are near you.

              I've been to several places where somebody installed a shielding canopy over their bed and although it did deflect the radio frequencies very well, it was attracting the electric fields to it. The result was that the levels of electric fields on the bed were about 30 or 40 times higher than what they were when you were away from the canopy.

              As you can see, it’s important to understand the type of fabric and how it works. 

              Shielding is a complex area – a science and an art form.

              If you would like advice on Shielding Canopies, let’s talk.

              Lead and Sound Healing

              Lead and Sound Healing – Let's talk about the “unexpected” link.

              (As well, this may help to explain why I now include Sound Healing in my services.)

              Lead and other heavy metals can be taken up and stored in the body. 

              Source of lead include paint, solder in pipes, ceiling dust, and more! So, it really is so ubiquitous in our environment.

              Lead can lead to all sorts health problems…

              And we see an array of health issues come about as we age, and this can be due our bones becoming more porous, and therefore stored lead and other toxicants can be released…

              Lead is implicated in lowered IQ, fertility issues and the “diseases of ageing.”

              I was pondering this as I was deciding what my entry into this year's Volcano Art Prize (hosted by The Lead Education and Abatement Design (LEAD) Group Inc. and Lead-Safe World) – a competition that endeavours to spread lead-safe messages through art.

              So what's the link between Lead and Sound Healing?

              We have all been exposed to lead (and other toxicants) in our lifetimes.

              Our bodies store many of these toxicants… until it can naturally detoxify.

              Stress impairs our ability to detoxify.

              So, since Sound Healing triggers relaxation, this can result in lowered stress levels.

              This in turn frees up the body to detoxify. 

              Which can all result in lowering our toxic load – and this could include lead.

              So, my entry for the Volcano Art Prize focused on this.

              And it was one of the winning entries. 

              Here's the mug with the photo I entered and the lead-safe message.

              Check out this short explanation…

              lead safety

              And just for fun! 😉

              A big thanks to The LEAD Group, and in particular Elizabeth O'Brien for her amazing work in this area.

              #health #environment #leadpoisoning #leadsafety #soundhealing #benefitsofsoundhealing #stress #detoxification #VolcanoArtPrize #TheLEADGroup #LeadSafeWorld