Mould Dead and Alive

Mould Dead and Alive

Mould dead or alive can be a problem.

There are many ways to kill mould, but this does not make it safe for your health.

Dead mould is called “unviable” and alive mould is called “viable.”

Mould is everywhere, however only about 25% of the spores are viable. The rest aren't, which means they are dead.

In terms of health, mould, viable or not, is a problem.

Parts of mould break off, these are called hyphae.

There are spores released to start new colonies. Some contain mycotoxins and others contain microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs).

Some moulds are particularly irritating, allergenic or problematic for health.

Yet for people who are sensitive or sensitised to mould, ANY mould can be a problem.

Here's a video that I did… Mould Unwanted: Dead or Alive

Please excuse the start where the writing is mirrored – I hadn't realised it would do that. 🙂


In my years, I have assessed a lot of places (hundreds of them). In many I have found mould, dead and alive.

Mould is often not visible – and can also be hidden.

Remember, mould doesn't have to be alive to be an issue.

The first part of a water damage and mould Indoor Environmental Health Assessment is the visual inspection. My eyes are trained, and I can easily spot potential issues.

If you would like to have an assessment, please go ahead and book your virtual Indoor Environmental Health Assessment with me – I would be happy to assist you.


If anything becomes wet, it needs to be dried within 48 hours.

This includes a spill on a rug, a burst pipe or even the laundry.

There are many ways that we can create enough moisture to support the growth of mould. As such, you need to be mindful.

You can read more about that here.